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Posts posted by BrasilNuts

  1. I have never seen so many people running to the Dollar General as if it was the last day the food trucks were ever going to run.

    Maybe they know something you dont.:2cents:

  2. Great video thanks for posting.

    Also brought to mind that something every freedom loving American should own is an American flag. I think I might have one somewhere, if not I think I might just go buy one...

    +1 I don't really remember why, but I got in the habit of packing mine in my bag every time I leave the country. If I ever have to bug out it is one of the things on my list to take.

  3. My brother and I had betas in high school. We tried to breed them... it's tough and the timing has to be perfect. Put the female in too soon and the male will just kill the female, leave the female in too long and the male will kill her. I guess a good way to put it is if they're not f*****g they are fighting.:D

  4. Also, from http://www.state.tn.us/safety/handgun/reciprocity.htm:

    "1. Tennessee now recognizes a facially valid handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit, or a license issued by another state according to its terms, and will, therefore, authorize the holder of such out-of-state permit or license to carry a handgun only in the state of Tennesse."

    I think that's your answer right there, but that's just my opinion and I am no lawyer. I am sure that there are some guys on here that will know or will know where to point you.

  5. All those people who say "I don't care if they take your AR/AK or pistol, what do you need 'em for anyway? As long as I can keep my bolt rifle and my revolver, I don't care." really need to watch this. In the end all the poeple had were target pistols and they took those too!

  6. "I've said this before and some of my colleagues have said this: Neighbors need to keep an eye on neighbors," Belleman said. "When they think there's something wrong, they should contact the appropriate agency or city department."

    It wouldn't have mattered if they called the appropriate agency or department, he was already dead! I tried to send him an email to tell him what and idiot he is and that he should lose his job, but it seems their server is shut down...good!


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