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Posts posted by cadillacdude1975

  1. I can refer you to a lawyer who is more than capable of handling this. PM me if you want his contact information.

    i think this is what he should do as well. red tape needs to be dealt with more red tape. im sure all this will require is some paperwork flying across the internets and you will be good to go in a couple of weeks.

    one thing the gubamint will not do is any legwork. they could very well make a phone call and find out the outcome, but sadly the system does not work that way. i know it is stupid, but that is the way the system works. get with David and get it cleared up with that lawyer before it really becomes a bigger headache than it already has.

  2. you need to go to the court that handled this situation and get all documents pertaining to this event and fax them to who ever needs them. if it was expunged, then you might need to get a form and have the judge sign it or something.

    it might be easier to retain a lawyer. im sure there is a firearm lawyer lurking around here on TGO. seems i remember seeing one post at one time.

    anyone here on TGO know of a fellow member that is a firearm friendly lawyer? maybe the OP can get legal advice from him/her on how to proceed?

  3. HB1395 is going up upset a lot of employers. i wonder if that will have an effect on the passing of this bill? there are so many out there that have you sign papers stating you can be fired for having a weapon on company property. that is BS as it denies me the right to defend myself to and from work. maybe tha6t will be pointed out as well.

    my last job allowed us to conceal carry on the job and it was wonderful. at any given time, there were 5 of us armed out of the 15 there on a daily basis. the only rule was try not to have an obvious print and out of sight is out of mind. we dealt with a lot of retired clients and you know you can lead a horse to water...............

  4. i guess they are thinking that at 11pm, our guns are going to grow legs and start shooting. it was posted in another thread and it described it best. baby steps.

    be glad we are not in virginia where the house voted a bill that lets lawyers carry concealed in bars and what not, AND they can drink while carrying. it has sparked a giant outrage for two reasons: the carrying and drinking, and drinking and concealed. they voted down allowing conceal carry there, but you can open carry in a bar. but it is a crime for the permit holder in virginia to carry and drink. sorry for the hijack, read more at the link below.

    NRA-ILA :: Virginia: General Assembly to Meet Wednesday to Override Governor?s Vetoes!

  5. from the emails i have gotten they are dead set on being against it (allowing legal carry) and with the signs coming, i just told them what is going to happen until they post. they are not backing off the stance of no carry, and the thing about it is they will put you on the national deferral list if you violate one rule. it does not matter if it is a medical reason or not. once you are on that deferral list, you might as well have HIV because you will never donate and get paid again.

    edit: i did say that, but in the same sentence i told them to go ahead and post the legal sign, that way the only people they will have to worry about being armed are the thugs that dont give a hoot about the sign or the law anyway.

  6. the one thing that will kill these two bills alone is this......

    Fiscal Summary

    (CORRECTED) Increase State Expenditures - $38,200/One-Time

    they are going to see that and it will die because of that very reason. that is what killed it last year. there was an amendment that was going to require the parks to post signs warning others of the possibility of an HCP holder being there legally armed. they balked, screaming that the parks commission did not have the extra funds to eat the cost of all the signs that it was going to take to let the bill pass.

  7. yes, that was passed to the house last week. they tried to kill it off, but as it stands as it goes for the final passing is this: anyone with a valid HCP can have loaded long guns in the car. that would be deer rifles, shotguns, etc. i think you would be safe with your loaded AR but i am not 100% sure on that one.

    while it was being discussed, a lot of the reps openly admitted to violating the current law and were unaware of that happening. they were surprised. im sure this bill will be changed in years to come, but passing to allow HCP holders was the first step. one of the reps (older black man i believe) said he was all for letting anyone who could legally own a gun have it loaded in the car but they are worried about theft and officer safety blah blah................

  8. Canine Sniff During a Traffic Stop

    Dog Sniff During a Traffic Stop

    An officer may stop a car for a traffic violation and then have a drug sniffing dog sniff the outside of the car for drugs. The officer does not need probable cause or even a reasonable suspicion that the car is engaged in dealing in illegal drugs (drug trafficking). For example, if the officer stops a motorist for speeding, the officer may cause a canine sniff for drugs to take place. However, bringing in the dog to sniff around the car cannot extend the length of the stop.

    If the officer lacks a reasonable suspicion of drug trafficking and yet delays the traffic stop to wait for the arrival of the drug dog, the detention is illegal. The detention becomes illegal when it continues past the time needed to complete a lawful traffic stop. If drugs are seized in an illegal detention, the person charged with possession of the drugs can request that the drugs not be allowed as evidence at trial.

    It makes sense to retain an attorney if a canine sniff revealed that there were drugs in your vehicle. Your attorney will present your defenses.

  9. i read somewhere but i dont remember, in tennessee, the police can not detain you for any length longer than it takes to write a citation. when pulled over, make sure your car is stopped somewhere that you can leave it parked. you can deny the search. the best thing to do is roll the windows up, take the key out, lock the doors and shut them. if they want to search, they will have to get a warrant, and that is where the time limit comes in for the reasonable amount of detainment time.

    i will find where i read that and post it. it might have been here on TGO, but i am unsure.


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