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Handsome Rob

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Posts posted by Handsome Rob

  1. Here's what I had back in England. Had to sell it before we moved here. Stupid Import laws stopped me from shipping it over :D

    1999 Yamaha Wildstar, bored out to 2.2 litre, gas flowed heads, polished ports & high lift cams. Lowered the frame & widened the back end (a little :D) I did all the engine work myself along with all the frame mods, forward controls, pipes, the seat & bars + all the little fiddly bits you don't notice, way too many to list! (My trade, if I were to have one, is a custom bike builder. Did nothing but build bikes from 19 to 26 years old) The wheels were custom made for me, to my specs, by Thunderbike in Germany. Cost more than the original bike!

    I still feel sick that I don't have her to ride. I ended up having to sell her for about a tenth of her value.





  2. Good job Brother! January 6th is 5 years for me. I used the patches rather than going it cold, but it still ain't a walk in the park. If I never do anything else worthwhile in my life, I can still look back on quitting the cigs & be proud.Be warned, however. The first & second week is tough, real tough & it gets easier after that,but beware the 3-month monkey. After a while you'll get the urge, but not the craving, to 'Just have the one'. FIGHT IT like you've never fought before. The bastard got me twice before I finally managed to overcome my own mind & that was possibly the toughest part of all. Not getting over needing to smoke, but getting over wanting to smoke.Stick with it though, it's definately worth the effort!I take my hat off you.

    p.s. If this is your first time trying to quit, don't be ashamed if you don't manage it. I'm sure you will, you've made it this far, (My first attempt 'cold' I lasted 4 days & got into 2 fist-fights!) but there is no shame at all in not getting it on your first attempt. In all honesty, it strengthens your resolve & prepares you for the second attempt. You know how it'll feel & how it'll affect you & you can mentally prepare yourself much more easily.

  3. Have you ever felt like standing up for your faith:koolaid:

    Have you? All I've seen so far is a load of rote-fashioned quotations. For the god's sake man, come up with your own arguments. Use your own brain. You may stand a better chance of converting someone with persuasive debate, rather than shouting meaningless scripture.

    Biblical scripture is only meaningful to those who already believe. To anyone else it's just archaic bollocks.

    Quit frothing & think for yourself.

  4. Well, I got some fantastic news yesterday. I went to the lease a friend of mine has (had) up near Decatur. It's a great little campsite, with 85 acres of real thick brush, cabins for ouruse & a bar! 4 of us spent a few hours hanging stands & clearing lanes. I joined in his lease this year, along with 3 other guys. We all met up at the bar afterwards for a few barley sodas & to discuss plans when the land owner came in. She very happily informed us that she's sold the land, banked our check & spent the money on a one-way plane ticket back to her family home in Wisconsin.

    I'd been banking on hunting this lease all season & now I'm stuck without anywhere to hunt, other than public land. I wasted 6 hours work, 5 hours round-trip driving, 3 tanks of diesel driving back & forth + $150 in lease fees. Awesome.

    So, does anyone know of any open leases around Franklin/Coffee/Lincoln/Moore/Grundy or Marion Counties, or possibly a hunt club I could join in with? I don't hunt with anything but traditional archery gear & traditional muzzleloaders & frankly, I'm not the best hunter in the world. Long on enthusiasm, short on talent, so I'm not going to clean up anyone's deer population!

    Really need y'alls help here guys!

  5. I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to the most; Meeting up with one of my best friends, my first sighting of The Rockies, the dry air, the hunting or the 2 day drive out there! I've never been further west than Crane, TX & I'm really anticipating getting to see more of this great country.

    I just hope I've got all my licenses & tags right. The WY Fish & Game regs are a nightmare to understand if you've never done it before!

  6. and that is why U.S is better than Europe. everybody belongs here.

    'cept people from;



    CHINA (mainland) - Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are eligible















    UNITED KINGDOM (and its dependent territories) - Northern Ireland are eligible GRRRRRRRR!!


    'cos we're all ineligible for a Green Card unless we're

    a) Married to a Citizen

    :poop: Multi Millionaires

    c) Employed by a US company that can prove that no US citizen can do the job

    d) Related by blood to a US citizen, or

    e) A refugee, informant or have helped the US to overthrow our own government

    However, I digress. Killer Of Death (said in a deep, gravelly voice) is still gayer than a 'frisco chorus line.

  7. Jamie, I didn't write this, it's quoted from a reply on another forum, but it's exactly what I was gonna type anyway, regarding the Universe as an Atom, Theory.

    "You're not the first person to wonder that. The first thing to remember with this line of thinking is that we have no information about anything "outside" of this universe (if such a place exists at all)...so we're mostly limited to speculation (imaginative and mathematical).

    In general, our universe does not seem to behave like a subatomic particle...so it's probably not...but then again, we cannot see our universe "from the outside".

    But, there are scientific speculations that our universe is but one in an infinite number of other, equally valid universes or that our universe is contained within a larger meta-universe. Interesting to think about...no hard evidence though. Check out the "many worlds" theory, M-theory (string theory), etc."

  8. Alright, lets make this simple!

    Did your bow evolve or did it have a maker

    How about your guns,cars,knives, cell phones etc.......

    Of course they were made by a creator:p They didn't just evolve out of nothing:screwy:

    Now! if they needed a creator than how much more would people need to have had a creator! Are you telling me that small junk made by humans can't evolve but we did, :(

    C'mon trig, you can do better than that. Things like that are created by a person, not a divine being. The designs & manufacturing materials & methods have obviously evolved & improved over time.

    Think before you drink before you post :hiding:

  9. FOSSIL YEARS: TENS, THOUSANDS OR MILLIONS?—Does fossilization really take millions of years?

    The fact that something is fossilized does not mean that it is millions of years old. In fact, scientists know that fossilization can take place rather rapidly under the right conditions; quick burial, the right amounts of water, and suitable minerals.

    Conditions for fossilization were ideal during the Flood. Researchers have discovered that bones, wood and other objects can fossilize in relatively short periods of time (e.g., 5 to100 years), if the conditions are right. Fossilization does not take millions, or even thousands, of years.

    I can show you fossils are here in TN, In a riverbed you can see the layers that cover them, they are shallow, plants that are easy to find

    That would be petrification, not fossilization. Petrification takes place when minerals are completely deposited on the outside of an object & take the form of the object they surround. Fossilization is a process of lithification & remineralisation by the surrounding minerals

    FYI: Mt St. Helens proved that wrong.

    Not really. That's like pouring concrete over something & calling it a fossil. Once again, Mt St. Helens remains are petrified, not fossilized. the remains were covered in hot volcanic ash & molten lava which hardened upon cooling, leaving mineral covered remains.


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