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Posts posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. "NO GUNS ALLOWED" simply means that law-abiding citizens can't carry their firearms. Criminals, though... no problem!

    I understand that criminals will always have guns, I was simply pointing out that China has the type of gun control that Anti gunners want but yet mass murders still happen.  You are not allowed any semi or full auto rifle, I can't find anything about bolt or single shot rifles. You can only own a gun for sporting(rarely given), Hunting or a State issued firearm can be given in extreme cases. Most guns are owned by people in Rural areas for hunting food.

  2. AK-74M

    the 103 is the newer version of the 74m, so we both could be right. I went with 103 mainly because it is newer variant. After quick reserch the 103 is mainly for export, so I guess it comes down to which military issued it.





    So you don’t believe there were any bodies in there?


    I am not sure what to believe about Sandy Hook. I think whatever happened there either way was one of the worst days in recent American history. I think that this will be my generations moon landing, people believe 99% everything that has been reported but there is that 1% of stuff that just doesn't add up.



  4. I am not a tin foil hat guy but Sandy hook has always confused me. For me the weirdest thing was that the gunman was able to kill ALL the victims. This is the only mass shooting that I have heard of that there are no wounded. I was at home that day and was watching the news when they broke the story. I thought it was weird that the first video I had multiple command centers already setup in the parking lot but police maintaining a perimeter beyond those vehicles. To me it looked like a drill that they did a poor job of letting people know about and then to cover there butts they just change the drill to a "real life situation". The other thing I have noticed is with all the people around I have yet to see cell phone pics of victims being taken away. People are morbid and I cant believe no one took a single pic and posted it.

  5. Just curious. What exactly happened that he messed up a $1500 rifle?

    He finished up shooting and went to sit it down on the rest, missed and it fell off the rest. The private range we were at had a steep hill right infront of the rest. It slid all the way down the hill and scratched the heck out of it. It hit the cinder block ledge before the slide and put a nice gouge on the hand gaurd and made the red dot useless. It is currently getting a dura coat put on and I have a new hand gaurd on the way.

  6. I got a visit from the UPS driver today. He brought me the final piece to my range AR set up. This will be the AR that I bring for friends and family to abuse so they dont mess my nice AR up. Here is what $650 got me


    PlumCrazy lower with 5 mags and 100rds of american eagle 223 from a local private sale $120

    Chiappa AR-15 22lr upper with 3 mags picked up at the gun show for $225otd

    PTAC 16" 5.56 Complete upper $304.99 shipped


    Now I know none of these items are highend compitition type stuff but after a family member messed up a $1500 rifle I decided that I would get a cheap AR fot them to mess up. I want to be the only that messes up my rifle.



    Now to start on my TGO build, I am thinking a pistol this time.

    • Like 1
  7. After having my achilles replaced they gave me Diclofenac in cream form. I did not feel like it did anything for me but I was told the pill is better.

    I take Meloxicam (another NSAID) every day. Recently begin to wonder if it was doing me any good so I stopped for a week. could barely get out of bed. I also take Gabapentin, which helps block nerve pain. If I had known I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of my self.

    I am on meloxicam as well, it is the first thing that has worked since they took Vioxx off the market.

  8. Anyone know where you can get Kroil locally in Knoxville area. I really hate when I run out and I have to wait 3-5 for my order. I looked all over for it last spring but never found it, just wondering if it has made its way into sores around here yet.


    I do not use it on my guns, I use CLP as a all in one.

  9. It is melting FAST, went out to bring wife lunch and planned on doing a little shoveling while the kids played in the snow. We were gone for about 30 mins and when we got back there was no reason to shovel. My driveway and street are just wet at this point. Hopefully the sun can dry most of this up before tonight or it is going to be a mess in the morning.

  10. I was scammed once by someone I know.  Call these people up, to meet somewhere.  Be late, or call them 10 min after the time you agreed to, say you are on the way.  Call 10 min later, say stuck in traffic.  Call another 10 min later, pulled over by the police.  Then 15 min later, call back, say you found a better deal.  If 2 or 3 of us will do this to the same gizzard, at different meet up times, I bet they will become a little annoyed in their business model.

    I like this idea

  11. As requested above, can you please name the shop? I'd also like to know the shady dealers in Kville.

    I will release the name when I make sure that I am not dragging someones name through the mud for no reason.



    Edit: It was the WD store on Alcoa Hwy, I am sure that this was not an isolated incident. I have a couple of friends tell me stories that confirmed it and at least 2 fellow TGO'ers have had the same experience.

  12. Been using HR with schedule C for a few years and like the "import last year's info". 
    Been thinking about trying Turbo Tax. Does anyone know if you can import HR's info into Turbo?

    I can on my wife's w2 but when I was working we could never get mine to import, so I think it is based on the company you work for.


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