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Posts posted by PackinMama

  1. They're listing just one or two kinds at a time until they sell out.....then they'll list another kind. I've placed about 6 seperate orders today. Like the op said, I'd rather pay the shipping than buy from a flipper.


    Currently they have Colibri and some Aquila match. Better hurry!

  2. Several different types of Aguila have been trickling in today at Midway. All together, I bought 2500 rds. Due to limits of 1 per order, I had to pay several different shipping charges, so it wasn't cheap......but a lot cheaper than people are selling it for elsewhere. I accidentally ordered some 20 gr. Colibri in my mad rush to hit "Submit Order" before it was out of stock......so if anyone needs some .22 for plinking in their revolver, let me know. ;)  All my .22's are semi-auto's so it won't work for me.

  3. I think that the EMP .40 will be the one I get......if I do decide to sell a Glock or two. My LGS has an STI in .45 (Escort) and I like it a lot.....but I was reading the manual and it says that there is no warranty on STI guns. It does say to call them if you have a problem, but there is no written warranty. That definitely turned me off on STI, especially when Springfield has a Lifetime warranty.
  4. I have been toying with the idea of selling/trading a couple of my Glock .40's (23c and 27) for a 1911 in .40 s&w. I know Springfield makes the EMP in .40 and I am thinking about that one, but I'd like to know if there are any others 1911's that were/are made in .40 s&w. Should I just stick with the EMP or are there more options?


    If I didn't have so much .40 ammo stocked up, I'd probably just go with a .45. I do LOVE the new Kimber HD with the rounded butt.....however, this is not the time to be switching to a caliber that I have absolutely no ammo for.



  5. I am a reloading newbie and I LOVE it!!!  I am not very mechanically inclined, but with a bit of internet research and talking to members on here, a little reading, and quite a bit of watching YouTube how-to videos, I am reloading rounds with no problems whatsoever. I think the trickiest part for me was learning how to properly adjust my dies so that I wasn't over stressing my cases. I picked up an L.E. Wilson case guage for each caliber that I reload and watched a few YouTube videos on how to use them, and they have helped a TON. I definitely recommend getting the L.E. Wilson case guages, especially if you're a perfectionist like me. ;)

  6. Congratulations!!! I hope it's different for you, but I live and breathe guns and my son has absolutely no interest in them whatsoever. I finally sold the 10-22 that I'd bought for him.....he's eight years old now and still no sign of interest. :shrug:

  7. One of the first things I always tell a new shooter is "The more you pull it back into your shoulder, the less you will feel and the better you will handle the kick."

    I also hate when experienced shooters don't explain the recoil and how to hold the gun to a novice.


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