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Posts posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I loved it. The on side kick to open the second half was the clincher. Sean Payton basically said he was going to do what ever it took to win.

    Freeney was in the game and handled for the most part.

    The Saints are good at take a ways. The two point conversion, it was wonderful.

    We were "behind" playing catch up with the game due to family business but my wife came in and said "I know who won the game" and so I had to fast forward.

    Then I went back and watched the rest.

    That city was going nuts. I called a cousin and she couldn't hear.

  2. If you contact the permit department they will email/fax and snail mail you a letter that is proof that you have applied for a renewal while your permit is still valid. You will carry that letter with you along with your permit until such time as you receive the renewed permit.

    Next time go in person as the renewals were taking up to 4 months plus when I did mine last year.

  3. My wife doesn't have a problem with having workmen in the house when no one is home. This bugs the stew out of me. I have always been home when there is work being done on the house because I don't trust people I know half the time much less people I don't. So far it has been employees of clients of hers so she had a good relationship with them but that's not for me.

    As to the parents not "having a clue". You could always "stage" something to scare them.

    Just be prepared to move out if you do.

  4. I've been thinking a lot about that. I'd like to be the head of a lab one day,like the ones your doctor sends samples to when he takes blood, etc.

    Even better, possibly be a member of the CDC in Atlanta.

    Finally, join the Navy under officer spec ops in the biological/chemical warfare division.

    With the first two, I'd probably teach online just for the extra cash...my mom makes pretty good teaching critical thinking and English online.

    If you are planning on going military - you may want to speak to a recruiter. I know they typically are for the enlisted guys but they might be able to point you in a good direction not to mention possibly get you government money to boot.

    You might as well get back some of what you put in.

  5. Hillsdale is only an undergraduate institution. Great school though. I used to speak at Hillsdale on occasion and have always been very impressed with their faculty and student body. The percentage of their grads who go on to grad school is astounding. If you ever see a guy walking around in Mid Tn with a Hillsdale shirt on, it's probably me. :)

    And anyone interested in policy should sign up for their free newsletter The Imprimis.

    I am planning on sending both of my children to Hillsdale. They don't take federal funding of any sort so they can teach the way it should be. Also, they cover their own student loans and have an astronomical repayment rate.

  6. Good job Brian.

    I'm down 5lbs. Back on my healthy eating...for the most part. I only need to lose 6 more pounds to get me to my low from last year when I lost the near 25lbs.

    My running is still on hold for the most part. I ran two Saturdays ago, went about 2.5 miles, 25 minutes. Got some shin pain, so I have laid off again. Might try a short run this weekend. Might even get on our treadmill, that seems to not be so impactful. I miss running big time. It really sucks training and training and training, running the half marathon, then not being able to run at all for 2 months, but I have to ease back and make sure I heal, or I will be out longer.

    Thanks, David. It wasn't easy getting off of the couch the first time. But now that I am off of it I am looking forward to the run every other day.

  7. Okay - 1 week down (and a day) and I am down 4 pounds.

    I am still enjoying food only instead of using a regular dinner plate I am using a salad plate. You can't put as much food on it so you are decreasing your caloric intake.

    Also I started the Couch 2 5K. I am starting to understand the "runners high". Last night after about the second or third running section I didn't think I could run one more step. I suffered through the next running section and it was all "downhill" from there. It got easier.

    Ran/walked for about 31 minutes at the track. Going tonight to get some actual running shoes.

    How is everyone else doing?

  8. I for one wouldn't like to pay an extra $10 per year for my permit for the state to run a check. I don't buy a gun a year so it wouldn't benefit me in any way.

    Should the FBI do the check - Why not?

    Should the TBI have systems in place to forward the call if their offices are closed?


    Should you pony up the money and get the Internet Check as a backup in case the phones are down? - Absolutely.

  9. Verifying dates of employments is all they are legally allowed to do or divulge. Again according to my attorney.

    My wife worked with HR in the past and she stated the same thing. Cannot say good or bad only that you worked for the company from this date to that date.

  10. Plain and simple - purchase a new flag and leave it on the front porch with a note from "a friend" stating that you had noticed the flag was tattered and torn and needed to be replaced and though you would do your part to share in their patriotism.

    Flying the flag at night is not against protocol as long as it is properly lit.

  11. Saints had to play dirty to win. They knew they had to somehow hurt farve to have a chance in hell. Farve came really close to beating them and he could barely walk out onto the field.

    Oh and the Colts are gonna put a beating on those poor saints. I would have much rather seen the vikings go and at least give the colts some competition.

    Show me a team that doesn't try to take out the best player on the other team if they get the chance and I will show you an 0 and 16 team.

    It is part of the game. Personally I think they protect the quarterback WAY TOO MUCH. They called an unsportsmanlike penalty on a clean hit against the Saints.

    I can't wait till the Super Bowl. Think about it. The colts have only played Super Bowls in Miami.

  12. If the person is not an immediate threat to me or my family I would say it is not my responsibility to protect you. Equate that to - We are in a restaurant and some one starts shooting - this is an immediate threat to me and my family as I am eating there.

    I am walking down the street and hear shots inside a restaurant - I am not in an immediate threat - I am not running in to stop it. I will find cover and call the police and wait to get a description if I can until the police show up. Once they do I am out of there back to my family.


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