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Posts posted by Hgunner

  1. Thank you Obama!


    Thats right thank the Big O for returning some of your money to you.

    I got quite a bit back too, but what they kept was obscene, but thank you Big O for letting us dispicable peasants keep some of the hard earned

    fruits of our labor.

  2. and BTW i could be your next President

    i look as good as Ronald Regan

    lady's love me just like Bill Clinton

    i speak same English like George Bush

    and im not born in U.S. like Obama :cool:

    At one time I would have said no way your not a natural born citizen...but anything is possible now.......go for it.

  3. I was very fortunate when I got interested in reloading, a friend had me come over and help him load on a single stage. Then another friend let me come over and reload some .45acp on his Dillion 450B. What a world of difference, I ordered a Dillion RL-550B the next week and have not looked back or regreted the discision even once. What a wonderful machine, I've had it close to 20 years and its still producing quaility ammo, just loaded 1000rds in 2.5 hrs last week without breaking a sweat. I only average about 400 rounds an hour, I'm slow.

  4. You want to fix healthcare, get the government totally and 100% out of it.

    Them getting into in the first place with Medicare-Medicaid is what screwed it up.

    Oh and I just posted a article the author made the comparison to Detroit, and I think his points are valid.

    Obamacare is just a symptom of a bigger disease.

  5. Oh and it would be one thing if it was just taking more of our hard earned money and buying people insurance or providing healthcare. Which by the way we alrready do its called Medicaid. But they are going to threaten all of us with fines, prison sentences

    excetra if we DO NOT BUY A POLICY THEY APPROVE OF!!!!!!! They are in effect putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do what they say do, its oh so very wrong its F _ _ king UN-AMERICA with a capital F!!!!!

  6. So take as mentioned here, Detroit, East St. Louis,Memphis and what is the prime factor. Welfare entitlement mentality, Obamacare, gimme something for nothing its all coming out of Obama's stash. Taking from the producers and punishing them for produceing and transfering their wealth to the unproductive in the name of fairness and social justice.

  7. Sorry, socilaism still exsist, look at Europe, may not be Soviet Union styled socialism but is still socialism, so talking about it isn't a waste of time.

    Being denied treatment because you can';t afford it is illegal in the US of A emergency rooms cannot by law turn you away, again that is a lie of the MARXIST left. Also this in not moral justification for forcing citizens of the USA to buy a product they do not want at gunpoint. Which is how any government inforces it's law by threat of incarciration or violence.

    Why is it that people come here supposedly for a better life and then try and turn the country into the same :poop:hole they left. Never ceases to amaze me.

    Oh a little story on European health care and its greatness.

    Back in 1993 I had back surdery on my lower back, tried severl options of treatment and finally surgery was the only rerasonable option. From the time the decision was made to the time surdery was performed was approx 1 week.

    So after 6 or so weeks of recovery the boss said hey would you like to go to Denmark for some training on a new

    product it would be light duty, so off I go to Denmark. Long short training went well had a good time and after 3 weeks off to the airport.

    Taxi driver picks me up, knee is all bandged up, and we got to talking about my surgery and his bum knee. He could not believe

    the kind of care I recieved. He needed knee surgery and was on a list but it was estmated it woulf be get this 8 years before

    he could get it. I told him to hop a plan and he'd be back home in 2 weeks with it done, he'd have to pay but better than being in pain for a decade of his life. Don't know if he took my advice or not, hope he did. Canada, Britian etc, all the same you just have to read and research and the truth is out there.


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