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Posts posted by 79troublehead

  1. I'm in the .308 crowd. If I'm short of time and have to grab a stand and hit the woods after work, I know my 788 in .308 will reach from right here to out yonder. If i have time and opportunity, I like to go old school with a savage 99, tang peep rear, and .300 savage. No good for the low light, long (150 yd max.) shot, but puts a smile on your face just sitting in the woods with it.

  2. My remington 550-1 will shoot short, longs, and long rifle. Only problem with the shorts is they foul the chamber and make the long rifles not want to fully chamber. Little work with a bore brush and your back in business.

  3. I had bad luck with this stuff; ftf,fte, ripped off rims, etc. This was with p mags, thermold 20 rd'ers, and GI 30 rd'ers. Fired through a Sig m400, which has been as steady as a Swiss watch. The ammo was on sale at Cabelas a while back, so I picked up some to try. Basically steel cased russian, but I never had these problems with russian 7,62x39 in my sks. Tight chamber in the sig, or am I missing something else? Only mods to the rifle is an A1 stock and buffer assembly. 

  4. NPR will piss you off on a regular basis, also, but it's the best game in my area for news in the morning, (just keep your BS filter up to date), and I like Car Talk on the weekends while I'm in the shop. Plus I can't stand pop-rap-new country&western (hahaha), indie rock, etc, etc.  A solid hour of Rush and Hannity just annoys me, also. 

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