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February Memphis Eat and Shoot Date Night

Guest jcramin

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Guest jcramin

Friday February 15th 6:00pm RangeUSA

The day after Valentines Day

Be nice to your sweety two nights in a row, or maybe if your nice to her on the 14th she will be nice to you on the 15th.

We are planning a EAT and SHOOT at RangeUSA on Friday Feb 15th at 6:00pm. We have time to talk and eat and shoot. We can plan to meet at 6:00pm and just hang out and talk for a bit first so the people who cant make it right at 6 have time to come up before all the fun begins.

Ive been to Date Night at RangeUSA many times for the great deal and the great food. The food is so good ive taken my family there just for dinner before without shooting.

RangeUSA has DATE night every Friday night from 6-9pm for $39.99

It includes:

2 meals (Awesome BBQ)

2 boxes of ammo

2 targets

1 lane

Ill give credit to David Waldrip for this great idea and his quote:

Back to back "date night"

Hope to see everyone there.


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Guest Halfpint

I'm completely for it, will do my best to get my girlfriend involved in some way. But J, check your spelling . . . :wink:

Only thing that sucks is, Nikki won't be 21 for almost a year. :) Not really cool to take her and then she has to sit and watch, but I'll figure something out.

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That rule bites! The range near me just requires the person to be over 12 and allows them to shoot anything. Of course they have to be properly supervised by a parent. My son went for the first time on his 12th birthday,last month and shot all my pistols. I was suprised he did pretty well. He was able to keep all the rounds in the silhouette from my XD-45 at 15 yards. (much better than some folks in my concealed class)

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Guest canynracer

I should clarify...Under 21 can only shoot handguns with parent or legal guardian present. 18 and up can shoot rifles without parent or legal guardian present...

in halfpints case, he is not the legal guardian of his girlfriend, but she is over 18 so she can shoot a rifle in the approved caliber... :D

*disclaimer: I do not represent RUSA on this board or any other forum. The information in this post is based on my personal knowledge and opinion

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  • 2 weeks later...


i am new to TGO but not new to memphis or shooting.

i would like to meet(and definatly EAT) with y'all and blow some ammo.

i have never been to range usa, so, i have looked at the range usa website.

how many pistols does one usually bring to these events?

don't know if i can make but i will try.


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Guest canynracer

Bring what you want, just make sure it is an approved caliber fot the range..I bring two, cause I only own two...LOL.....

other than that, bring em!!! hope you can make it!!!

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Guest Halfpint

I'll be there, girlfriend will be there, girlfriend's SISTER will be there as well... teaching the sister to shoot, girlfriend has to sit in the cafe and watch, sadly. :shrug:

EDIT: I'll be a little late, have to give the sister a few pointers before we show up and make sure she knows the basics before we hit the firing line.

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Guest jcramin

Im sorry I didnt make it. Family emergency came up with my parents. Everything is good, just sorry I didnt make it shooting. I even got an original US Army Colt 1911 from my dad that I wanted to shoot.


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Guest David Waldrip

Had a great time.

Got to meet Wimpy and his wife.

It was good to see that kind of crowd in both the restaurant and the range. Date night is a bigger hit than I ever knew or imagined.

I vote for TGO nametags next month, so we can easily spot each other..:devil:

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Guest Halfpint

I'm all for it--sorry I missed last night as well. Girlfriend's sister got a migraine and I had a family situation come up that had to be dealt with . . . I'll be there this coming Thursday and/or Friday if anyone wants to join me.

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