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Posts posted by BigPoppa

  1. Really when you've only got 8 hours to learn the mechanics, laws, ethics and logistics of owning, carrying and using a weapon it's not surprising that some things will fall through the cracks.

    Hmmmmmm.......who do I know that's been saying this for years ?

    Oh, yeah....ME !

  2. ...make anybody else want to vomit ? :)

    He is such a liberal Democrat fanboi !!

    At least Matthews can be somewhat impartial....he skewers folks on both sides of the aisle. Not Olbermann, though. I guess he doesn't even try to appear like an independent, objective journalist.

    I thought he was going to orgasm every night last week during the DNC. He was soooooooooooo inspired/moved/challenged/touched by Obama's speech and all the rest of the Democrat boiler plate.

    Palin could walk on water tonight and Olbermann would report "Palin can't swim !"

    What do I expect though, I guess, from a serious, deeply intellectual, hard hitting, skilled political analyst who got his start on............wait for it.........ESPN. :rolleyes:

  3. wtf is yonder?

    You ain't from around here, are ya boy ? :)

    "Yonder" is a Southern American term meaning distance, a location, a landmark, or some degree of geography.

    As in..........."Hang a right by that red barn right down yonder and then go about 2 miles."

    In the context used above, it means if 00 buck doesn't stop or significantly slow down your assailant, then get moving and create some distance.

  4. They play music between speakers and people are dancing and all. Now I dunno about anyone else but unless there is alcohol involved I am not dancing. Either they are a bunch of dorks or they are drunk.

    Wait 'til the GOP'ers start their dancing. Now that will make you grimace. :D

    Remember Elaine dancing from Seinfeld ? Yeah.....it'll be worse than that.

  5. Considering that the majority of the information in the state's video is incorrect, misleading, or flat-out biased... and any instructor worth their salt has to spend most of the class time providing the correct information, which the video fails to provide,


    I am definitely in agreement that the TDOS video desperately needs to be updated, shortened, and the production values brought up somewhat.

    I'm not sure I would say, though, that the "majority" of the video is out of whack. Besides my following list, what else do you take exception to ?

    1. This is a GLOCK .357 Magnum and mediocre, at best, gun handling

    2. Outdated info on carrying in establishments that sell for off premises consumption.

    3. Outdated info on no posting required - verbal only will suffice

    4. Gray area on home defense - statute says "forcible entry" but video shows the guy entering through an unlocked patio door

    5. The entire ridiculous spectacle of the traffic stop at the end of the video.

    6. The numerous times we're told carrying is a "privilege"

  6. IMO, ankle carry only beats not having a gun on you at all.

    Not fast access, difficult (at best) from seated or driving, and precludes drawing while moving. It can also make you walk funny for a while, and can be a problem if you need to run.

    But again, it's better than leaving the pistol at home.

  7. Guys, I started this one to see what interesting schools folks had been to. That was it. Completely harmless. I now see that I have created a monster.

    Todd, and I, and some of the others weren't trumpeting our "badassery". Just black and white - facts and figures - we went here when. That's all.

    It wasn't designed as a "chest thumping" d**k measuring contest. As I look back and analyze, it seems we started to go off the rails around post # 9.

    I'd say some of the posters on here need to watch Stripes and "Lighten up, Francis." :)

    This thread amuses me now. Todd, can I take your carbine class ? We can thump each other's chest !!! :P:rock:


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