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Posts posted by cadillacdude1975

  1. goofing off on youtube watching various shooting videos, i ran across a link to something. im not so sure this thing is legal, not to mention what would happen if anyone tried to order this part.

    it is the glock converison to make any model fully auto. last time i checked, one of these would land you in the federal ass pounding prision. tell me what you think.


  2. upon searching for exact wordings on current off limits while carrying, i asked a police officer in a local forum where i could find that while pertaining to alcohol.

    i forget when the law was changed (1999ish?) but we all know the old law. felony to carry where it was served and or sold. so that made it a felony to be armed while pumping gasoline at your local station that sells beer.

    so, from what i remember and i might be wrong (feel free to correct or interject) but that was one of the big reasons for changing the law to serving for consumption being off limits, not where it was sold.

    he directs me to TN code 57-3-204 e 1. it reads really interesting compared to what the current law reads today. i do not know when this was last updated, but never the less, here it how it reads.

    from Michie's Legal Resources TN code 57-3-204 e 1 is referring to places that have liquor licenses i assume. here is what it says:

    (e) (1) Each holder of a license to sell at retail alcoholic beverages to patrons or customers, in sealed packages, and not for consumption on the premises, shall display in a prominent place at the location where such sales are permitted a sign, at least six inches (6²) high and fourteen inches (14²) wide stating:


    (2) Failure by such licensee to comply with the provisions of subdivision (e)(1) shall subject such licensee to a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).

    what the hell is that? is that a law we knew nothing about? by reading that, it tells me that they have to hang that sign. am i reading that correctly? if this is the case, how does that conflict with the current law? does that mean if they are caught posting the improper sign or no sign at all can they be fined? even though $50 isn't jack **** to a liquor store, the mere double talk that pisses me off. so that raises another question.........who is responsible for checking that these places are properly following the law?

    i know it opens the pandora's box versus let the sign be incorrectly worded and posted and carry away concealed, but wtf.....you all get what i am saying? if we the permit holders break the law and get slammed with the fine not to exceed $2500 bucks, does it not seem fair that the businesses be held to the same letter of the law? this should make for an interesting discussion. i am totally bumfuzzled on this issue.

    someone please fill me in on this. it has me puzzled beyond belief.

  3. i used google and the last reported DDOS attacks on gun forums was in May of 2008. in the last 3 weeks, i would be looking at who has been banned and who they were friends with that got banend in the past. maybe someone finally got pissed off enough to do something like that. it (DDOS attacks) would explain the pain in the ass i have connecting at times when i can go anywhere else on the internets without fail. when did i mention the start of that problem? seems to be about 3 weeks ago if i remember correctly.

    edit: i posted about my problem 2 weeks ago today. it had been going on for about a week, so that is 3.

  4. First 100 days: Assault weapons ban - The First 100 Days- msnbc.com

    maybe he is getting it through his head. the most alarming statistic is the number of ATF inspectors has stayed the same in the last 18 years. what in the world has crime done in the last 18 years? has it remained the same? that has wrong stamped all over itself. the number of agents is an outrage in my opinion. they need more agents to enforce the laws that are already on the books. i think he might be figuring out that reimposing the AWB is political suicide.

  5. makes perfect sense. i have never had any police officer say anything to me about open carrying. they did not even blink an eye. but then again, a gun properly holstered in plain view is far from being tucked in a waistband of pants that are barely staying up in the first place.


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