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Form 4 Question

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They will NOT accept 2 pages but it is perfectly ok to print your own form as long as page 1 and page 2 (front and back) are on the same page.  They stopped allowing 2 page forms years ago b/c some were getting CLEO signoff on suppressors and then putting the back of one form with the front of a machinegun form, etc... Lot of the crap we deal with now b/c of a few bad apples...


If you do not have a duplex printer just print page 1, flip it over and print page 2.  The ATF forms are adobe PDFs and will allow you to type in your information. Be sure to pick up the cert of compliance forms too.

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Thanks, good idea about printing pg 2 on the back of pg 1. My next worry is this: I was going to get the police chief to sign, until I heard today that one of our police officers had the chief sign his and it got returned by the ATF because they wanted the Sheriff to sign instead. I'm wondering if it was returned because they did not want the Chief to sign for an employee.

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Chief or Sheriff or their designee of YOUR residence... Our sheriff signs our personal Forms all the time.  Shouldn't have mattered.  I can only expect either the employee did not live within the city limits or the chief had someone else sign for him and it wasn't properly disclosed.


If you live within the city limits either will do, if you don't the Sheriff would be best.


There's others that can sign as well... not as popular as they once were.. I had a DA sign once before and when I was in SC our district solicitor was a good friend and did all of mine... 

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