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Posts posted by 79troublehead

  1. Believe it or not, this is an everyday occurrence in Colorado. There are places there that the deer and elk no longer have any fear of humans. You can drive up to the Bridge in Canyon City and feed big bucks out of your hand all day long. 

    We got the same deal here on the mountain. The main retirement area here is Fairfield Glade, where old yankees come to die. It borders Catoosa WMA, and they not allowed any hunting on the property since it opened back in the '60's. The end result of this is the biggest buck I've seen in Tn. was chasing a doe down the fairway of the 9th hole on the golf course at 9am. The folks are up in arms about the critters eating up their gardens and flower beds, and now the bears and mountain lions are starting to line up for their shot at resort living. 

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  2. So Obama decides the military retirement pay will have to be trimmed, and gets his best boys working on the ways and means.  After much debate they decide that the best (cheapest) method would be just pay the recipient by the linear inch; as in $1000 for straight line on the body from point to point, and to sweeten the pot,,the GI gets to pick the line.

      So the first retiree to fall prey to the scheme is a light colonel. He thinks about it for minute and declares he'll take his pay from the tippy top of his head to the soles of his feet.

      Best boy whips out the tape, and declares "6 foot 1 inch! $73,000!!

    Next guy in line is a full bull, and he figures the angles, and declares HE will take his line from the tip of his out-stretched hand, to the tips of his toes.

      Best boy pops a line on him and declares "87 inches!! $87000!!!

    So this goes on, with varied amounts from 58000 to 93,000 bucks shelled out, when they come to old grizzled Top Sgt., gazing bemusedly over the process.

     "Step up Top," cries best boy, "and say how you'll be measured!"

    1st shirt looks down at the bureaucrat, shifts his wad and spits, and declares in his company formation voice that he will take his pay based on the line from the tip of his johnson to his testicals!

     "My Goodness!" squalls the paperpusher, not wanting to defraud the poor enlisted swine more than was his due, "Didn't you pay attention to the men in front of you? You're leaving a pile of money on the table!!"

    But Ol' Sarge was adamant; drops his shorts  and demanded his pay to be determined as requested.

     Shrugging his shoulders, best boy whips out the tape, lays it on the proscribed spot, and stretches it back,,,," SERGENT!!!!! WHERE ARE YOUR BALLS!!!!"

     Top looks down and spits, "Vietnam."

    • Like 3
  3. I have an older rossi PUMA, 20" .44 mag I like real well.   265 gr. sp for hunting and 250 gr swc over unique for everyday use.  It's accurate enough for the places I hunt, don't take up much space on the 4 wheeler or in the truck, carries like a willow switch and gets better looking with age. I have an old model 99 eg (45xxxx s/n) I like better, but I just can't bring myself to drill and tap it, so it's no more accurate or powerful at <100 yds than the rossi. So it don't get out much.

  4. I use an old black military rig I had in the service. I see them for 20 bucks or so, and while they ain't stylish or concealable, they hold my p220, p225, ruger mk 1, and colt scout secure and fairly easy to get to. The belt strap on the bottom, and the around the chest strap means it isn't bouncing around when 4 wheelering also.


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