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Posts posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. I went and was suprised with how little people were there, seemed like there was less vendors than usual.


    I found out that one of the guys I met on my birthday while waiting for Academy to open was a scumbag. I was walking through the show and saw him and was about to go over and say hi until I looked down and saw the contents of his table. It was full of overprices ammo he bought from various places. I just moved on. 


    I saw several people selling M44s for >$150, the only reason I did not get one was I will not have time to clean that crap off anytime soon. I did notice that a lot of the insane gun prices are coming down, ammo is still high from the resellers but resonable from the ammo makers. I also noticed that there was a lot more reloading stuff than I remember seeing but TGO's resident good guy still had the best deals by a mile.

  2. I am not a huge fan of hot pockets, usually I make all my food from scratch, but I have been sick lately and can't really taste all that well so I figured it would be a good hot pocket night. I just can't believe it even listed 28 minutes as an option.

    I was talking to a friend about this and they told me that his wife got a frozen lasagna and it has a 3 hour cook time. I dot get these times, I make lasagna on a pretty regular basis. I don't always make the pasta from scratch but even when I do I think from start to finish it is about 1.5 hours. I guess I just don't buy enough frozen food stuff because these times to me are insane. I thought the point of a frozen food was to make meal time faster. If it takes me longer it makes no sense to eat a frozen meal.
  3. My appatite has been down lately so I was looking for something in the freezer that was quick easy and a smaller portion that a full meal. I spotted some hot pockets and thought that will do. I have always made 2 at a time and know the amount time it takes, so I figured I will check and see what one should be microwaved for. I looked on the back and a number caught my eye, 28 minutes. Apparently if you choose to use the oven it takes 28 minutes, are you freaking kidding me. Has anyone ever used the oven option, if so is the hot pocket that much better? I can make a from scratch pizza in about that time and it will be a heck of a lot better than a hot pocket.
  4. My son had a family of skunks living in his crawl space. He got a live trap and caught one. There is a TWRA officer stationed at his work, so he asked him if TWRA would come get it, and they said "no". My son asked if he could relocate it himself, and the officer said it was illegal to transport a live animal. My son asked what his options were, and the office said "Shoot it". Son said, I live in Oak Ridge and can't discharge a weapon. Officer said fill up a garbage can with water and drop the whole trap in it and drown the skunk.   :dropjaw:

    I called TWRA about some nuisance pests and they told me to shoot them. I told them I was in the city limits and they told me I could either call a pest company or go buy an air rifle. He said the air rifle is a lot cheaper and more permanent. They have seen animals relocated 40-50 miles away make it back to the same area within a week.

  5. My Rasberry bushes are going crazy right now. I got about 10-15 berries of each bush last night and think there is about another 10 on each ready to pick. I think next year I will be adding 2 more bushes. The 3 I have right now are keeping the kids happy every morning for breakfast, just not a whole lot left for the rest of us.

  6. Maybe one of those little beeper sized panic alarms for runners (just pull the lanyard out). Check batteries but probably get about as much runtime as an airhorn at least.

    I often see basic hygiene stuff missing, spare glasses and meds when applicable.

    I never thought about one of those panic alarms. That is not a bad Idea, a couple of extra batteries for that and you should be doing pretty good on time. I have whistles in all my bags and even on my keychains. I like to have backups for everything and the airhorn fit that but because of size I might look into panic alarms. It would be nice if something happend and I started to black out all I had to do is pull the cord and the sound would continue even if I do black out.

  7. I'm taking a $145 beating on a SIG in the classifieds, and STILL none of you want it. I got an offer of $400!! WTH?


    This site used to have good folks that would pick up a decent deal, and not try to gouge when selling. Now, it's dang near as bad as a gun show.

    That ad has been killing me. Funds are low due to 4th baby on the way and wife decided this year we are completely redoing all the landscaping and paint for "curb appeal". I have been looking for a 225 for a while before she went on a spending spree. I wish I had the cash.

  8. I need to get my "storm" bag together.  This past week reminded me of that. 


    How hard would it be to access and use any sort of whistle or air horn when buried under said pile of rubble?  Obviously possible if you ended up in some sort of cavity where you could move around to some extent, but if you've ever been at the bottom of the "dog pile" you know that simply breathing can be difficult.  Getting a deep enough breath to blow a whistle or dig an air horn out of a bag might be impossible.   I've got a whistle that lives in my primary hiking pack but hadn't thought of one for the BOB.

    This was the thing I was thinking about. The one time I had to seek shelter I held onto the airhorn with all I had. I was thinking if you take a nasty fall and crack a rib or 2 repeatedly blowing a whistle might not happen long. I do have a whistle in my bags as well, that is why I have never even thought of the airhorn before. It does not take up that much room and it says it gets 3 hours of noise. I have never tried it and I assume that is consistant noise. I would only use it in short bursts so it may get me a day of attention getiing noise.

    • Like 1
  9. I have seen a ton of posts on bug out bag contents. I have someone on pinterest that pins a bunch about B.O.B and EDC and I have noticed one thing I think is missing in all of these. Due to storm season popping up I have gone through my "tornado kit" as I do every year. I was testing and replacing the stuff, when I came across the airhorn I put in the box. I tested it and it worked fine but was a little quieter than it was new. I was thinking about throwing it away but then thought maybe I should throw it in my B.O.B. I figure it would be a little hard to hear under a pile of rubble but it would still be loud enough if lost or hurt in the wild. I was wondering if I was out of my mind to put this in my bag. I keep these badboys in my car, house, camping gear etc but never occurred to me to put in my B.O.B. I know that your bag is used if you are trying to get away but what if you are just trying to get home after a natural disaster, I would think that this might come in handy.

    • Like 2
  10. Update: I have been in a couple time recently and have yet to see the sales guy, not sure if he was fired or not.


    While I was in there I ran I was looking at some rifle ammo and she came up and asked if I was finding everything ok. I said yes and made a comment how it was nice to see ammo on the shelves and can't wait to see 22lr come back. She told me that if you get there on shipment day at about 7am and stand around for 2 hours you will have a chance to get a box. She said "they" are showing up earlier and earlier. She said several times they have beat her to work. during that conversation I also found out that the pistol ammo was moved back up front because of theft. It was apparently a group of guys stealing it. Since moving it back up front they are actually starting to get back stock on that ammo. I think it would be a shame to have to set it all behind the counter but if it had gotten so bad that the shelves were bare before and now they have back stock I think it might be the way to go. I know I have gone in there several times (for fishing gear) and was amazed with how much pistol ammo was on the counter.

  11. Is there some kind of bait inside?  What makes them enter?
    Cherokee Slim

    No bait, they will go in the hole looking for a place to lay eggs. When they get inside they find out it is not suitable for them so the fly toward the light (glass container) and get stuck in there. The jar is to slick for them to climb and because of the shape of the jar they can not fly out.
  12. Not including diapers and formula we spend $1000-$1200 a month. We spend about $125 a week just in fruits and veggies.  We are a household of 5 about to be 6, we have a 3,2,1yo with the new one due in June. It is VERY hard to keep enough fruits and veggies in the house so this year we are trying to grow some of our own produce. We planted some berries, tomatoes, lettuce and carrots. If the "garden" cuts the produce bill in half for a month it will be worth it.


    We are lucky that our kids potty train easily. Our oldest was fully potty trained by time the 3rd was born and it looks like my son will be fully trained by time the new one is here. We still will have 2 in diapers. We buy luvs and spend about $45 a week in diapers and thanks to coupons we only have to spend $50 on formula a week. I am happy that we only have to get formula for 1 at a time.

  13. 10ring, I think we might know the same guy. I used to talk to him about once or twice a week. It tapered off a little right before he started Advocare and know I get 2-3 calls a day from him. He always wants me to go out to a "lunch" with him. I am like you I don't put a lot of processed foods in my body. If it were not for soda I would be doing a great job at it. My friend knows this and he still thinks advocare would be a great thing for me. I will admit he has lost a bunch of weight and overall looks to be healthier than I have ever seen him. I just do not have the time or desire to be a part of it and he just does not understand.


    Just thought I'd point out that sheetrock provides a fire barrier. If this is in a home many insurance companies insist on sheetrock walls and ceilings for that very reason.

    it is a workshop that is not heated or cooled and just dont want to take a chance with sheetrock and moisture. Painted wood has worked for hundreds of years,so I figure it would be a safe choice for the ceiling and I dont think it would make a great flooring for the attic space.

  15. I am embarking on a fairly large project and as frugal as I am I need advice. I know everyone has a favorite for different reasons. I am looking at just the bottom dollar. I need 50 sheets of plywood so even a $1 a piece savings would help. Half of the would could have some damage or not be perfect. I am enclosing the ceiling in. It is a 750sq foot ceiling and I plan on decking the attick space and then hanging a painted plywood for the ceiling. So if any of you know of a place here in Knoxville that might be able to beat the Big box price. Right now I am looking at $825, that could get me a bunch of ammo or a nice gun so it is a hard cost justify just to enclose a ceiling.

  16. I got a 410 the other day and inside I found a card that was for the NRA. It is for a NRA membership, and instead of a free hat you get a free pen and $10 off. I personally don't like the looks of the NRA hats, so I was excited to see that could get a pen instead. I went to www.NRA.org/Mossberg and found out that they had 3 and 5yr discounted memberships. I thought I would pass this on to others just incase others out there have enough hats that they don't wear.
  17. I got a call today. I was informed that they have changed the policy for the 22lr in this district. I was also told that the employee was reprimanded and that this will never happen again. I am pretty pleased with the way it was handled. I will be giving them another chance. I am still waiting on a follow up call from the LP manager, I was told he will call me before the weekend.

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