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more on my cigar shop experience

Guest archerdr1

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Guest archerdr1

On my way to work this morning I stopped in to the Tobacco store. I didn't buy anything this time, I walked up to him, OCing. I asked him if he remembered me from the other day and he said yes. I said "I don't know if you noticed that I was carrying or not, but guessed you did" He replied that he did, in fact, notice. I thanked him for not freaking out and telling me to leave. I told him that I was a HCP holder and that I appreciated him being gun friendly. We had a long discussion (a bit longer due to his not speaking english EXTREMELY well...he did ok though) about HCP holders and he kept telling me that if someone had a HCP, he was all for them coming in to his store, open or concealed. He said "It makes me feel safer" He said "If someone comes in here to do something bad, they might see someone else carrying a gun and decide to go somewhere else, if it is hidden, maybe the robbery gets stopped. I told him that I have posted the experience that I had with him on this website and he thanked me immensely. Again, like I said on my original post about this subject, If you are in town and decide to get some cigs, cigars, or beer, definitely keep this store in mind. It is the discount tobacco store by the food lion in East Ridge. Hey, OC, you might get the discount that I got!

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Guest hickok

Like the T-shirt says, "ATF" Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms . . . . .

Who's bringing the chips!! Or, something like that.

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That's great. My favorite Cigar store, Three Ten Pipe & Tobacco, encouraged carry in the store. Many times we would sit around and talk about who carried what.

It would have been the last place someone would want to rob. Most of the regulars carried as well as the owners. Stick up the place and you would have at least 4 pointed back at ya.

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Guest bkelm18

The only cigar shop I really ever frequent (I buy mine mostly online) is Leaf and Ale in Knoxville. Not sure their stance on carry but there is always 3 or 4 uniformed officers sitting around smoking cigars when I go there. So who knows.

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That's great. My favorite Cigar store, Three Ten Pipe & Tobacco, encouraged carry in the store. Many times we would sit around and talk about who carried what.

It would have been the last place someone would want to rob. Most of the regulars carried as well as the owners. Stick up the place and you would have at least 4 pointed back at ya.

Oh man Fadex you're going to make me cry. A little piece of my youth died when they closed those doors the last time. Alisa's father sold me my first cigar and sat down with me and showed me how to smoke it.

Hell we've probably smoked together there at some point. I loved the pile of magazines on the table, five sports magazines and 40 gun mags. You're right, anyone who came in there to start :D would have left on a stretcher!


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Same thing here. I walked in the store on my 18th birthday and bought a bought my first box of Camacho Executives from Dawson and he showed mt the same things.

During college I was there every day after class.

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Guest wijodo
Same thing here. I walked in the store on my 18th birthday and bought a bought my first box of Camacho Executives from Dawson and he showed mt the same things.

During college I was there every day after class.

When you went to class that is.

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It is what we need in this country to curb violence and crime. If more people carried you sure would not have home invasions like in California where they took the families 3 year old son. I am sick of this kind of thing happening to the defenseless children.

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