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Thoughts on the Bredesen Veto -- Who supported the Veto? -- Were they Duly elected?

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I lifted this little part of an article in the KnoxNews here in Knoxville. I think it is very interesting and points out something that everyone should be aware of. Ive hilited some pertinent things:

Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV was on hand for Bredesen's news conference and signing of the veto message, along with police chiefs of Nashville, Memphis and Chattanooga. Owen is currently president of the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police, which was holding a meeting in Nashville on Thursday.

"This is a matter of safety for officers and citizen safety," (If this was about citizen safety, Owen would have endorsed it -- my edit) Owen said.

Memphis Chief Larry Goodwin referred to two recent killings in Memphis where the alleged killers held handgun carry permits:

"In Memphis, we're keeping score. It's handgun permit holders two, unarmed citizens zero (Chief Goodwin failed to point out that police did not stop this incident -- the simple fact is that the police cannot protect you. No doubt Chief Goodwin has a low opinion of the handgun permit laws. He conviently forgets that criminals don't bother to abide by the law (that's why they call them criminals, he also appears to have adjudicated these cases before trial -- my edit) ," he said.

When you go to vote in any local election, especially in the Mayoral Election; you need to remember that you are voting for the person who will pick your next CHIEF OF POLICE. Sterling Owen was picked by a REPUBLICAN. It is simply a fact that many chiefs of police are anti-gun. They can be anti-gun because they are not directly accountable to the people of the county who elect them. Sheriffs and their respective departments are much more responsive and reasonable because they have to be -- they are elected.

In summary, you would do well to look deeply into the opinions of any candidate who runs for local office; they may pick people who don't hold the right to self defense and the Second Amendment in the same high regard that we do.

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Guest 270win

I was disappointed that the Shelby County Sheriff was glad of the veto also. I am not sure if he is term limited or not. It doesn't surprise me that the bigger city police chiefs ran to Nashville for the photo opportunity. They answer to some liberal mayor and want to keep their jobs. I think there will be a veto over ride next week to take care of this little problem and those who don't like it will just have to eat crow!

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Guest TJones8611

"Memphis Chief Larry Goodwin referred to two recent killings in Memphis where the alleged killers held handgun carry permits:

"In Memphis, we're keeping score. It's handgun permit holders two, unarmed citizens zero"

What BS, More than 45 murders have occured in Memphis this year. So, two of those invovled had a permit, were the two justifiable?

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Guest GhostHunter

Holy Crap!! How convenient for the police chiefs to be in Nashville on the very day that Bredesen vetoes the Restaurant Carry Bill!! It even more convenient that they were actually standing behind him when he made the announcement of the veto, grinning like a bunch of jackasses eating saw briers. That's OK, just wait until next week then the veto gets shoved up the old wazoo, then we'll see who is grinning!! You got that Syrup As*???

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Guest truthsayer
"Memphis Chief Larry Goodwin referred to two recent killings in Memphis where the alleged killers held handgun carry permits:

"In Memphis, we're keeping score. It's handgun permit holders two, unarmed citizens zero"

What BS, More than 45 murders have occured in Memphis this year. So, two of those invovled had a permit, were the two justifiable?

Hey, Larry. LARRY! Unarmed citizens are rarely at fault in shooting deaths. That is all.

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I was disappointed that the Shelby County Sheriff was glad of the veto also. I am not sure if he is term limited or not. It doesn't surprise me that the bigger city police chiefs ran to Nashville for the photo opportunity. They answer to some liberal mayor and want to keep their jobs. I think there will be a veto over ride next week to take care of this little problem and those who don't like it will just have to eat crow!

Sheriff Luttrell will be reminded of his stance if he decides to pop his sorry ass into the NRA meeting this year I'd wager.

"Memphis Chief Larry Goodwin referred to two recent killings in Memphis where the alleged killers held handgun carry permits:

"In Memphis, we're keeping score. It's handgun permit holders two, unarmed citizens zero"

What BS, More than 45 murders have occured in Memphis this year. So, two of those invovled had a permit, were the two justifiable?

One wasn't, one is up in the air, but NEITHER have been tried so basically Godwin convicted these two permit holders before they ever went to trial. He's nothing more than Herenton's lackey and he is a sorry POS.

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Guest Charles Morgan

"Memphis Chief Larry Goodwin referred to two recent killings in Memphis where the alleged killers held handgun carry permits:

"In Memphis, we're keeping score. It's handgun permit holders two, unarmed citizens zero"

Well golly gee whiz mr chief, seems like a few policemen have gone to the slammer for various crimes over the years...so disarm your own police force.

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