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Multi Forum survival bushcraft campout 5/14-5/16

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WHO: Open to all.

WHAT: Region 3 Camping & Bush Craft weekend

WHEN: May 14th, 15th & 16th

WHERE: Cloudland Canyon State Park in Rising Fawn, GA

COST: $6 per person per night and $3 per vehicle(parking pass), paid to the Ranger station when checking in.

Details: This event will be held at Cloudland'>http://www.gastateparks.org/net/go/parks.aspx?LocationID=38&s="]Cloudland Canyon State Park on their 2 mile Backcountry Loop. We will be hiking about 1.5 to the site. Campsites are primitive but do have an outhouse on location(bring your own TP though :tough: ). Water will either have to be hiked in or can be obtained from close by streams. Everyone is responsible for their own food and shelter.

There is a "Naturalist" on staff who will be coming out for four hours on Saturday the 15th and again for four hours on Sunday the 16th to teach portions of his Wilderness Skills classes that he offers through the park several times a year. A little background on him. In additional to teaching the Wilderness Survival skills classes for the park, he has completed numerous of Tom Brown's Survival and Tracking school courses, works in Search and Rescue and as strange as it sounds has spent considerable time living in some different primitive shelters in the park and elsewhere for months at a time. Some topics to be covered are fire by friction, wild edibles, shelter making, etc. Time and interest will ultimately dictate the type and amount of material covered.

Participation is completely optional as is overnight camping. Feel free to just come out and visit with some fellow TSP'ers if nothing else. This outing will be posted on a couple other boards but is being slated as a TSP Region 3 event. Below are a few pics of the park and a shelter building class from previous campout I put together for another forum a while back.








Feel free to post your thoughts, comments, questions and/or concerns.

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Guest Quiet-Medicine-762

Will this be a firearm's free area?...I love Cloudland canyon and spent many days and weeks there preparing for real life as a kid..

There are places which are reminiscent of the USMC Survival School in regard to terrain..

I am an RN and Paramedic and have much experience in wilderness survival medicine if anyone would want to participate on some basic lifesaving techniques and are interested in learning triage of critical patients and treatment of wounds(GSW,Burns,Lacerations,spinal trauma and that sort of stuff.Also, Treating the walking wounded,sick,or battle weary troop..

Just let me know!..It has been a while since I overlooked any training but I can still save and casevac lives with my eyes closed..

Edited by Quiet-Medicine-762
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Unfortunately, they do have it posted no firearms in the park. Would love to have you come out and if nothing else let folks interested do a Q & A on the medical stuff. I'm going to be signing up for a Wilderness First Responder course that is happening a week prior to the campout. So I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions for you after going through that.

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