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Everything posted by SHbicycle

  1. Considering he has Adamantium on his skeletal system and it virtually indestructible good luck with that.
  2. Chuck Norris round house kicked a zombie so hard one time that it killed all the zombies for 50 miles.
  3. We want even talk about Chuck Norris.
  4. Greetings Greg keep your powder dry
  5. Do you think Wolverine would hold up against a zombie attack? He has blades he can’t drop and the regenerating thing is good. Do you think he would become infected? Then you have Painkiller Jane, she’s pretty tough.
  6. OK could I keep a zombie if it was a midget and had no arm and teeth? What happens if they don't get anything to eat will they die?
  7. What do they have to say about keeping Zombie Grizzley Bears. I am Jonesing for some kind of Zombie I'm going over to gunbroker to see if I can get my mind off Zombies. Hey I just thought of something I will tell my wife we need a zombie and when we start talking about the danger of owning one I will bring up that a Wilson Protector is a lot safer to have around the house. It's easy to keep clean and you can take it for walks. The old bait and switch what ya think?
  8. Well what am i suppost to do with this zombie cage I got on craigs list? I guess I could put it on the Trading Post.
  9. So can you keep them as pets sort-of like a rattlesnake but a bigger cage?
  10. Looks like I will have to write in Goldwater.
  11. Welcome aboard now did you say you are selling the glock
  12. I wonder if they can make diapers out of it so you don’t have to change them so often.
  13. That must have been when Janet Reno was running ithe ATF.
  14. .54 plains rifle will flip a deer out to 150 yards. I built one back in the mid 80's and that is all I've used for deer.
  15. I have a real problem with Ruger since old Bill helped try to stop the importation of firearms back in the 80’s. After he did that I sold both of the rugers I had and have never got another one. I better stop now are this will go on for 6 pages.
  16. I use to live about a mile from CTD when it was a little 1 man shop that mainly carried knives and old surplus now it's about as big as a tracter supply store. When I'm back home I still go in and get ammo great bunch of people.
  17. You guys make me so nervous always watching me that’s why I forgot to put in the + are - $99,990.
  18. I would say about $100.000 from the description you gave.
  19. For as long as I can remember my dad has taught me to move as I am shooting. So most of the time I will practice with both hands and stepping side to side while moving forward. If I am shoot at targets for accuracy and speed I will go with the Modern Isosceles With that said I like the Will Smith way of diving through a door with 2 guns blazing.
  20. So if it is hunting season I can carry my model 700 into a federal building?
  21. My wife would make it quick and painless because with 2 boys in the house she has no time to mess around.
  22. Is this the one that will kill you in 7 days after you see it?
  23. One of the people in that was mowing my next door neighbor yard the other day.


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