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Know Thy Friend- Know Thy Enemy

Guest Phantom6

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Guest Phantom6

Think folks won't know about that $23.00-$2300.00 contribution you made to the candidate of your choice? Think again! :woohoo:

Enter your Zip Code and this website lists Contributor names &

addresses to Presidential Campaigns (2004 & 2008) and the amounts

contributed throughout that zip code.


Brought to you,of course by the Left. That would be the same Left that prints the names of Carry Permit holders in this state and others. That would be the same Left that that squalls about privacy rights when paths are crossed between folks conversing with people in known terrorist areas and the NSA.

Yes, it's public information but did you expect it to be printed for the ENTIRE WORLD to see?

What do you think they are going to do when it comes to socialized healthcare?


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This info is available everywhere, including from various newspapers and through the state and federal election offices. Nothing partisan about it.

Here are some links:



Everyone who donates more than $100 to a state-level campaign needs to realize that their name must be reported and posted. Small dollar donations are usually grouped together on the reporting forms and don't get listed individually, so you can stay under the radar that way. Take it from one who has done it, campaign finance reporting is not fun, and records of everything must be kept. Not sure of the exact rules for Federal campaigns, but its similar.

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Front page story in the News Sentinel today naming local $2300 contributors to Fred's campaign.

I am not sure what the big deal is really. If you want to support somebody then why try to hide. I guess people might have their reasons but I would not care.

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More money is better politics. As long as contributions are open and above board I really don't care who gives what. Let people see who is supporting Obama and who is bankrolling Hillary's campaign. Maybe someday people will get the idea that "the rich" actually are Democrats, not Republicans.

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