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Posts posted by BrasilNuts

  1. I wouldn't advertise this. Didn't a guy just go to jail for a malfunctioning AR?

    That's what I was thinking...

    A friend of mine... yeah... a friend had a similar problem with a Glock 17. It would fire two round bursts with the first two rounds of a new magazine. When the malfunction occured the pistol had just been cleaned. The pistol was taken apart cleaned again and after 2000+ rounds has not malfunctioned again. He has no idea what caused it and may never know.:love:

  2. As far as I know they are not on backorder and are in stock. I went to their site a about a week ago and if you tried to order them it took you to an error page because you tried to order an item that was out of stock.

    I got my order receipt and it didn't say they were on backorder.

  3. LMAO!!!

    Read what other's say about this once in a lifetime find

    "Next to my prized specimen of Area 51 alien semen, this is the crown of my collection"

    ...Asst Director, NASA Centerfor Alien Research

    "All I can say is wow! My second chance to hold Clinton history in my hand"

    ...Monica Lewinski, Former White House Intern

    "I won't ever let this bullet get away; actual Clinton history in my hand, not just my head."

    ...Vince Foster, Former White House Legal Council

    "We thought Chelsea's 9/11 running shoes were a trophy find, but this bullet it certified history, with real film footage to boot!"

    ...Director of the Smithsonian Fabrication Center

    "If only I had that first router from when I invented the Internet! And then I lost all my global warming artifacts. No more regrets since I added this real piece of history to my archives"

    ... Al Gore

    Disclaimer 1 - Although this bullet and certificate are in fact for sale, the certificate bears no truth in statement, fact or origin, the bullet is in fact new and inert, and both are for entertainment purposes only. Neither the incident related by Hillary Clinton nor the content of this page contain any elements of truth. There is nothing authentic about this bullet. This is all a joke, but for sale nevertheless.


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