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Everything posted by scoutfsu

  1. Its a mutual benefit.  The buyer gets the added insurance of a CC company at his back and he can spend money that he may not have at the moment.  The business gets payment fast, opens the door to more buyers, etc.   ETA:  Just like some gas stations will give you a little break if you pay with cash.  This is nothing different.
  2. The 3% charge is what they pay to have the ability to use the CC - ie: they pay Visa a certain percentage of the whole amount.  So what you're doing is paying for the option to use a CC, which they don't have to accept, but it gives you peace of mind.   No one is forcing you to use a CC.  You don't want to pay the fee?  Then don't use a CC.
  3. I carried an M14 for a year. You're insane to give up a 17 for one.
  4.   Talk about nails on a chalkboard.
  5. There's a Sig 220 in the equipment exchange for $575.  If I were in your shoes, I would buy the Glock or 220 and put that money towards extra ammo.  .45 isn't cheap and I think you'd be better served by choosing simple and affording to shoot it.
  6. "Die Fatherland" :rofl:   What an idiot.  "16 is less than 1700"  Oops.  "MRAPs - aka Tanks" :down:     Ignorance passes for knowledge at an alarming rate.
  7. Asphalt is cheap when compared to a cop or hostage's life.  But you won't see them roaring down 40 anytime soon.  Those things are usually line hauled as close as they can get them.  And its not that they're going to completely destroy the road.  Sooner or later yes, but not right away.
  8. Ammo is one of those things that you can never have enough of.
  9. scoutfsu

    Bulk AR lowers?

    Well, you can get a case of 20 DPMS lowers on GB for only $6,000 :down:   You're months too late if you're expecting any sort of deal, even if you could find the number you're looking for.
  10.   Roadtrip!!  We can go see what all that Hotty Toddy stuff is about.  Its been quite some time since I dropped by Ole Miss
  11. scoutfsu

    Bulk AR lowers?

    You are months too late for any type of discount.....if you could even find a place with multiple reasonably priced lowers.
  12. Sweet.  I vote Voldemort as target #1.   Haha, weird.  TGO changed my post for me. 
  13.   No, he's a good dude.  I've been buying from him for years.  He deals heavily in police trade in weapons but even his new guns aren't stupidly priced.    HLB is right on the money too.
  14. Roger, unit order Sigs.   If you're looking for a Sig, I would recommend checking out Summitgunbroker.com.  The guy's name is Mark and he gets tons of police trade ins.  I've bought 5-6 pistols from him over the years.  Look closely at the CPO program.  They're "used" Sigs but they go back to the factory and QC'd and carry a factory warranty.  He doesn't have a lot in stock right now but he usually gets in a lot.  Back a few months ago, some were selling for $350ish.   If you're into Glocks, You can order from GTDist.com or the LEO/mil Glock dealer out east....Craigs I think.  You can pick them up for $400 new.   Personally, I wouldn't buy a new Sig.  You're paying quite a bit of money for something that loses a chunk of its value quickly.  Like I said, been there, done that. 
  15. You're the first person I've heard that likes it.  I spent a say with one and it is hands down the worst pistol I've ever shot.  My friend ended up dumping it at a big loss.   ESpace, watch those unit orders.....sometimes they're ok and sometimes the company screws the unit.  My last unit did one and many guys had issues with their pistols, ranging from cosmetic to functional.  The delivery times also get jacked around.
  16. Do not buy the 250.  Horrible little pistol.   I would also advise not buying a $1000 226.  You will kick yourself later, trust me on this.  I threw away hundreds of dollars on my 229 b/c I wanted "cool" and "new." 
  17. You're fine to do it on your own pistol.  Shop owners don't like it because those pistols are "new" and some don't like to buy pistols that have been racked for some reason.
  18. Agreed.  I can only assume some sort of DRMO/LEO program.  I think there's a designation for it (1033) or something but can't remember off the top of my head.
  19.     I've seen 113's that have been converted over.   One of these days, they're going to run up against someone that knows how to take an armored vehicle and isn't scared of them.  I hope it never comes, but the past decade is hard to ignore.
  20. Brianenos.com AR15.com actually has a tightly run reloading forum.  The usual hooliganism that affects most of the site is strictly moderated there. You can't have too many manuals. 
  21. I would be shocked if anyone other than AD or NG has a BFV......but I'm tracking what you were saying now. 
  22. Lol whatever guy.  Its becoming obvious that you don't know what you don't know about the military.  Only what people tell you or you read :shake:   26yr old going for 6 deployments huh?  Assuming joining at 18, you're telling me this supposed soldier spent 6 out of 8 years deployed?  Bullshit.    But since we're now apparently talking about all ALL the veterans who might have ever served at any time committing suicide....I still don't get your point.  Those numbers you're claiming - how do they correspond to the civilian population as a whole?  Because again, reading the articles you cite, civilians appear to suffer from a higher percentage of suicide.
  23. Maybe you had PPTSD?  That whole pesky pre-post traumatic thingy.


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