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Posts posted by Hozzie

  1. I have a whole house and large gas genset if needed.  I look at it like ammo, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

    I also live in a location where if something major happens I will be one of the last with power restored.  I prefer to be able to sleep in comfort regardless if it is 30 degrees or 100 degrees.  I also consider things like being able to run machinery if needed to fix things in a worst case.  

    I guess we each have our own tolerances.  The older I get, the less tolerance I have for inconvenience within my own home and property.



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  2. 1 hour ago, papa61 said:

    unless both factory mags are bad I don't think it's a mag issue. the Ruger mags are a bit wide but the feed lips are tight. By the way, stingers, winchester, remington and are all doing it. haven't had federal in a while. I'd love to try mini mag and federal match but good luck finding any.

    I would guess it's more of a follower issue and it not being at the optimum angle.  I would bend up the very tips of the magazine just a bit and see if it helps.

    Two different things of course, but if the follower can push the round up just slight more, it may solve the issue.

    • Like 2
  3. I haven't used the Waltz die, but did think about getting one simply to make some hunting rounds.  

    I only use match ammo in competition and for the most part shoot midgrade ammo (SK variants and CCI Standard velocity) for my plinking.  My plinking also mostly consists of shooting at targets for moderate accuracy/precision (NRL, Silhouettes, etc).

    At the end of the day, there is no solution to make cheap ammo shoot like expensive ammo.  People have tried all kinds of things including sorting based on weight, length, and even using something like the Waltz die.  It can possibly help make cheap ammo shoot closer to midgrade ammo, but the reason is in simplest terms round to round consistency.  The more expensive you get, the better round to round consistency you get (generalization, but mostly true).

    For what I do, even buying expensive ammo doesn't guarantee you anything.  It's really about ammo testing and finding lots of ammo that shoot best in that gun/barrel.  Every barrel/ammo combination is different.

    If I was looking to gain some accuracy at a lower cost, I would simply buy something like SK standard plus and even the Norma match has been pretty decent.  It all comes down to time for me.  I would rather shoot than spend time trying to filter out ammo hoping it helps.

    If you want to make your ammo better for hunting, the Waltz die is probably worth it.  

    As a side note, Bruno's has some cases of 22lr in stock.  I personally like SK Pistol Match overall.  Not the cheapest, but actually not terrible.  Normal price is around $680 for a case, so with free shipping $750 isn't terrible.


  4. Why do you think you need the longest OAL?  Or are you just looking for something that will cycle the bolt better?   You wouldn't catch me shooting stingers in any of my guns, but I am pretty picky.

  5. I am starting to believe a complete failure of the power grid may be a good thing for this country.  It would suck, but at least we wouldn't have to have everyone telling everyone else how they need to live their life.

    On a side note, I am flabbergasted that no one has managed to convince those that disagree with them that they are right.  Who would have thunk it.  Keep at it guys, I have faith someone will break the barrier soon!



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  6. Completely remove it from the dock and do that.  Have nothing connected to the laptop at all.  If the laptop screen doesn't come on after you hold down the power until it shuts off and then back on, something is wrong with the laptop.  It should always revert back to the laptop screen if it is connected to nothing else.


    You should absolutely see it loading the bios/splash screen as a minimum when it starts.

  7. Yes, it is 3 or 4 sections.  Much cheaper shipping that way (free) and it fits together very well. 

    I also put this on top as it's easier to do to start with 🙂 .  It has held up well so far.  I never trust solar lights to last long, but have been pleasantly surprised (it will now probably go out tonight).  Puts out quite a bit of light. 


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  8. I can highly recommend this.  Not cheap, but has held up through a lot of high winds.


    I had to double check the price.  Just two years ago I paid $440.  I expected a bit higher, but not twice the price.  No idea of they will come down, but I wanted something that I was pretty confident I wouldn't have to replace in a few years and it's made in the USA.  Wall thickness is what I would make sure is good.   


    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, A.J. Holst said:

    $2800 for 2 weeks of boarded, service dog training.

    Does this sound reasonable?


    No, and not because of the cost.  Unfortunately becoming an actual service dog takes months.  The actual cost isn't what bothers me, it's the idea that within two weeks any dog will be trained enough to make a difference.

    I think you have to go in with eyes wide open.  If you are expecting an actual service dog with the capabilities I think you are hoping for, then just buying a dog and sending it to training is not the answer.  If your expectations are that you are buying a pet with the hopes it could maybe help at some point down the road, then that is a leap of faith you are going to have to decide the risk on.

    What happens when that dog doesn't do what you want it to or to the level you were hoping?  I hope the answer isn't just get rid of it.  I am not trying to be negative, but a dog that can assist in the manner you are talking about is not just a dog you buy and train in a couple of weeks.  

    If you really need an assistance dog, talk to one of the organizations that does this professionally.  You will find that it takes a lot of time and money to get a true service dog.  It can't be a quick fix so to speak.

    A 'companion dog' is absolutely possible, but one that can help with any mobility issues is asking a lot from what is essentially a pet.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, FUJIMO said:

    People in general are increasingly nasty these days. I come home each night with a story to tell of some kind of rude occurrence. I believe a lot of it is social media "warriors" forgetting where they are.

    I couldn’t agree more.  Since the advent of social media, everyone thinks everyone else gives two ####s about their opinion.   


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  11. To be fair, Phil couldn't have teed up a better scenario if he had tried even harder.  Say what you want, but he would still be spouting off about not getting the vaccine if he hadn't got it and died.  I just can't help feeling too empathetic towards him on this.  I suspect his family had the same views, so sometimes you get what get.  

    That's not to say celebrate it, but also don't act like this is some tragedy.

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  12. I would say I can 'Farm Weld'.   I wish I could weld better, but it gets me by when needed.  I have a Mig, Tig/Stick, and Plasma cutter, so fun to play with.  I just cut up some 4x10 sheets of 1/4" steel with the plasma.  Definitely easiest way to do it for me.


    The bench is on a movable base I made.  Works good and gets it out of the way when needed.

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