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I might have just gotten blown


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Guest unreconstructed1

wow, when I read the title I thought one of 2 things.... neither were this.

to be honest, yours is an interesting situation. normally I would say, it's a public place, no policy against, and no signage prohibiting WTF is the problem? but since you are working out of a private residence, it's a litle trickier. I have always been a supporter of respecting someones wishes in their own homes. If I believe that someone has a problem with my carry, I'll ask. if they do, I won't go inside.

instead of sneaking around with it, which I know isn't your intention, but the way it sounds, it's what you rae actually, anawaringly doing, I'd just flat out ask him about it. If you are a good worker, with it being a small business, you probably don't have much to worry about, and you may have just paved teh way for other pro 2A guys when the place gets bigger....

but I'd still ask around about how to file sexual harrassment claims....

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Guest Spuds
Another thing about this guy that increased my level of leeriness is that he's the kind of guy that will hug you and pat you on the back- very physical about stuff, you know.

Ah, you mean he's a sexual predator! :D Remind him about laws prohibiting unwanted hugs and pats. :D

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I am not a big fan of being touched. I do not like hugs unless it is from a family member or a hot young lady. I do not like pats on the back, pats on my hip are way out of bounds, way out!

Give me my three feet of space and we will get along famous

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So did anything happen today at work?

Yeah, we christened the table in here. It got all hot and steamy, and it turned out he was madly aroused by my weapon. Unfortunately, his wife walked in on us, and things didn't go well from there.

OK, seriously, nothing happened. I'm quite certain that he felt the thing yesterday, (stop) but probably didn't even think "gun." No comment or unusual behavior today.

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Guest TNDixieGirl
I am not a big fan of being touched. I do not like hugs unless it is from a family member or a hot young lady. I do not like pats on the back, pats on my hip are way out of bounds, way out!

Give me my three feet of space and we will get along famous

Take out the hot young lady in that statement, and I'm the exact same way.

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Guest aBRG2far
"Cell phone."



"Insulin pump."

"Springfield Armory XD Series, 9mm, 16 rounds. Wanna go shoot sometime?"


Colostomy bag

edit. We think alike

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Guest abailey362

If he ever says anything just remind him of the time he sexually harassed you and the multi-page thread that proves it.....he won't say another word.

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