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Everything posted by runco

  1. To Mike.357 point, all sides really whipped this thing up pre-announcement and post announcement, but Mike.357 is spot on.
  2. That goober with a keyboard is hilarious!   :biglol:
  3. I sure don't want banned...............I really like this place and the fellowship that I have with some.  Its very habitual.   If I were expelled or banned, I dunno what I would do.  Chores around the house I guess, maybe read a book or even go shooting.    BTW, that may have been my first reversal in my 4 years of being here.  :bow:
  4. You are right.  In the 60 minutes story, it mentions that.    I am not in favor of smart guns until its proven.   Maybe let the secret service test it for awhile, oh I don't know 30 years.  By then I will be to old too care.
  5. YIELD YIELD!!!!!!!  HIS NAME IS STRUCK FROM THE REGISTERY!   I meant no disrespect whatsoever, even though its public knowledge.   The difference between a fool and smart man, a smart man will change his mind, but a fool never will.  
  6. Last Fall 60 minutes had a story on Smart Guns (safety technology).  Great story, but the NRA is against it because of the risk in failure to fire when it is needed most.  Below is a posting to video, but you must have their all access to view, but there is a transcript of the story which is really the meat and potatos anyway.    http://www.cbsnews.com/news/smart-guns-60-minutes-lesley-stahl/
  7. Agree, if it wasn't private, and I would not have posted his name if I had not seen it in a public place. I honestly was paying homage to the man, with no disrespect whatsoever since I found his name in a public place. His name was clearly shown in The Blaze which I read on facebook, and re-read on their site moments ago. Additionally, if one really wants to know, one only has to google Hickok45 name and get his name instantly. So not really private after all. Didn't mean to irk you. Below are two screen shots, one from The Blaze and the other a google search. [url=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/the%20blaze%20hickok45_zpsclwvpucg.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/hickok45%20name_zpstqicosip.jpg.html][/URL]
  8. It is really designed to shut them down or lock them up.  The rules for a FFL are not changing. 
  9. Maybe OhShoot will belong, he probably can help.  He is usually very good at this.  Others too.  I would keep digging myself, but I have get outside for my Saturday Chores. 
  10. I liken Gen2 Glocks to appliances.  Doesn't everyone agree that refrigerators, washers and driers built in the 50s, 60s, 70s, & 80s, lasted longer than the ones today?  The ole expression they don't make'em like they use to may apply at least for the grip.  I tend to be a creature of habit, and it bothers me when something I enjoy changes, (maybe for the better, but could be to reduce cost at the factory), nonetheless I don't like change.    No one likes change.......................except a wet baby.
  11. Did you see he made a reference to a specific Tennessee Code 39-17-316.
  12. Nice piece.  Looks like you have OEM trigger spring.  I wouldn't touch the body of the gun like you stated in the OP about removing the beaver tail.
  13. I am no can expert, but I would assume there is no difference in a can for a 22LR and a 223/5.56, both are the same in terms of caliber size of the bullet.  So its just finding a host rifle with a threaded barrel, otherwise gunsmith time.
  14. I am looking at post #10 in the below post, member K191145 posted something similar that may help:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/93242-mom-wants-to-limit-firearm-discharges-in-knox-co/?hl=%2Bordinance+%2Bhunting#entry1337922   Quote
  15. They probably changed the programming to make the tracking of the IP addresses easier (or harder) from big brother. ;)
  16. Spot on!  That is exactly what Rush said yesterday. 
  17. Gen2 are my favorite and I own maybe a couple or three ;) .  I have a complete model collection minus the long slides.  They are great and are made to shoot the heck out of.  I like my Glocks 100% OEM except for either talon grips or the rubber sleeve.  Before replacing the springs, you might want to see if yours as a NY1 or NY2 trigger spring.  I actually had one with a NY2 trigger spring, and it kinda grew on me, but my jury is still out.    So as to be not 100% bias I do have a Gen3 30S.  Not my favorite which by the way is my 32, but I like throwing bowling balls in a small gun.    Enjoy.............Btw changing the springs is a very easy job, youtube is your friend. 
  18. Poor guy!    I am just tired of all this BS thrown to honest gun people and patriots like Mr. Hickok45! 
  19. Here is another link:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOQZj8QqGMw
  20. I wasn't able to watch CNN last night, and today I heard on Rush about Mrs. Taya Kyle's points that she made last night.  Good video of her, but blah blah blah from zero!    http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-election-493995/watch-american-sniper-chris-kyles-widow-14255863/    
  21. There seem to be a lot of positive marketing from Colt this week.  The release of their 2016 catalogue and of course the hype leading up to shot show.  Now I wonder if this will be a major derailment?
  22. Welcome from the South side.


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