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Posts posted by BigPoppa

  1. Eric, welcome to TGO.

    I am currently shooting at the range and also practicing dry firing my Glock 19. I have 3 options and or questions I would like to ask opinion on.

    1. Should I continue to do what I do to practice?

    With this question, I will say i plan to take some courses in the future to learn more skills.

    First, take a course or two from a qualified instructor. Make sure you've got the fundamentals down, then, yes ! by all means continue your range practice and your dry drills. Get some training first, otherwise you may just be practicing bad habits.

    2. Get the AA .22 conversion for cheaper practice?

    Used as a way of maintaining comfort with controls of my carry weapon and allow for less money to be spent at the range.

    I think this is a good idea, especially if you are relatively new to shooting, which is what I gather. The conversion kit will allow you to practice your marksmanship fundamentals at a much lower cost. Don't totally neglect the 9mm ammo though. You don't want to go exclusively .22 where you forget about the recoil and the report of the 9mm. I'd suggest maybe 1 round of 9mm for every 5 rounds of .22 you shoot.

    3. Get a Glock 19 airsoft to practice?

    Cheap practice in the backyard.

    Airsoft's main benefit is ForceOnForce drills. IMO, it won't help you much, if any, on basic marksmanship drills. For manipulation practice, and manual of arms stuff, you can accomplish the same thing with an UNLOADED gun. I say take the money you were going to spend on Airsoft, and put it toward a class or a box of ammo.

    Please provide you opinions.

    Just my :bowrofl:. Hope this helps. If you're anywhere near Murfreesboro, send me a PM.

  2. Randy, I will definitely agree with you that the average HCP student, and even most HCP holders, don't know how much they don't know.

    This is why I, you, Todd, and most everybody else I know of that does this kind of thing right, recommends to HCP students to take more training. I tell EVERY class....."Please don't stop with this. Take more classes. Even if it's not from me, that's okay, but let me refer you to some reputable trainers that I know"

    As we all know, 93 % WON'T take any further training. Half of that number won't even ever shoot their gun again unless they have to when their HCP expires.

    So, yes, I agree that (sad but true) many times when somebody is shopping for their HCP class, they will go for the sizzle rather than the steak.

    teaching what is marketable vs teaching what civilians REALLY need.

    Lord knows I have taken my fair share of hits on here for running a two day HCP course. But most of us try to "keep it real". This is why, on my website, you won't see things such as "You will no longer be scared of the dark"...or...."We'll make you a surgeon with your gun" - (actual advertising)

  3. I just find it ...odd...that the average CCW school shopper gives more credence to whether the guy used to be a cop than whether the guy actually has carried CONCEALED every day all over the place for the last 15 years (without a badge to bail him out if he screws up) and has sucessfully resisited armed criminal assault.

    I'm going to have a lot more input on this thread when I get home, but I HAD to reply to this part...............

    Randy, you don't seriously think a badge is a get out of trouble free card do you ? You've got to understand that all a badge does is bring more scrutiny, more second guessing, and more Monday morning quarterbacking to any given situation. If LE gets it right 2500 times....well, that's their job. If LE blows it.....just once....well, then that officer is inept, trigger happy, racist, illiterate, out of shape, rookie fever, etc. etc. - just pick the derogatory adjective depending on the specifics.

    The press, juries, and the general public all look at any given situation much differently if LE is involved than if it's Joe Six Pack HCP holder. Flamers....start your engines, but I really don't see the badge "bailing out" any LEO who might drop the ball.

    This thread has pretty much gone off the tracks from what I intended when I started it. That's okay. We all love open, intelligent, aggressive discussion that is kept courteous and civil.

    As I said, I'll have more to say later.

  4. Post your firearms related creds..........I'll kick it off.

    Instructor Credentials

    ** Tennessee POST Commission - Specialized Firearms Instructor

    ** Knoxville Police Department - Firearms Instructor School

    ** Southeast Missouri State University Law Enforcement Academy - Handgun Instructor School

    ** Tennessee Department of Safety Handgun Safety Instructor

    ** California Department of Justice Handgun Safety Instructor

    Selected Student Experience

    ** Defensive Pistol Skills Course - Suarez International

    ** Defensive Shotgun I and II - Rangemaster

    ** Tactical Pistol Workshop - Northeast Alabama Police Academy

    ** Handgun I, II, and III - Personal Responsibility, Inc.

    ** Low Light Operator - Surefire Institute

    ** Shotgun (870) Armorer - Remington

    ** Approximately 100 additional hours of basic/user/operator level training

    HCP/CCW Credentials Held

    ** Tennessee, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania

  5. I guess I am a sinner or something but BBQ really does not get me excited. Could seriously never eat it again. Doubt I would feel I am missing much.

    Move over fellow sinner. If somebody told me right now...."You can NEVER, EVER have another pulled pork sandwich !"............my reply would be "Oh........okay then."

  6. Another thread on here led me to visit the Hi-Point website, and it just reinforced something I have thought for a long time.

    With all due courtesy to those who own and love Hi-Points...........

    Hi-Point pistols look like cordless drills.


    I'm sorry. But it had to be said.

  7. I would keep my mind open to carrying something other than a Hi Point. You don't necessarily have to get rid of it, but it may not be the gun you want to bet your life on.

    When you take the HCP class, look around at what some of your classmates are bringing. You'll find that most gun folks will be happy to let you hold, fire, examine, etc. their guns.

    You may find something you like that would make a better carry piece.

    Hit the gun shops too. Find a gun in an appropriate defensive caliber that feels good in your hand. Rent it if you can and shoot it before you decide.

    Also, you asked about a holster recommendation - how are you planning to carry (i.e. ankle, IWB, OWB, etc.) ?


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