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Posts posted by -boatman-

  1. 3 hours ago, hipower said:

    I like your comments. I had to find that particular version and listen again. I'm sure I've heard it before, but didn't place it immediately.

    But I'm a diehard fan of The Band in all their many incarnations. lol The Weight is just, for me, "Owned" by The Band. JMO 

    For me, it just doesn't get any better than Robbie Robertson and Levon Helm. Truthfully, I probably like Levon more than any other band members. I was torn up seeing how he looked in Shooter, and teared up badly on the news of his passing.

    Not dissing Aretha Franklin at all. She was a lady of huge talent. No question of that at all.

    But I really think of her in The Blues Brothers with Think. That just is classic Aretha.

    I agree. I never knew she sang "The Weight" but just got through listening to it. I went into it thinking it couldn't be as good as the band. Not bad but IMO it's not even close.  I might not be the best judge on this because I loved The Band and The Weight was my favorite.

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  2. Wintertime, no problem. Summertime, not so much. I have never found a solution and have quit worrying about it for the most part. If I knew how to fix it I would. Most of the time I carry a M&P compact under a t shirt pulled up against my side and sweat all over it. It prints bad but I can,t say people know it,s a gun. Even when I carry a Kel Tec PF9 it still prints but not near as bad as the M&P. Maybe it,s my build, I don't know. I've never tried IWB but don't think it's for me and don't want to have two different sizes of pants. I'm watching this to see what others do.

  3. 6 hours ago, bersaguy said:

     Back when I was in school that would be a non existant thought on any students mind. School yard fights with fists settled our disagreements. Not bullets. When we settled our differences 15 minutes later we were friend again. When a bullet takes a life that friendship in for ever gone....JMHO 

    This is the way it was when I was in school also and half the trucks and cars in the parking lot had firearms in them. They were brought into shop class to be worked on. I remember one being raffled off in school. No one would even imagined (I finished in 1974) someone shooting up the school. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Dolomite_supafly said:

    You can always turn it down, you cannot always turn it up. $100 to double your capabilities is a deal.


    Also look at the duty cycle. You want a welder that can handle what you are doing without taking cooling breaks. If you are going to be using it to fix things, versus building things, you could get away with a lower duty cycle. If you get a high voltage welder you shouldn't have a duty cycle problem at the lower settings.


    The duty cycle is the best reason (or excuse) for getting a 230 volt. I have a Hobart 175 mig and have hit the duty cycle one time after owning it for years and that was welding a DIY bumper kit for a Jeep. That's a lot of welding on 3/16 steel. I have also used 110 migs on thinner steel that I was hitting the duty cycle more than welding. It's frustrating. What ever you do get gas. You'll be glad you did.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, peejman said:

    Blowing grass in the street.... :mad:  That pisses me off.  


    It does me too. Someone on my road does that. They don't just blow it out there. They work the grass all the way across the yard and completely cover the road. I would like to get my hands on one of those jet driers they use at race tracks and make a pass by every time he does that. Blow it all the way to his house.

  6. On 6/24/2017 at 8:16 PM, Jeb48 said:

    One of my favorite TV guns. Keep trying to convince myself I need one but seems very impractical.


    Is that Steve McQueen? Whoever it is, it;s kind of a strange picture with the gun, gun belt, and spurs with a race car.

  7. 1 hour ago, gjohnsoniv said:

    There is (or used to be a shop) left of town towards War Trace.  Can't say I know much of the reputation of it but had several friends take cars there when I was in school there.

    Go to the gas station and hang a left, I think the driveway to it is less than a couple hundred yards down on the left.

    Bell Buckle Motor Works?

  8. 6 hours ago, JAB said:

    Really cool pic - and has anyone ever commented that your great-grandad looked a lot like Kevin Bacon.  Or, I guess technically Kevin Bacon looks a lot like your great-grandad.

    Ha, I've never noticed that but I can see it after you brought it to my attention.

  9. 17 hours ago, Erik88 said:

    I'm disturbed, but not surprised, that some of you are defending this wanna be George Zimmerman with a long gun.



    I was not defending him at all with my comment. I think he is a idiot.  I do still think the lady could have picked a better place to pull over such as a parking lot or told the caller she would have called them back in a few minutes. I can't see myself pulling into a place like she did to stop and talk on the phone at night. It's legal but is it smart?



    Back to the OP. How does one change oil without opening the hood? How do you open the hood with the door locked? Why would you lock the door after opening the hood and take the keys out of the car? And finally, doesn't the remote start also unlock the car door?  It just seems like an odd progression of unlikely events.


    Remote starting locks the doors so no one else can get in and drive it. Also  when you do get in you have to put key in or it will kill the engine when you try to drive it or in the case of push button start, have the key fob with you. As to your other questions I don't have a clue.

  11. If you want to count when I first put my thumb on my I phone I have a failure rate of 10 to 20 percent. It usually works in time but who wants a gun that does that? And I don't wear a watch so no way would I ever buy a new gun if this was forced on the public.



    Nick:  I still have issues that a herion addict is to become the hero.  To give benefit of the doubt, he does grasp the entire situation.




    When the show first I figured he would be dead long before now but somehow he's hanging on and seems to be stepping up somewhat. I still don't much like him but  maybe they have plans for him becoming a hero. 

  13. About two months. I don't recall if they said something about that during the episode or if it was on TTD. Probably got a few rain showers during those months to help wash down the streets and such.




    This got me thinking. I can't recall it ever raining on the show. Can anyone?


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