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My Opinion, Bark A Lounger by Primos

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[TD=colspan: 2]Just a quick review after roughly 7-8 hours combined use. The seat is well made with heavy duty adjustable straps, and leather patches where the seat hinges.

The bottom is somewhat padded, it think 1/2" and it's decent for what it's intended for but any extended use I would recommend an additional seat pad.

I would rate back support a solid 8 on 1-10 scale. The seat itself is a medium size and fit's me well (5'9, 210)

The camo is a Mossy oak brush pattern which works well in the field edges I hunt. I'm not sure if there's other pattern choices. The seating surfaces are not camo, just plain tan/brown but they don't show when your seated.

The seat has a small carry handle on both sections and snaps that hold it closed, also there is a longer adjustable strap for shoulder carry.

I'm not sure of the actual weight but it's very light and hardly noticeable.

I bought mine directly from callingcoyotes.com as they had the best price I could find and shipping was about average speed. The folks there are very friendly and we even talked about winter calling methods.

Hope this helps anyone that's considering purchasing one of these and if you have any specific questions just PM me.







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Guest GunTroll

I thought of getting one of those at one time. Ended up with a stadium seat thing in OD for half that price on Amazon. Its not water proof and I intend on putting some closed cell foam on the bottom half but to be honest I don't care to much and will probably do nothing. I took it out last winter with all the snow we had and I wasn't bothered when I wore my snow camo which is water resistant. I try not to sit in the mud. I also don't sit out in the rain much either. The color is neutral enough and I'm in it with all my high speed camo on so its hidden unless they give me the sneak attack on my 6 then I'm dog food so it doesn't matter. I carry mine on a carabiner and a back pack loop or I have rigged a piece of 550 cord on my foxpro and weave it through the handles on the seat and sling it over my shoulder. Either way its no problem and easy to deploy in a rush. Darn near the best addition to my pred setup.

Thanks for mentioning this. I have been meaning to also advise folks of such products. Way better than leaning on a tree/fence/nothing!


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I have tried to sit in these type seats without success. These first came out as camping/concert/park seats. We got a couple years ago and I never could get comfortable in one. Maybe if it was used in conjunction with a tree and a turkey vest cushion I could see it working out for me.

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Guest GunTroll
I have tried to sit in these type seats without success. These first came out as camping/concert/park seats. We got a couple years ago and I never could get comfortable in one. Maybe if it was used in conjunction with a tree and a turkey vest cushion I could see it working out for me.

Did you try the youth model size or the full size/adult size?

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