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Posts posted by cadillacdude1975

  1. repeat post:

    anybody ever heard of festiva? i have one that i found in a box in the trash at work 2 years ago. not a scratch on the thing, just needs a battery. it has a red face and a stainless steel band with a rotating bezel.

  2. stay away from the Glock 36. i had one. same issues as posted by Dobervol. constant jamming, would hang up on shell ejection, would hang up on feeding, over all just a piece of ****. i got rid of that thing and got a 33. now i have the 27 and love that one. i have the 22 mag with the extension and it works just fine.

  3. anybody ever heard of festiva? i have one that i found in a box in the trash at work 2 years ago. not a scratch on the thing, just needs a battery. it has a red face and a stainless steel band with a rotating bezel.

    if the camera decides to stop telling me memory card door open (yes it is closed) i will take a picture.

  4. Harrys Citgo on Signal Mountain Road and the Tobacco Martin the Bi-Lo Place on Signal Mountain Road are Pro-Gun as well as the Kangaroo on Sig. Mtn. Road. The Dollar General on Mountain Creek Road has no issues with carrying either. I frequent all 4 of these establishments on a regular basis. The same family is co owners of the Harrys in sig mtn road and the Tobacco Mart as well. They are not affiliated with any of the other Harrys Citgo stores (Hixson Pike and Delashmitt Road) that is the other owning half.

    I was in the sig mtn Harrys one evening open carrying and the son of the owner was behind the counter and he saw my holstered sidearm and said he had seen a few people like that and asked about the legality of that. i showed him my permit and explained to him the process and what we have to go through to be lawfully carrying and he asked his dad about it and his dad said let them carry away.

    He looks at it from the standpoint of the more customers that are regulars that are legally armed is better for the safey of his business and family that work there. I was amazed at that reply as the owners are of some sort of Indian/Persian descent. I know the father and he is a really down to earth nice guy.

    edit: not to stereotype, but the backgrounds those descents come from is very violent with terrorist acts and things like that. that is what amazed me with the reply.

    on a humorous note, i was in the Tobacco Mart once and the younger brother was working and he was on the phone talking his native language. he was on speakerphone and I realized he was talking to his older brother at the Citgo. I had no idea what they were saying, but I smiled at him and said what the hell is he doing? Tell him to get off the phone and get his ass to work . He got a kick out of that.

  5. there are many. Dodds and Associates, Fugatts Firearms (havent heard anything about this one, they run ads in the paper all the time), Carters Shooting Supply is where i took mine and i know there is a place on Hixson Pike up from the Krystal that does the class as well. there are probably others too. just wait for a few other TGO members to read and reply then you can make your own choice.

  6. maybe someone should look up how hard it is to go sit in on one of the house sessions and maybe get permission to speak to the members. this a very similar situation like the one Suzanna Hupp had to endure in Lubbock Texas in the very early 90's.

    i have no idea what i would have done had i been Ms. Nicole. what a crazy outcome of events. i wonder if any of the house members have heard about this story?

    and Nicole, welcome to the TGO forums and i am so sorry for your loss.

    i am amazed that the reporter at the end made mention that she has a permit but had to leave her gun in the car per state law.

  7. the first time i bought a gun 3 years ago, the background check came back faster than i could with mail verifying my address. next time it got denied. filed an appeal, got called at home by the TBI 2 days later (gun dealer had called me too) told me i was clear then the last time i had to wait 3 days with no answer and i got the gun by default.

    it is a system that is a pain in the ass. what pisses me off is my money is tied up in a gun i cant have till the TBI moves. oh well. from now on, the background check will be run first. then they get the money.

    isnt red tape fun?

  8. i have seen two back covers for these things. one does not have a switch and this one does. the one that is on the G18s sticks out a lot farther than this one. the firing pin has a lot more room to move back and forth.

    i ran across that while randomly looking around. i didnt search for that lol. be my luck i would get a knock on the door for simply looking.


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