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ground hog

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Guest mikedwood

I can understand the excitement. We had a raccon invasion here and I didn't want to kill them... at first. After two weeks of trying to secure the garbage cans and still waking up to hurricane Rocky every morning my neighbor was begging me to shoot it (I live in a small apartment complex) I decided to try trapping it. It turned out to be 8 of the little bastages and they aren't as cuddley and friendly as they look.

Getting rid of a pest animal in a populous area isn't like hunting at all. It's a pain in the a$$ and makes you feel so much like Bill Murry in Caddy Shack that it's scary and humiliating. It's not like hunting and I have never met a member of PETA that lived near enough to the country to actually see a wild animal. (My apartments are actually kind of in the country.)

Also if the OP used hunting tips I doubt the little rascal suffered long at all.

So I say congrats OP.

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i newer been hunting, i'm trying to bring my self to it

but hearing horror stories like that is not helpful at all.

i meant to say that is just getting more and more extreme.

when you watch hunting on tv. it is made to look as normal as possible.

one shot one kill.

but just randomly shooting animals and truly enjoying it , is sick and he should consider some psychological screening test.

if you work in slaughter house. and there is few people capable to do that,

don't go around and make it sound normal

HUNTING is NOT for you!!!!!!


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Hey if he don't want to kill it that's fine. Leaves more for me to shoot at!!

I guess the point was somehow misconstrued. I absolutely believe in hunting. I absolutely believe that there are critters that fly, swim, walk on four legs and even two legs that need to be exterminated, and I'm perfectly willing to do so.

But when you go around exterminating things just because you don't like them, you can cause more trouble than originally anticipated.

There may come a time when we all wished there were more groundhogs around. Why? Because we're f***ing hungry. If you use your resources when you don't need them, they may not be there when you do. That was the point that was instilled into me as a child. It's no different from saving money during the good times 'cause the bad times will someday come.

My grandfather is fulled blooded Indian (we don't use that native American crap in my family, we also never lived on the reservations or took any government handouts). Our people were almost completely annihilated from the planet because people shot buffalo from trains just to let them rot on the prairie for fun.

I say hunt, I say protect your property. I just say do it with a little respect and dignity.

Edited by tntnixon
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This is not the place to be pushing your convictions onto others.

Every post made on any site, including this one, in one way or another pushes one's convictions on others. It's the whole point of making a post. We share our experiences with others. Some of us have different experiences and by sharing them we may all learn something. That's why forums are popular in the first place.

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ok, since some people have to know the whole story....a pack of the bastages(groundhogs) attacked the neighbors dog and almost killed him. beautiful little tiger stripped something or other. i didn't kill him for the fun of it, i have 2 dogs there and don't want them to be attacked by these things. my shop is in city limits in madison and i can't shoot him with a gun. trust me, that is my first choice to shoot something with. if you don't like what i did, i don't care. was i excited when i posted this story, heck ya, you ever hunt and be glad when you finally shoot something? i have been trying to shoot him for 3 weeks.

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ok, since some people have to know the whole story....a pack of the bastages(groundhogs) attacked the neighbors dog and almost killed him. beautiful little tiger stripped something or other. i didn't kill him for the fun of it, i have 2 dogs there and don't want them to be attacked by these things. my shop is in city limits in madison and i can't shoot him with a gun. trust me, that is my first choice to shoot something with. if you don't like what i did, i don't care. was i excited when i posted this story, heck ya, you ever hunt and be glad when you finally shoot something? i have been trying to shoot him for 3 weeks.

Perfectly rational. Would have done the same thing in that situation. The OP was a little vague, leaving a bad impression for those of us who love to hunt, but are very conscious of the impact.

If there weren't guys like me, groups like Ducks Unlimited and Wild Turkey Federation wouldn't exist. The fact is without guys like me, there would be nothing to hunt anymore, we damned near wiped out all of the game before some hunter-conservationists stepped up to the plate. That being said, we need to be very mindful of the wacko leftists who want to take away our heritage with regards to hunting. They'll seize on any opportunity to paint us as cruel and inhumane in order to make us all vegan tree huggers.

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I'm upset because there's so few recipes for ground hogs and cat's and there is a shortage of both hair ball's around my place. .17 HMR rules ;) That thing pictured the 31first post should be outlawed . looks like a groundhog

Edited by Rock.45
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Interesting...I've been hunting all my life, was a game warden for 13 years, seen all kinds of things...but I have never, I repeat never, seen a pack of bastage groundhogs "attack a dog". I have however, seen a dog attack a groundhog that was minding his own business....poor dog took one heck of an a%%% whoop'n. Learned his lesson too!

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Guest mikedwood
Interesting...I've been hunting all my life, was a game warden for 13 years, seen all kinds of things...but I have never, I repeat never, seen a pack of bastage groundhogs "attack a dog". I have however, seen a dog attack a groundhog that was minding his own business....poor dog took one heck of an a%%% whoop'n. Learned his lesson too!

I googled it because I have never heard of it either.

Apparently it does happen. Either the dog started it or the groundhog or hogs have rabies. And I mean that seriously. Even people have been attacked. Zoinks!

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...a pack of the bastages(groundhogs) attacked the neighbors dog and almost killed him....

I'm not calling anyone a liar here, but I must say I find that totally unbelievable.

- The only "packs" of groundhogs would be a single family unit of them, and the little ones leave home long before they are the size of adults. Groundhogs do not group together beyond their family units.

- My frigging cat used to chase groundhogs. They are very timid creatures, with their main defense being to run to burrow.

Perhaps the neighbors don't know a groundhog from a raccoon or something.

- OS

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I'm not calling anyone a liar here, but I must say I find that totally unbelievable.

- The only "packs" of groundhogs would be a single family unit of them, and the little ones leave home long before they are the size of adults. Groundhogs do not group together beyond their family units.

- My frigging cat used to chase groundhogs. They are very timid creatures, with their main defense being to run to burrow.

Perhaps the neighbors don't know a groundhog from a raccoon or something.

- OS

My grandparents had a dog (shepherd mix) that came home with a groudhog in its mouth damned near as big as him. I don't think there was a part of the dog that wasn't bleeding. But he killed the groundhog.

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My grandparents had a dog (shepherd mix) that came home with a groudhog in its mouth damned near as big as him. I don't think there was a part of the dog that wasn't bleeding. But he killed the groundhog.

They will of course fight in the burrow, when a dog digs one out...big teeth and claws. That's how most dogs get them, that's how ours used to.

They'll fight to get loose if grabbed, too of course, but only to run if they can.

But they will not "attack" anything.

And, as I mentioned, they don't gang up either, so there can't BE a "pack" of them.

- OS

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Guest mikedwood
They will of course fight in the burrow, when a dog digs one out...big teeth and claws. That's how most dogs get them, that's how ours used to.

They'll fight to get loose if grabbed, too of course, but only to run if they can.

But they will not "attack" anything.

And, as I mentioned, they don't gang up either, so there can't BE a "pack" of them.

- OS

I had some links in my post above but they didn't take for some reason. I'll try again. I think you need to be warned these ground hogs are true bastages.

Mad Groundhog Attack at Schaeffer - MORE Forums

Animals Most Likely to Attack Pets - Paw Nation

Top 10 Animals To Attack Pets

1. Snakes

2. Coyotes

3. Raccoons

4. Squirrels

5. Scorpions

6. Javelinas

7. Porcupines

8. Groundhogs

9. Skunks

10. Rats

Drunk groundhog attacks woman - Boing Boing


The Confused Dildo: The Great Experiment: Farm Teeth

And that is just a few.

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They will of course fight in the burrow, when a dog digs one out...big teeth and claws. That's how most dogs get them, that's how ours used to.

They'll fight to get loose if grabbed, too of course, but only to run if they can.

But they will not "attack" anything.

And, as I mentioned, they don't gang up either, so there can't BE a "pack" of them.

- OS

I don't know about the pack behavior of the groudhog, but I do know that if you take I-65 North from Nashville and continue past Rivergate. The next exit is Long Hollow Pike (my exit). Get off the Long Hollow Pike exit any day between 3-5 PM and look on the shoulder of the off ramp. There will be approximately 5-10 fully grown groundhogs rooting around in very close proxemity to one another. Are they a pack? I don't know but they certainly appear to have some social relationship to one another. Will they attack? Don't know that either, never had experience with one attacking, only running. I do know that they are as succeptable to rabies as any other mammal, though.

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Mad Groundhog Attack at Schaeffer - MORE Forums

Isolated forum story, don't give it much credence myself.


Animals Most Likely to Attack Pets - Paw Nation

Top 10 Animals To Attack Pets

1. Snakes

2. Coyotes

3. Raccoons

4. Squirrels

5. Scorpions

6. Javelinas

7. Porcupines

8. Groundhogs

9. Skunks

10. Rats

Story should have read: "Top Ten Animals to BITE Pets".

Most animals will bite if THEY are attacked.


Drunk groundhog attacks woman - Boing Boing

Well, dunno. Maybe he WAS drunk.



The Confused Dildo: The Great Experiment: Farm Teeth

This is so off the wall, I give it total 0.

"...chase children down to maul them to death"...


Find any "groundhog packs" stories, too?

- OS

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i didn't see it myself but the owner of the dog did....he made it sound like ground hogs gone wild, almost killed the dog. he said he had seen ground hogs attack before when they are together in what he called a pack(guess he ment several) but never by themselves. i guess if there aren't pictures it's not true, right? lol

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Every post made on any site, including this one, in one way or another pushes one's convictions on others. It's the whole point of making a post. We share our experiences with others. Some of us have different experiences and by sharing them we may all learn something. That's why forums are popular in the first place.


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