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Posts posted by -boatman-

  1. This is easy enough to do your self. Whoever you buy the spring from can tell you how many turns to wind it but you have to be careful doing it. If it gets away from you it can hurt you. If you have two springs it's Of a bad idea to replace both. They are rated for a certain number of cycles so the other one may not be too far behind this one before it breaks.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. What kind of heat does the unit have?

    If you have power on the white wire from the thermostat (24 volts) when it should be off it probably be the thermostat. If not and it is electric heat it may be the sequencer. You can most likely Google it to see what one looks like. It has several contacts stacked that come on in sequence. They can go bad and stick on. If you don't have 24 volts on the control side but have high voltage on the other it's probably bad. There may be several sets of contacts on the high voltage side.

  3. Been there twice. Once in the winter and the other in summer to take my wife. You went at the right time. You can see so much more when you get back into the canyon when there are no leaves on the trees. There was ice everywhere when we went in the winter. That is a amazing place to see. Did you make the upper loop to see it from the top?

  4. Just got through installing mine. I have not shot it yet but can feel a great improvement in the trigger. I can tell I'm going to be happy with it. Thanks Dolomite.

    Two comments:

    1 There is a reason it says twice to make sure the gun is on safety. The safety is loose while installing this kit and moves very easy if you don't pay attention. If it moves while installing this kit it affects proper operation if the gun.

    2 The function check is very important. That is how I knew something was not right. My hammer did not lock back with the trigger pulled so I went back through the installation again and figured out where I went wrong.

  5. That was a great tribute to your uncle.

    I'm not really sure how I got my love for firearms. Several people in my family were hunters, including my dad when I was young but no one was really gun people. Their firearms were tools for hunting and that was all. Maybe I got my start from them and took it farther than the rest.


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