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Posts posted by Hgunner

  1. First off let me say I do not post pictures of my firearms...so if no pics it didn't happen I'm sorry.

    Went out with a friend today to do a little pistol shooting. I took my Les

    Baer TRS for its final rundown. It had to go back to Mr. Baer so that he could build me a slide stop that would work to my satisfaction with the magazines that I use. So after about 1500 rds of testing she is ready to go as a daily carry piece. Total rd count now about 2K.

    My friend has a custom built pistol by a local smith, sold thru a local dealer and branded with the dealers name. Both pistols started out cleaned an lubed.

    His gave up and started jamming after 150rds of ball, had to be field stripped, quick cleaned and re-lubed to get back into action.

    The TRS went thru 24 rds personal defense ammo, 48rounds of ball.

    300 rds of reloads. Then it went thru another half dozem mags loaded in the following fashion. Golden Sabre(GS) LSWC(L),Hydra-Shok(HS)L,GS,L,HS,L.

    Ran flawlessly and finished up with the remain 52rds of Ball from a 100rd box. Cleans the lead out of the bore. Dirty as heck, but took a lick'in and kept on tick'in. I've had people hold up there .45's and shake and rattle them and say if don't hear a .45 rattle it won't run, thats toal B:poop:. There is nothing like a well made 1911, and nothing like a Baer. Like they say a bad day shooting is better than a good day at work. But this was definately a good day shooting.

  2. He taught the world about racism. If you didn't vote for him you're a racist.

    Well I guess this most certainly qualifies me as a racist and a damn proud one at that....:poop:

    He has motivated me to train hard with my firearms and become as proficient as possible.

  3. I know the consensus is that strelcevina is from some European country and just doesn't have command of the language. But I disagree, I recognize this dialect. It derives from a place in Memphis we call, DA HOOD. I believe is can also be found in other cities across the U.S. like Detroit, Atlanta, Charlotte, Birmingham, Jackson and somewhere off of Shelby in Nashville.

    I don't know about that, I think he is from some eastern european ex-soviet client state. However he came here and freedom confuses him with no central committee or party planners to tell him how to live his life.

    So he wants to remake our piece of earth into his old piece earth.

  4. I have been using the same load for my .45acp pratice rounds for

    darn near forever. That would be 5.1 grn W231 under a 200grn LSWC.

    Its a nice accurate low recoil practice round, that you can shoot several hundred a day and not fatigue the wrist etc.

    My stock of W231 has dwindled, I have been unable to find any so, I bought 8Lbs if Unique. With out have to pull out the chronograph etc.

    my manuals lead me to believe that 5.3-5.4grns should be a equivlent

    loading. Opinions?

  5. Well I know one thing it did and for that very reason should be repealed.

    It exempted our illustrious Congress critters from having to participate in it,

    and certain Unions got special treratment. If its so good for everybody why doesn't everybody have to participate in it equally, especially since they are for equallity. Stop rant.

    Thanks for clarifying, again hope you except my heart felt apology for any misunderstanding.

  6. Oldsmobile98

    I watched the video from the link you posted and the original video was also shown.

    This man made the statement and was not taken out of context, his statement stands for all to see. He swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution both when he was inducted into the military and again when he took his oath of office as a Congessman. Through his on staement and admission he says he doesn't worry about the constitution. Well he should be impeached and thrown out of the Congress an tried for treason. We know this will not happen so I hope he loses any re-election bid, and i hope the good people of his district make his life a miserable living hell until then.

    As for the racism charge, that word has lost all meaning to me, its crying wolf.

    The left uses it to try and destroy anyone that stands in the way of their agenda or speaks out against them. And who is to say that the fax wasn't made up by them anyway. One line on the fax said Death to all Democratic Marxist or something to that effect. So his admission of it being a threat to him, is that an admission that he is in fact a Democrat Marxist? I hope his fat slobbering ass gets what he deserves, whatever that may be, hopefully a loss of his gravy train.

  7. still nobody answered my question

    how does he know who voted for Obama and who has Obamacare insurance????

    and what is a nicer word for dumb, so i can say that about this doctor

    Is this what you were trying to get at?

    He doesn't know, he just hopes the ones that did read the sign and decide to go somewhere else. Kind of like a no Trepassing sign.

  8. ????? You need top learn to comprehend and speak english.

    This was a article about a doctor that told healthcare reform / obamacare supporters to find another doctor. He is within his legal rights as this is a free country and it is still his bussiness. I would predict that this doctor will have a flood of new patients if he wants them.

    Funny my spell checker corrects obamacare to bottmless :poop:hole.

  9. i didn't change it myself, majority of Americans changed it.

    so why you cant accept that and be Good Loser ,instead Bad one

    Not so, the ruling Democratic(Marxist)Party, ingnored the majority of the

    American people. They circumvented the constitution and passed this abortion in a illiegal manner.


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