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Posts posted by BrasilNuts

  1. I hate to use a movie quote, but I was watching Braveheart last night and this line really stood out to me.

    William Wallace:

    "There's a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it."

    I doubt Wallace ever said that, but it seems to fit in our current situation.

  2. I think it applies differently to each person what they consider a threat of death or bodily injury. Some scrawny little crackhead coming at you with a bat may be perceived as a serious threat to the average person, but maybe not so much to a 300 lb body builder who can bench press a Volkswagen. You would be justified in killing the crackhead whereas the gigantor might not be able to convince whoever that he was in serious fear of his life.

    Is gigantors skull thicker than a smaller mans? Is he knee better protected or more able to absorb a blow due to his size? Size is not really a good argument here, IMO. No doubt I am quite a bit larger than Chuck Norris, no doubt he could kick my butt. I am a large man, if someone tries to attack me I am going to try to shoot them. If all they have are their fists... Well, they just made a fatal mistake.

    I am not going to bet my life on my ability to beat an attacker with my hands when I have a gun.

  3. While I didn't vote for him, and don't consider him a friend to gun owners, I think gun rights issues are gonna be way, way down on his list of priorities for the forseeable future. By which time, 2010, the more 2A friendly Republicans can make some Congressional gains in the mid term elections.

    But hey, that's just my :mad:

    If they were only limited to doing one thing at a time I might be inclined to agree with you. I think 2A is an important issue for them.

  4. You really need to work on relaxing. As many have said on this forum before... look like you are supposed to have a gun and chances are you won't have any problems. Act all nervous and you are going to attract more attention. Either way you are not breaking the law so there is no reason to be nervous.

    Congats by the way!

  5. Just wondering if any of you guys here have any experience with this. I have not used my fireplace in a few years, but I want to check it out or have it checked before I use it again (I don't know when it was cleaned last). I have no reason to believe that there are any problems and I would like to do it myself.

    Any advice?


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