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Posts posted by Hgunner

  1. Sure, they have the authority, no problem. Doesn't mean the current fee schedule is right.

    BTW, nice straw man you got there with the 'welfare' bit.

    Oh, sorry! I didn't realize that your singular experience means that you are now able to paint entire groups of people with one incredibly broad brush. OK, you win, poor people all have big screens and cars and accept welfare, they are unable to carry only because they choose not to.

    Thanks for enlightening us. :rolleyes:

    Have you ever been to a Mexico City slum? Have you seen a palistinian refuge camp up close. Have you been to South America and seen people living on trash heaps. We have the richest best taken care of poor in the whole wide world. Our poor would not be considered poor in most poor countries if not all poor countries.

  2. Just saying, been there, done that, too. To say all poor folks as 'having cars and big screen TV's, welfare and foodstamps' is unfair to folks who haven't had the breaks you and I have - I know tons of poor folks who struggle to keep a roof over their heads and feed their families, often without some of the basics that we consider necessities, in order to get by. Characterizing them as lazy or careless isn't fair.

    $200 is nothing to many of us nowadays, but for some folks it may as well be $20k or more. And the fact that they should have to 'save their money' in order to be able to legally protect themselves, as basic a right as there is, is a load of crap.

    Congrats on pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, but not everyone is able to do so. Not everyone who is poor is lazy, nor do all poor folks waste their money on luxuries.

    I guess what we need is another welfare program to pay for peoples permits, or maybe we should see about changing the laws, I was simply pointing out the legilatures authority to enact the laws as they have.

    Oh and by the , live in a project in the DC area, be a white man with a white wife and a white baby. You'll get motivated real damn fast to make a better life. Don't try and lecture me on being poor.

  3. You sound like someone who's never been poor.

    No, actually been there and done that and have bettered myself.

    Others can do it too if they want too. I've lived in the projects when younger, struggled raising a family, just like everybody else. There not anything that was untrue in my statement, sometimes it is simply a matter of what matters to you.

  4. Tennessee State Constitution

    § 26. Weapons; right to bear arms

    That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.

    It may seem unfair to the poor, but don't forget we have the richest best off poor in world. They have cars and big screen TV's,

    welfare and foodstamps. Saving for a permit and a handgun should not be a issue, but more a matter of priorities.

  5. Which truly is shocking when you consider that they take every opportunity to report all those gunfights in "bars" - oh, wait, there haven't been any. Hmmmm.

    Yeah, what happened to all the gunfights and shootings that were suppose to turn the state into Dodge City when shall issue carry was passed. Hasn't happened and that's what really upsets the Communist Appeal, Tyrantessean.

  6. I shoot reloads mostly, only thing lets shoot as much as I do. When I can find it I'll by Carry ammo in quantity. You have to test with what you carry and enough to trust it. I have heard but do not know if it is true, but i was told Federal pulled

    Hydra-Shok and HST of the civilan market and is LEO only now. This does not bode well with me as I'm a fan of 230gnr Hydra-shoks.

  7. So are the mags you use some kind of "one off" design or something? Wouldn't CMC's or Wilson's run in it?

    No, it would work fine with his mags and the wilson mags which are very similar, I however prefer CMC mags. It was hit and miss with CMC, especially if it was dirty. If it won't run filthy its not good enough in my opinion. He made me one like in his stainless guns which are a slightly different profile, don't ask me why. Now its 100% its gone thru 27 different CMC mags at least 5 times each, runs clean, runs dirty so its good to go IMHO.

  8. Sorry CK1....this country spent 40 plus years fighting the Marxist.

    They can only deceive with words, their actions prove their intent.

    The shady decietful way they handled this and passed it tells me all

    I need to know.

    The Marxist have nothing they can offer me that will change how i feel

    or cause me to alter or abandon my beliefs.

  9. Hi Willis68,

    Yeah he did, I talked with him for about 45 minutes one day and explained the issue

    and sent him the gun and he built me a slide stop profiled for my mags.

    You can get stuff like that done when you can talk to the man himself...:rolleyes:

  10. No.

    Think my point is that there is a significant portion of our local communities whose political views are being formed more by fiction than fact, and that one should be careful that some of the "passion" that is out there isn't a product of manipulation... Just pointing out that there are actual strategies at work that were designed and have been proven to do such things.

    O guess its only the evil racist Rebuplicanas that have strategies to manipulate the voter, gosh couldn't you have at least posted Rules for Radical by Saul Alinski as a Democratic strategy.

  11. Sorry no need to answer I re-read your post, we are suppost happily go along with

    Obamacare opps, Healthcare Reform. It would be one thing if it was about reforming

    the healthcare system. It is not it is the biggest power grab by Federal Government in our lifetime. It is about control and nothing else, and I don't feel like giving up anymore of my freedom.

  12. Next time I'm in KCMO, I'll check this place out, I get most of my stuff off of the thing called the internet or gun shows. It would be nice if there was a place locally that was in direct competition to Reloaders Bench, they do tend to be pricey.

    This last summer I was in there and priced 200grn LSWC at $75 for 500, I choked at that. Made a trip KC at Christmas and stopped by Missouri Bullet Company and bought them at $62 a 1000. I brought enough back to last me the summer and will get more when I go back this summer. I don't have a problem with someone making a living and making a profit but gouging like that isn't acceptable.

  13. Seem like the basic gist is the evil Republicans manipulated us white southern Negrophobes into voting for them. That's such an evil strategy.

    I quess its much better that Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society produced a dependent permanent underclass via welfare and endless entitlement programs as the Democrats southern voting block.

  14. and that is a perfect reason to not carry one. Glocks and XD's always seem to work with whatever ammo you have, the mags that can be gotten and don't need anything expect a drop of oil or two.

    1911's are fun and I like them but I have seen very few that are actually reliable. And I was discussing this with SUNTZU yesterday. I wondered aloud how many GI's died as a result of failures with their 1911's


    Funny I've seen over the last 20 plus years hundred's that have been absolutely reliable and some that have not, of course I've seen Glocks fail and AK's too. To me I wonder how many lives the 1911 saved over the years thru 2 World Wars, the Korean War, Vietnam and its still in use today by some troops. It has the best ergonomics, the best trigger pull, the worst 1911 trigger I've ever dealt with was far superior to the trigger pull of any Glock I've shot, this goes for XD's that I have handled also.

    Obviouly I'm a 1911 fanboy.

  15. may i ask you a Sirius question.

    did your Dr. ever recommended visit to psychologist or did he ever had a depression medicine prescribed to you?

    hope you see how Radical that statement is :screwy:

    Well since strel has been partially honest about his origins, and is trying to get his story straight I'll answer his question.

    Back in the days of the cold war, when we were defending against and preparing to kill commies. Yes, not only was a pysch eval required, so was a Top Secret/SBI/SSIR clearance.


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