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Everything posted by Krull

  1. Lol yes it was taught by Bob Campanovo. My point here is not everyone should be able to carry a gun. Yes she can shoot it and yes she could defend herself. However she is very smart women, has accomplished a lot in life but she is stubborn and she can not keep her finger off the trigger. One day she will learn the hard way. As for my skin being tough. It's very tough, but when you throw menin with the anti debate I get pissed. As for the rest this conversation is going no where....I don't want to get banned by a moderator because we don't see eye to eye. So I agree with you and I am wrong. =p If you read my posts and all of them not just the one you want to belittle me over you would see I don't agree with paying for anything. And report you? To who you?? Lol I don't report people for anything. Now that this thread has been hijacked enough I'm done with this argument.
  2. Deleted. No sense anymore my OPINION is my OPINION and I don't think my way is the only way. Have a nice day
  3. I agree with some of what you say.....however I can read the Internet as well and for your analysis of what I say your wrong mr super moderator. Your comparison using GA is a poor one at best. So what if you can carry a damn bazooka in your CAR it has nothing to do with what the op is talking about. The fact that you stated earlier that I am like one of the people who are against park carry, well that just is wrong and ticks me off. Maybe you should moderate yourself on that one. I think to answer the op as stated above you should have to have some kind of formal training to carry a firearm. As you stated and I agree the hcp class is bogus and however useless you or I think it is my mother learned a lot about handguns. And yes I think it helped her and thousands of people like her who being around firearms isn't second nature. Now to get another point. The hunters safety course however dumb you may think it is is a good thing. It introduces young kids into the world of firearms and some safety. However useless we think it is, if it answers one firearm safety or hunting safety question that's one more educated question that may save someones life. Dumb or not .... Any firearm education is good for those who may not be a fluent in gun safety. It can't hurt.
  4. Not going to argue with someone who has an answer for everything and is always right. I thought you had to have it in plain view or in a box out of view. Not just under the seat or down in the door pouch. However the argument still stands. It's not a person carry law only a car which might come in handy during a car jack but prolly not when your out of your car. But I could be wrong. Kinda reminds me of democrats. Heh. You win! everything you say is true and my OPINION means squa or is just flat out wrong. Ever applied for Wifeswap?
  5. And also the tn HCP class is a joke to people like you and me however my 60 year old mom took it and learned a lot about firearm safety. She had fired a gun about 10'total times b4 she took the class.
  6. In GA you have to have it locked in your glove box. *Not the same thing as walking around with a loaded,chambered pistol. *My fears of being shot in a bathroom because the moron next to me dropped his weapon are not the same as the liberal dipsticks who would rather you get eaten by a brown bear as opposed to being able to defend yourself. *Don't even put me in that category.*
  7. No it isn't. Not even close.....if you don't know what the heck a hangfire is you don't need to carry a firearm in public.
  8. I agree we shouldn't have to pay....maybe you should be able to "challenge" the classes with a short questionnaire or something and not have to take the actual class. Heck I don't know.....but I don't think every Tom dick and Harry should carry a firearm until some training has been done, or some knowledge has been shown. Just my opinion.
  9. Well I think anything that can solidify safety is a good thing. Too many of us take for granted what we already know. I agree the classes are boring to us lifetime firearms owners and handlers , but we assume too much about others ability to grasp the reality of situations because we grew up with it. Maybe they didn't. There is nothing wrong with the hunters safety class. Private land? I remember last year a kid shot another kid when his loaded chambered rifle "slipped" out of his hand and discharged.
  10. Yes and no.....you should have to pass a test like the hunter safety class....and no you shouldn't have to pay for your "right" to bear arms. Everyone carry opens up the possibility for more attacks on our right. Now we don't see to many permit holders causing drama.
  11. i have two winchester silverado series a 45 and a 22...very nice fire rating for the price.....a thief would have to get through my frontline defense a dauschund (hes mean as chit) 2 german shepards (144 and 126#'s respectively).......my local sheriffs response time of about 10-15 minutes (i have set it off 3 times myself)----then if he is good and takes my collection...he will have to smile because he is on camera!!!
  12. There is nothing wrong with it ....go shoot the crap out of it. Clean it real good first though. Some yugo mags will hold the bolt open on the last round. True yugo mags have a bolt hold. I got mine here http://www.jgsales.com/product_info.php/p/ak-47-steel-30-round-yugo-magazines-with-bolt-hold-open-/products_id/1454?SID
  13. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/general-off-topic/50098-tri-cities-gun-ranges.html
  14. This little guy was taken I Bean Station close to rogersville. I have killed 7 since October and 18 this year. Would like to kill a damn deer though. Killed 12 deer last year and not one this year. Saw plenty of Doe on Buck only day. And let 3 walk opening day of rifle season looking for one specific buck. He is still around but haven't seen him since Nov scout.
  15. Cherokee is 75 bucks per year and I will sponsor any tgoer that wants to join. Don't let the price fool you it's a nice place with activities every weekend.
  16. Nice job...I have killed 7 yotes since October. 0 deer, similar thing happened to me today.
  17. M70 supergrade classic .300 winmag. Thanks!
  18. As another on here I was supposed to be deer hunting. I saw one doe all day and watched her for a good 15 minutes. Was about 150 yards away or so. Didn't have a shot too many trees but she was cruising my way slowly. Then ear pop up tail straightens and gone over the hill just like that. I was like WTF. Then I see the little prick chasing the scent up the hill. Only deer I had seen all day and this little mf chases it off. Well he made the wrong decision and u turned back into a clearing at about 225 yards. Bad mistake. I kicked it in the head after for chasing off my deer.
  19. If my wife acted like her I would slit my wrists.
  20. i loved point blank when i was at ETSU --- dont know what happened there -- one day they were open then the next day gone...
  21. WTH is wrong with you people.....seriously??? You really think the person who's car was stolen has liability for leaving his keys in it. Unreal...I'm pretty unexciteable but this makes my blood boil. I guess if I leave my front door unlocked and I get murdered it was my fault.
  22. Pretty self explanatory if you watched Sara Palin's Alaska last night. Heh
  23. Why is it negligent to leave your keys in your car??? If someone steals my car I'm a VICTIM of a damn crime. End of story,,,,if a bank has money in it and someone robs it......is it the banks fault for having money??


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