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Posts posted by mav

  1. Hildebeest is the most admired woman of the 21st century by poll after poll.


    The nomination is hers if she wants it. Assuming she does (which I'd 'bout bet the farm on) unless her health goes south or Bad Things happen for everyone to turn the tide away from the Dems, she's your next President.


    - OS


    Probably, which brings me to the following question.  During the primaries, should Republicans imploy the twice failed Rovian/establishment strategy of voting for a candidate that would match up best against the other party, i.e. a RINO, or should the Republicans vote for someone who holds truest to the fundamentals of Constitution? 


    If we are gonna go down, we might as well go down supporting someone with whom we share similiar views.

    • Like 1
  2. Everyone involved in this incident is incredibly lucky the situation turned out as it did.  It could have been a whole lot worse.  Once he pulled that gun, and especially after firing a shot, the two younger boys had every right to use lethal force against him.  He should be thankful that neither had a gun and returned fire, and the boys should be thankful he was a lousy shot.

  3. As is usually the case in most things, I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  While I take almost everything Jones says with a grain of salt, it doesn't mean he is always wrong.  To dismiss all of these type of stories as mere conspiracy theory nonsense is really quite delusional about the ambitions of numerous politicians and a large section of the American public.  It is sad for me to say, but I have become very cynical in recent years of the government and our citizenry.


    We have around 47% that do not pay federal income tax.  We have almost 50 million, which is 1/6 of the population, on food stamps.  How many other millions do we have that have their lives either directly or indirectly subsidized by the government?  Eventually, liberty and small government-minded individuals will have no say due to the overwhelming majority of those who will vote to maintain the government largess. 


    On topic,  the FEMA trains and concentration camps are a touch much.  However, I don't doubt for a moment that all it takes is the right crisis and have the right people in power to easily turn this country into a totalitarian state.  Just look at that jackass Bloomberg's recent actions.  He says no trans fat, no guns, no large soda, no salt, and hide the cigarettes.  Sheesh. Recently he said,

    I do think there are certain times when we should infringe on your freedom.


    Every bit of it is unconstitutional, but how many millions support that a$$hole's agenda? 


    As I stated earlier, most of Jones' ravings can easily be dismissed.  However, I still contend that all of the pieces are in place and if we get the right catalyst, this country can easily be transformed into something that we would have thought improbable.

    • Like 1
  4. What defines a liberal or liberalism?  The meaning of the word has changed so much over the years that it really has become nothing more than a derogatory term for the other side.  I believe the same thing can be said of conservatism.  Most who claim to be conservative or liberal are really neither from a traditional or classical viewpoint.  While I claim to be conservative, most of my views are really from the school of classical liberalism.


    Regarding most "liberal" politicians of today, I think a better label would be statist, authoritarian, and in some cases, down right totalitarian.  The same could be said of some on the "conservative" side of the aisle.

    • Like 3
  5. The Pacific or Nyala will be my next one although I am leaning towards the Pacific more.

    Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2


    I wouldn't leave the Neil Roberts Warrior or Green Beret out of consideration.  The Warrior has been discontinued, but they can still be had. 




    Out of all the CR fixed blades, either the Professional Soldier or Ubejane Skinner is my favorite.



  6. It was an entertaining video, but also very pathetic.  It is pathetic because those thug's vote counts too, and more than likely, it is your tax dollars getting redistributed to them.


    All I have to say regarding the people in the video is that if you act like an animal you should be treated like one.

  7. Don't know if this has been posted, but in local news, it appears that LEO can't get enough ammo to train regularly.  Due to the shortage and high prices, our local LEOs are having trouble finding adequate supplies or reasonably priced ammo.




    One thing I wish would happen is for our police and sheriff departments to start raising immortal hell at our politicians, and tell them to knock this $hit off.  The run on ammo and firearms didn't occur until our politicians started running their mouths.


    I know officer Haskins (great guy), and I sympathize with our local LEOs.  However, I don't want to give any preference to our LEOs over private individuals/businesses.  I hope we can keep this market truly free where everyone has equal opportunity.  The last thing I want to happen is for some politician to get it in their head that they can solve this problem by rationing or restricting individuals purchases. 

  8. The Phelps clan are nothing more than scam artists, and their church is a front for their law firm.  I seriously doubt they believe the crap they are spewing.  Think about it.  They advertise where and what time they are going to protest, which is usually a place where they are more than likely to get a reaction.  Once they are there, they spew the most incendiary rhetoric possible.  Why?  In the hope that someone violates their civil rights or even better yet, assaults them and then they sue.


    Honestly, they best way to deal with these people is to ignore them.  If the media doesn't cover them , and nobody engages them, even online, eventually they will go away.  They will stop the crap they are doing now and try to find some other way to scam money out of people or local and state governments. 

  9. Is this a trick question?  They look like a bunch of WW1 era masks.


    That is not a beard on the guy who everyone says is sporting a beard  (second from the right - bottom row).  Upon close inspection, it is a round respirator with a nose clip.


    The guy third on the left - second row is wearing a small box respirator (SBR).  I thought you might be having fun on the SBR term, but I could be missing the point entirely.

  10. I never thought I would say this after being a former car salesman and at one time a mechanic, I would buy a Kia if the price were right. I have seen more than one that should have died within a week of torture continue for years of torture.

    On the Accords, stick with a 4cyl for reasons other than MPG's. The maintenance is a lot less on the 4's and they are better engines.


    Well, the 4 cyl have timing chains, and the 6 cyl have timing belts, which are costly to replace (~$700 - 800 from the dealer - includes water pump, etc...).  Other than that issue, I don't know why the 4cyl would take less maintenance than the 6 cyl.


    I have never figured out why Honda doesn't have a chain on the 6 cyl.  In regards to mpg, my 6 cyl gets about 27 mpg on average, which broken down is about 10% city and 90% hwy (75 - 80 mph) driving.

  11. A used Accord might be out of your price range, but it is certainly reliable.  I bought my new Accord in 2006 to drive back and forth to work.  I have already put almost 220k miles on it, and it still runs great.  I have been so pleased with my Honda that I will probably buy another one once I hit 300k.  I would assume that a Civic would have around the same reliability as an Accord, and it is quite a bit cheaper.

  12. for being responsible and actually saving money.  I am such a fool.




    It appears that savers in Cyprus are gonna take it the rear when up to 10% of their savings get confiscated.  At the rate our country is spending, this will be a likely scenario here in the near future. 


    Question.  If our money is pretty much going to be worthless in a few years, and our retirement savings will more than likely be seized, what is the purpose in saving?  (Using my Bob Barker voice) Why not just live it up like there is no tomorrow?  Buy that house or car you can't possibly afford.  Wanna get that 120 inch LED you've been dreaming about, but just can't afford it?  No problem, just come on down and swipe that plastic and promise to pay back the money.  If your house goes into foreclosure, no problem because you may qualify for one of the many government programs that will bail you out courtesy of taxpayers.


    You often read complaints about politicians on this forum, and rightly so.  However, you don't read a lot of complaints about the people who vote the jackasses in.  In my mind, they are worse than the politicians.  Anyone that votes for a politician to get stuff is really nothing more than a thief if you consider they are electing someone who has promised them that they will take from one group, i.e. taxpayers, and give to another group.  The really sad part is regardless of who controls the government, it will never change. 


    So, back to my question, what is the purpose of saving?

  13. I don't really follow Ron Paul all that much anymore since he is no longer in office, but I heard him this morning on the Mike Church show.  One of the questions Church asked was on this issue.  I will admit that I thought Paul's original tweet was rather stupid and insensitive.  Based on what I heard this morning, I will retract some of my earlier comments regarding Paul's tweet.


    Anyone who has ever listened to Paul knows he believes that the federal government has been engaging in imperialism for decades, and that we would be much better off if our country minded its own business.  This is classic Paul 101.  In this situation, Paul's tweet was not refering to the individual, Chris Kyle.  The "living by the sword" refered to government's imperialism.  The "dying by the sword" is obviously referring to the death of the individuals.  His contention was that if government wasn't engaging in all of these wars (living by the sword), that we would probably not have PSTD and tragedies like this one would not occur (dying by the sword).  He has stated this message pretty much all throughout his political career.


    While I still regard Paul's comments as stupid and insensitive, primarily because he did not explain himself properly, which is also classic Paul, they are consistent with his views.  I do not believe there was any malevolence in his tweet.  Since Paul is pretty much off the radar now, and you dont hear much from him, I figured I would share this with you guys.  I thought some of you might like to know.

  14. It is amazing that everyone in the US has no money to purchase food or water.  They have to rely on government handouts in order to survive, but they have money to purchase guns and ammo for killing people, especially children.


    While incredibly funny, it is still shocking that in this day and age a country can isolate itself from the rest of the world to the point where they can produce such ridculously weak propaganda and their citizens will believe it.

  15. The guv needs to see where everybody has their money stashed so they will be able to confiscate it once the entire financial system crashes and they no longer enough funds to operate.


    It is funny that the phrase, "for the children" was once stated by the guv to justify egregious overreach of their authority.  Now, the phrases are "war on terror" and "for national security."

  16. To be honest with you, I have mixed emotions about this one.  Yes, yes, the ban is totally absurd.  However, the people of NYC voted the a$$ in, so they should get what they deserve.  My thinking is that if people feel enough pain or endure enough bs rules/regulations, then they might stop voting twits like this into office.

  17. I may or may not attend Blade.  I made a promise to myself that I would not spend a lot of cash at any one time this year.  Depending on what the wait list is like, my OBR may be coming due around that time.


    As far as the Yuna knives go, I am really anticipating mine.  He has never made a flipper Assassin to my specifications, so we will see how it goes.  It will be similiar to the Great Assassin, but 0.5" shorter so I can carry it.  It will also have titanium sides and a carbon fiber backspacer.  I initially requested a titanium backspacer, but Yun said he didn't know how it would come out, so I opted for carbon fiber.  My only regret is that I never ordered one when I first saw them.

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