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Posts posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. Wasnt the Strat and I actually found it, took me forever because I couldnt remember the name. Its the Squire '51. Strat style body, one single coil,  Tele headstock, Maple fretboard. Fender pulled it, and now they have their own '51, the Fender '51 under their Fender Pawn Shop series. Cost a  grand for American Made, 700 for the Mexican. I would be willing to bet that the Mexican is the exact same guitar as the Squire '51 that cost $89 and can be had vintage and modified with and upgraded pickup for $175-$200. 


    One thing I just noticed, they have a 2013 Squier re-issue of the Squire '51. No doubt it was a good guitar for Fender to re-issue a Squier under the Squier name. 

    The Squire 51 was my first guitar. My stepdad tried to teach me how to play but it never worked. I at one time had 18 guitars that had never been played. I wish I still had some of them and knew how to play.

  2. Update: I got a phone call from the District Manager, he was very nice and very apologetic about the situation. Conversation sounded like they confirmed my account of what happend but they have to do their due diligence before any action is taken. He said that he is pulling the tapes from that day and the appropiate action will be taken. He assured me that they have no policy that allows an employee to hold anything for anyone. He is also going to use this incident in his push to get the 22 put back up at the service desk to make sure that this does not happen again. He said he will be back in contact with me in the next couple days after they review the tapes.

    • Like 9
  3. Do you know the clerk's name?

    I do, but I will not post it. I have an open complaint with the corp office and I am giving them a chance to fix the situation. If he is fired, it would be useless to post his name. If nothing happens then I won't go back and it really doesn't matter to me anymore.
    • Like 3
  4. But it is not favoritism per se that is getting people upset. It is breaking company policy and lying to cover their tracks that is making people upset. David chooses to sell to TGO members as a matter of policy and has developed quite a loyal following here partially as a result of this decision (full disclosure: I have not bought anything from David yet). [Edit: posts above proving my point!] Academy has no such policy and individual workers are lying about stock in order to hide product from customers. This is not right.

    Nailed it!!!!

    • Like 1
  5. I see a distinction without a difference.

    The guy at Academy was breaking a store policy to give an unfair advantage to those 2 guys.The manager at the store even stated that was a clear violation of store policy and I got the same response from the person at the corporate office. If David chooses to sell just to TGO members that is his right because it is his business to run they way he wants. Now if David had a rule set in place for his business that says you can't hold items for friends and family and he did I would have a problem with that.


    I am more upset at Academy than the two guys and I would not have posted the pic if I had not seen them in there back when the stuff was up front or they had not made the joke about how much these go for online.

    • Like 3
  6. I would have hit up a coin show here and there and sell some of them off. I would also hit gun shows and done some trading and built a nice gun collection and otherwise lived a normal life.

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  7. well I will have 2 cases this weekend in Knoxville but I only sell it to tgo members does that make me a bad guy to everyone else

    Not at all, you are the owner. Now if one of the guys working for you hides from you the fact they put some aside for a friend then it becomes shady. If the manager had set aside those for those guys to clear up some customer issue then I would have no problem but because  the manager seemed mad and had no idea it was going on it was not right.

    • Like 1
  8. I actually would have rather seen a photo of the store clerk than the buyers.

    I did not want to post a pic of him because that can cause legal issues. Almost all big box retail has a no photo policy and if it shows them in a bad light they can sue the heck out of you. I worked for a retailer that sued a customer for doing that. You can take a pic of other customers and be fine but employees are hands off.

  9. I don't think management anywhere will look too kindly on employees making side deals and lining their own pockets on the companies' time, premises and inventory.  The ones that do don't need my business or anyone else's for that matter.

    I was in retail management for 10+ years and I know the second Loss Prevention gets called it will get looked into and I bet even if they don't reprimand the employee it will put a stop to it. You never want to be on LP's radar. 


    Tanker- I will suggest that to them.

    • Like 2
  10. I was killing time this morning so I decided to go in for my dose of dissapointment of not getting 22. I went back to the gun counter and a saw 50rd boxes of 22, 2 box limit but hey 100 rd for $5otd. I asked the guy at the counter if that was all the 22lr they got in, He said "yeah we haven't seen bulk 22 for a while". I took my 100rd and started looking at some guns and 2 guys walked up and started chatting up the guy behind the counte like they were old friends. I didn't think anything of it until I heard one of the guys asked "do you have it back there" they were wispering as to hide what was going on. Then the guy behind the puts up a Bucket o Bullets and a box of 1000rd box of M-22. I heard the tal on make a comment on how much these get online and the all got a laugh from that. I got pretty pissed right then and there so I snapped a pic of the guys he was talking to(see below)The tall one in Green and the girl in the . he handed them over the counter they walked up front. I went and found the manager and told her what happened and she seemed pretty upset about it and immediately went back to the gun area. I don't know if she actually talked to them or if anything will come of it but I think I might stop spending money there for a while. It is 4 hours later and I am still pissed. I will say I don't know if they came in before me and it was being held behind the counter for them but I suspect if he was lying to my face that was probably not on the up and upI am sorry if these guys are members here but this is more of a bad mark for Academy.  I blurred the face of the guy that had nothing to do with this.




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  11. We were having a lot of stuff come up "missing" for about 6mo. I finally called the Postmaster and he told me there was nothing they could do because it was probably being stolen from our mail box. So I knew that my son was suppose to get a card in the mail, tracking number said it was out for delivery it was bad enough that  we had family put tracking numbers on EVERYTHING. I decided that I would work in the front yard until the mail came. when they pulled up I took the mail directly from them. No card, went inside and checked the tracking number, it said delivered. I called the Postmater again, he said he would look into it. The next day I came home and someone had knocked my trash cans over. I was picking them up as a neighbor came over and told me that the delevery driver backed over them three times and drove off with one still attached. So I went down this time with the neighbor and told the postmaster what happend. He went out to the parking lot and found the driver and the truck he was in. The guy denied it in front of all of us. then we looked at the back bumper and part of my can was still attached. THe greatest part is that the busted handle peice still had part of my address on it. We got a new driver the next day and have not had an issue since. 2 weeks later 4 trash cans and a check for $500 was brought to my house by the postmaster, the diver admitted to everything and told them about how much he stole and it came out to about $500 per house on his route.


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