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About Fallguy

  • Birthday 10/29/1967

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    McKenzie, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 32
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger LCP

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  1. I thought that was just Federal Parks, not State Parks
  2. Interesting... I too have been fingerprinted on a Federal level for work, but have only had checks through TICS with no problem. Make me wonder if I ever go through a NICS chceck....
  3. Many state parks still have "No Firearms" signs. This is because when the bill was introduced to allow carry in state parks, if signs had to be taken down or modified it would have added a fiscal note to the bill and many opponents would have used that as a reason to vote against the bill. So it was amended so that parks were not required to do anything with signs...said it still applied to those without a permit...like anyone without a permit could have carried anyway..but I digress. It is good to hear that they replied to your query and gave you the correct information. If I remember correctly....when normal maintenance requires a sign to removed or repaired, the new sigh should not have "No Firearms" on it or if it is a No Firearms sign only, not be put back up.
  4. Always good to ask in not sure. Oh and welcome to TN, firearms laws here aren't perfect, but much better than California I imagine. Just to note if you didn't notice in the thread....You are close to Natchez Trace "State" Park. But there is also The Natchez Trace Parkway, a "federal" park that is not too far in Middle Tennessee (and Alabama and Mississippi as well)
  5. Correct. Although to note, you can't carry into federal buildings in National Parks. But federal law requires such building be posted with that notice.
  6. I'm pretty sure because you have to sign the application, under penalty of perjury, that you answered all the qualifying questions correctly. But they probably could come up with some way to do it electronically I'd think.
  7. See T.C.A. 55-8-181   55-8-181.  Rights and duties of motorcycle operator.   Every person operating a motorcycle is granted all of the rights and is subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this chapter and chapter 9 of this title, except as to special regulations in this chapter and except as to those provisions of this chapter and chapter 9 of this title that by their nature can have no application.   Although it doesn't say it applies to Title 39, Chapter 13, to me it is saying a motorcycle rider has the same rights as the driver of a car.
  8.   I have read the rules before, knew I got "16" from somewhere, thanks.   http://share.tn.gov/sos/rules/1340/1340-02/1340-02-03.pdf
  9. It's a safety class that is required to get your HCP, but AFAIK nothing prevents an instructor from allowing a 16 year old to take it if they want to.  Just because you take the class doesn't mean you have to get your HCP...that's just the reason 99.9999999999999999% of the people do
  10.   ^^THIS^^    As well as may want to check the states you'll be travelling through
  11. A diagnosis by a doctor is not the same as being adjudicated by a court. I really don't think you'll have a problem. The only reason to show your DD-214 is if you have handgun training you can substitute for the safety class
  12.   Not the members themselves nessecarily, but the act of OCing


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