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Posts posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. The audit defense from Intuit is worth the money.  If you run afoul of the IRS, they'll ride roughshod over you.  If your CPA makes a mistake on your taxes, the fault is yours and the IRS will bill YOU for back taxes and penalties, not the CPA.

    I have a family member that is a CPA and they run the taxes they file through Turbo tax and get the audit defense for that reason.

  2. I do not want to break any rules or get us in any kind of trouble but I know there were some people that wanted certain a number. I figured I would try this route to get the number I want


    I am looking for #34


    MODS: Please delete, move, or close if this is a bad Idea or put in the wrong area.

  3. I have used turbo tax for 10+ years. They now give me audit defense filing for $49.99. We had our taxes done mid Jan and efiled Jan 30th. Our return is scheduled to be in our account Friday! We do not get a large return because we claim enough to basically zero out our return but it is enough to get another toy (maybe in the 308 family). I would pay the 50 all day long to make sure I do not have to pay for someone to deal with the IRS for me.

  4. Speaking as a former gun shop operator. If I got something impossible to obtain, I usually saved it and offered it to the 20 or so regular customers who seemed to buy about a gun a week each. You have to reward your good customers. If that means you don't have any for the stranger who walks in off the street ,so be it. That system worked for me. I played around with it for 9 months and averaged selling 5.2 guns a day.

    No problem with that, just keep it out of sight. This is not the first time I have been treated like I was not welcomed there so will no longer go in there. I have bought several high priced gun from them because I was trying to keep my money local and they were on my daily drive. I will go out of my way not to buy from them.
  5. We never once had a gun locked when I was growing up.  The gun wasn't a toy and my ass would get busted up if I messed with it.  And besides there was zero mystery with a gun so no need to pick it up and play with it when no adults were around.

    I grew up with loaded guns all over the place. I taught that they were tools not weapons. I was picking off coyotes out of a hay loft with a 30/30 at 10yrs old. I did not even consider gun ownership a hobby or something fun until I was 28 or so. I have always had a gun or two but I always though fo them as tools. The shotgun for defending the home and the carry for me wa so I could put down the occasional injured animal I came across and that same 30/30 for hunting. My kids will start their gun awareness this year, oldest will get her first 22 this Christmas.

    • Like 1
  6. I have seen the guy in the black in line at the Acadmy here in Knoxville. I am positive it was him because he offered me $5 to get a box of 22 for him(it was a couple mo back). It was the only time i stood in line for ammo. He basically told me that I could make some good money reselling ammo. I made sure everyone in line heard me tell him that I thought people that bought ammo to resell was the problem with the ammo shortage. I ruffled some feathers that day. Thanks for posting the pic!

    • Like 1
  7. One local gun shop where my wife's family is from(IL) is holding all bulk packs received each week of 22lr until each sat. at noon and doing raffles in store for the available packs. Must be available to win, one bulk pack per person, first drawn gets first crack at the selection. It was a little annoying since I had just missed the raffle last time I was up there but it did seem reasonably fair to me for all their customers while allowing the shop to keep selling the packs at reasonable prices. (cheaper than wal-mart on some!)

    No problem if something like that was happening but put the ammo in back or let the cust know that is what is going on with them.

  8. I know it is probably me getting bent out of shape for nothing but I still think it is bad business.AfterI dropped the kids off and had a few extra minutes so I stopped in the nearby LGS. I walked in to see they had .22lr in stock, all most all of it was 50rd specialty stuff most at .90 a round. I have some so I passed. I continued to walk around and noticed on the counter there was a full case of bulk pack stuff with about 6 more sitting on top. I have a friend who needs some so I asked if I could have a box, the girl I asked said just a min. The guy I assume is the owner came out and looked me over and paused then said sorry all I can sell you is this and hands me a $6 box of 50 blazers. I assume they just had not been proccessed the bulk yet so I said when will these be for sale, he just shrugged his sholders. I told him that I was looking for some cheap stuff that some kids could have fun with so the blazer was just more than I wanted to pay for kids to just blow through. He said I might have luck at WW. I guess I was not on the "list" for that ammo. To me if you have someone standing in front of you willing to give you money, TAKE IT! I undestand they might have a waiting list and that is why I just nicely  said thanks and kept moving. I guess I really need to start kissing butt at the LGS more. as an FYI it was tagged $24.99 for 525 rounds. I left and told my buddy to go and check with them after work. He just left there and he got the same exact responce from them and he said they had close to 20 boxes still sitting on the counter 5 hours later. Sell it or if this is a friends and family situation than take them off the counter. Thanks for listening to my rant.

  9. of the 2 I would hit SMGCA Knoxville Gun & Knife Show. I have gone to many of their shows and I NEVER leave empty handed. I think it has to do with it being full of guns and Knives rather than blankets and peanuts. It is not a big show but I like it, might not be worth driving from sweetwater, you will spend more time in the car than at the show. I usually spend 30-40 mins there.

  10. I polished all trigger parts and did the washer mod. There is pre break travel but the break is amazing. I had to get a thinner washer because the trigger was to light. People that shoot it are amazed by the trigger. I am going to get around to doing it on my 44 and my other 91/30. The best part about the new trigger is that it was completely free and only took about 30 mins from start to finish. Most of that time was spent at the polishing wheel.
  11. I have always said that!!!! At the first sign of breakdown I am hitting up every Pharmacy in 100 radius!!!!!LOL Another thing I just thought of is to make sure you rotate your syringes because they will go bad with time. I have found that keeping them in a vehicle in the summer time quickens this process. I have syringes that are years old. What tends to happen is the plunger dries out and as you draw insulin you get air from behind the plunger and insulin can leak out as you inject.

    I will trade any insulin I find for any EpiPens you find. I am HIGHLY Allergic to bees and get stung atleast once a year. My Dr says I am some kind of magnet, he said he has not seen someone with the allergy get stung as much as me. I am currently on a 5 year treatment plan that is suppose to lessen or eliminate my reaction. The last time I was stung it took 4 epipens to get me the 45mins to the hospital. I am currently testing the longevity of one of the pens and it has been 3 years and it is still not discolored but it is stored in perfect conditions. I will need as many as possible if SHTF because I will probably be outside for longer periods of time and will not have the hospital option. 

  12. Yeah, we do three gallons on a regular week.  Sometimes more :stunned:

    3 under 3yo and me basically living on milk makes 3 gallons last 4 days, less if I have a healthy supply of oreos. we usually pick up 6 gallons a week. I have 4 in the fridge today so we should be ok.

  13. Same with "  No Spook, Bombproof" .cracks me up.
    .I know my horse is well broke.. but still throws a fit when he sees Turkeys.. but doesn't mind chickens.. :shrug:

    I know your horse is good with kids, my kid can attest to that. Olive still talks about it when she sees a horse.
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  14. My kids have spent time at all 3 of the childrens hospitals here in TN and I send all my donations to them. They do amazing work at all 4 and most of the families that go there cannot afford to pay. I think out of the 3 the one here in Knoxville needs the most help. The demographics at the Knoxville one seems to be more of the low income type. Most of the kids at that one are born addicted to drugs. My daughter had to go as soon as she was born and while we were there we found out that out of the 20+ babies in the NICU she was 1 of 3 that were not being treated for drugs. That NICU was just for babies 4mo or younger, I could not believe a parent would do that their kid. I was in the billing dept paying my bill one day and found a flyer on the counter that showed the stat that only 1 out of 1000 patients pay their bill. I know St. Judes never charges but the others in the state do and they don't get the kind of funding that St. Judes gets and they pretty much cover the medical cost for all of their patients as well. We send donations to East TN Childrens Hospital, Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital, and St. Judes in that order. We did a little reserch and found that was the best order based on need.

  15. They still have some individuals for $49. Doesn't look like free shipping, but still a good deal.



    shipping is only $7 so $56 is still a good deal



    This might be a better deal, plus it does not have that silly horse logo on it.


  16. I can't believe that it is ok to attack one group but totally wrong to attack another. If it was a Rep saying this about a Dem it would be a racist attack. I find it interesting when Dems say somthing like this people are not outraged but if a Rep says something like this they want their head. I am sick and tired of this hypicritical world we live in.



  17. I have been doing it off and on for 10+ years. I have had several different detectors and still have not found anything cool. Mainly pennies and nickels, I did find a wedding ring once but it was my friends wifes ring that they had asked me to find. I looked all over my property and several others after one of the neighbor kids found a civil war rifle while digging in the woods, I found nothing. I get the itch everyonce and a while and after a week of basically finding nothing I swear I will sell the detectors just to stop the itch.


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