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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Nice. Considering you can pick up a used dvd burner for 20 bucks this looks doable.
  2. It's a bit of a drive to Knoxville for me. Thanks though!
  3. Someone else shares your sentiments. This was at the bank.
  4. Yeah I work 3rds though. 11pm-7am. Any way we could meet in the morning?
  5. Welcome to 10 minutes ago.
  6. I like the forward grip on that. Priced like it's made of titanium of or something. They make a holster for that too. http://serbu.com/accessories/thigh_holster.php
  7. Want to borrow a laser bore sighter. Just need it for a day. I'm near Nolensville -Mike
  8. I've never heard of a pellet/BB gun ban in Nashville. Get it. It's a great way to learn how to aim and shoot. Just don't shoot your eye out.
  9. I've had good luck with BSA. The one on my .30-06 is great. www.bsaoptics.com
  10. They are a powder-ish load. Like a whole lot of iron filings. That way it transfers it's enerygy to the door and blows the hell out if it then dissipates so as not to kill anyone standing on the other side of that door. -Mike
  11. I use an ICom hand held at work. They are great. ICOM
  12. Mike

    Del-Ton is very busy

    Better than DPMS. 6-8 month wait on all barrel assemblies...
  13. I think their objective was to show the events that have led to the present. I didn't take any utopian collective views away from the film.
  14. Mike

    My first AR build

    Looks good Bryan. -Mike
  15. [ame]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197[/ame] It's a bit long but worth watching....
  16. I like the way their RFB looks. http://www.kel-tec-cnc.com/rfb.htm
  17. Nice, David! You'll have to bring her out as well.
  18. Dave, Is there any way you and I could get together and shoot a bit? I was looking at an M&P in .40 cal but I'd like to shoot both the full and compact before I decide. -Mike
  19. I got yelled at for about 10 minutes for not carrying once...


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