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Privatizing Gun Control?

Guest TheMikeLurie

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Guest TheMikeLurie

This subject may have been discussed already. I did search the forum briefly and didn't see anything about this particular topic, but my apologies in advance if it has been covered.

Last night my wife and I went out for dinner to celebrate a new job, and went to one of our favorite restaurants (Bonefish Grill). On our way OUT of the restaurant, AFTER we got done eating, I noticed the signage forbidding guns in the establishment. The sign was posted several feet from the entrance, closer to the exit, and it was on the facade of the exterior in a small (maybe 6" x 6") sign that simply stated "while we respect the rights of gun owners, we do not allow guns in our establishments". No gun buster, no TN code cited, just those words... Honestly, had I not turned to hold the door for my wife as we were leaving, I never would have seen the sign. Like I said, it was not in a "conspicuous" location and because it was designed to match the facade of the building, it was barely noticeable. It looked like a typical dining-related posting.. maybe the restaurant hours or other such posting. It wasn't designed to stand out in any way.

After we got home, I immediately posted it to the Carry Prohibited Locations thread.

But the sign raised some interesting conversation between the wife and I. She, not being a diehard gun enthusiast and 2nd Amendment advocate as I am, had some questions I was able to answer and some I was not. First, she wanted to know how they could get away with a posting like that, without the gun buster and without the proper verbiage that you would expect to find from the posting. She was also concerned about the possible ramifications that we might have faced if there was an off-duty LEO or even just a private citizen that saw my gun while we were dining. Those were the easy questions...

But the next thing she asked me was an even better question: What is stopping the government (or more precisely Barry Hussein and the anti-gun left) from launching a full fledged campaign to "privatize" gun control and petition these establishments to prohibit carry? While the government would have a very difficult time passing legislation that would remove our 2nd Amendment rights, they could very easily launch a massive campaign to get businesses to exercise their right control carry on their property. Perhaps, the government could even impose incentives for these companies and corporations to do so.

It's a very simple theory. While the government can't take away our guns, they can get every business in the country to do so one establishment at a time. As of right now, we have many alternatives for dining, shopping etc... but what if the government reached out to McDonalds, Burger King, Hardees, Wendy's, Chick-fill-A and many other restaurants? What if they got to Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, home Depot, Lowes, etc...? What if they managed to influence all of the businesses that we HAVE to frequent for our daily purchases? It isn't out of the realm of possibility that they could successfully legislate gun control by reaching out to the specific businesses instead of passing laws.

Has anybody given any thought to this possibility? If so, how close to becoming a reality do you think this might be? What are your thoughts on it?

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I think they'd have to insure laws were in place in each state that allow the kind of private property postings that TN has. I know several surrounding states where posting makes no difference, it's legal to carry if you have a permit.

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....Has anybody given any thought to this possibility? If so, how close to becoming a reality do you think this might be? What are your thoughts on it?

- To echo crimson, only a couple of states actually have a specific penalty enacted for carrying past a posted biz, so effectiveness would likely be extremely low

- What kind of restaurant names itself after an inedible fish?

- OS

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TN is in the minority when it comes to posting private property. While any property can post, in many states there is no law against carrying past the posing. Only if you refused to leave after being asked would you risk legal trouble (trespass). TX has a posting law but it is related to restaurants and bars and the amount of revenue from food/alcohol.

Edit - or what OS said. He beat me to the draw (again).

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Guest TheMikeLurie

- What kind of restaurant names itself after an inedible fish?

- OS

Yeah the name is probably a little off-putting.

I'll say this though... I am pissed that they were posted. And normally, I won't give my business to posted establishments once I find out about it. We always used to shop at Toys R' Us for my nieces and nephews, and once I found out their policy (not just being posted, but being rude to gun owners that write to them to voice their opinion) I stopped giving them my business. My wife hates it when I write a good place off because of their gun control philosophies...

But Bonefish might be the one exception. I really do love eating there. And while the name is weird, I would highly recommend it if you enjoy fish. They get everything flown in daily and have a very "upscale" menu and atmosphere without the "upscale" prices. I don't know if I am going to be able to avoid the place even with the difference of philosophy. I don't know... we'll see I guess.

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TN is in the minority when it comes to posting private property. While any property can post, in many states there is no law against carrying past the posing. Only if you refused to leave after being asked would you risk legal trouble (trespass). TX has a posting law but it is related to restaurants and bars and the amount of revenue from food/alcohol....

Bad example though, as Texas also allows other type businesses to post (hospitals, churches, nursing homes, amusement parks, sporting events, etc), and has a separate penalty for it, just like TN. Theirs is actually worse, a Class A misdemeanor.

For all its "wild west freedom" reputation, Texas is quite gun restrictive.

No open carry, either.

- OS

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Bad example though, as Texas also allows other type businesses to post (hospitals, churches, nursing homes, amusement parks, sporting events, etc), and has a separate penalty for it, just like TN. Theirs is actually worse, a Class A misdemeanor.

For all its "wild west freedom" reputation, Texas is quite gun restrictive.

No open carry, either.

- OS

OS, thanks for the clarification. The last time I was in Texas was before I carried. I knew they had a bar/rest posting but I didn't realize they also had TN style posting. Good to know whenever I get to TX.

Most of my travels are in KY where postings are meaningless.

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Guest DMasterson

The one thing that Texas is better at than Tennessee in regards to posting, is there is no ambiguity. If a property/business owner wants to keep CHL holders out, they have to post a very specific sign known as a 30.06 notice (Texas Penal Code Section 30.06, Trespass by a Concealed Handgun Licence holder). This sign has to be in English and Spanish with one inch high letters with high contrast. It's about 3 feet high and 2 feet wide. None of this hiding a half inch gunbuster behind the Daily Specials sign.

The other fun sign in Texas that you'll see posted is 'Unlicensed Possession of a weapon on these premises is a felony...'. You can walk right past this without a second glance. I'm pretty sure some people put these up instead of a full 30.06 posting to keep both sides happy.

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