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Posts posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I wouldn't hesitate if the dog acted threatening to me or mine while I was on my property. If I am on their property that is another story. Prior to that happening if the dog had already been loose and on my property I would contact the owner and ask them if they are aware of it and that the next time the dog is on my property I will be contacting the authorities. Let them know that the dog has acted aggressively towards you and that you are very uncomfortable about it.

  2. I have been to both - went to RangeMaster's when RangeUsa was closed for the birth of a child.

    At RangeMasters I saw just as many people being unsafe as I did safe and that was with a Range Officer sitting on the bench behind me.

    One person (a trainee for the MPD) actually shot the floor a few feet in front of the shooting benches.

    The range officer fussed at the person (rightfully so).

    I was never made to feel "welcome" in their establishment. I felt as if I was in Guns and Ammo and that is a place I will never go back to.

    I think the lighting at both places is a little dim for my tastes.

  3. I have the Nikon D60 with the Kit lenses. They work well enough for me. The 55-200 is great when I am outside and taking pictures of the kids or at the Zoo for getting up close and personal with the animals.

    As for buying used - I don't have a problem with it as long as the equipment is in good shape.

    IF there is a camera store in town you should go there.

  4. 15 seconds... that is how long the incident lasted according to Jack...

    Not sure rushing everybody in across the front yard while a truck is bearing down on your or your spouse is really something I'd be able to do.

    Somebody pulls into my driveway seconds after I get home at night and block me in, then come tearing towards my spouse through the middle of my yard... I'm going to assume said truck and the people in it are up to no good until they prove otherwise.

    Also, running from the cover of the vehicle across an open yard, trying to unlock a door, and get everybody inside, vs using the vehicle for cover until you can assess what the driver of the truck is up to seems like staying put might not have been such a bad idea.

    JayC -

    Can you please tell me where I said to run to the open?

    First off - your first reaction should have been to get you and your girlfriend out of the way. Standing there drawing a weapon to fire at a moving vehicle is not the smartest thing in the book in my opinion.

    Once you were safely out of the way - by all means - draw the weapon and wait to see what they do next.

    Car stops and they get out - weapon stays ready until their intentions are known. They keep going - weapon goes back to holster and the police are called.

    Second - it is always easy to armchair quarterback several days after the fact when we are not in the situation.

    Rule of thumb for me is this - everyone who should have walked away without a scratch. The police were notified so one of your neighbors couldn't scream crazy man with a gun and you even have a report should you need it for insurance if enough damage was done.

    I stated that you should get yourself and your girlfriend out of the way.

    Get back in said vehicle if necessary and lock the doors. You are much safer should they decide to RAM you.

    They pulled in and moved immediately from the side of the vehicle across the yard. Again, not much time to react but they were no longer behind you. Getting back in the car and getting going is a smarter thing to do.

    Moving from the cover of a vehicle? Sorry - but when one car is the target of another car there isn't "safe" cover behind first said car.

    Covering the ground from the car to the house and unlocking the door isn't a viable option either but getting behind something more substantial such as said house would be.

    You are behind the car girlfriend is in front of the car - get girlfriend from in front of the car should be both or your primary concern. You don't get girlfriend from in front of the car and other car comes in and smashes your car where girlfriend was standing - she is in serious injury or dead - you unholstered your weapon instead of helping her - how you gonna feel.

    Again - this all happened in 15 seconds according to the OP.

    We were not there. We can only guess what we would have done.

    This is why we ALL need more training.

  5. First off - your first reaction should have been to get you and your girlfriend out of the way. Standing there drawing a weapon to fire at a moving vehicle is not the smartest thing in the book in my opinion.

    Once you were safely out of the way - by all means - draw the weapon and wait to see what they do next.

    Car stops and they get out - weapon stays ready until their intentions are known. They keep going - weapon goes back to holster and the police are called.

    Second - it is always easy to armchair quarterback several days after the fact when we are not in the situation.

    Rule of thumb for me is this - everyone who should have walked away without a scratch. The police were notified so one of your neighbors couldn't scream crazy man with a gun and you even have a report should you need it for insurance if enough damage was done.

  6. I don't drive a vehicle without insurance I won't talk to the police without a lawyer. First off the only thing I will tell the police at the time if god forbid I need it is that I will answer all of their questions as soon as my lawyer is present and that I believe I might need medical attention.

    My attorney will show up and tell me which questions I should answer and will help me keep my answers as brief as necessary.

  7. A buddy and I walked into Guns and Ammo on Summer on Friday afternoon to browse.

    /end rant

    This was the first mistake.....

    As for the Obama being the worst- I think this is the biggest case of Buyers Remorse that our country has ever seen.

    Sure, they all wanted hope and change now they got it.

    The quote I heard was if you aren't a liberal by the time you are 25 you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by the age of 35 you have no brain.

    I got a brain when I was in my late 20's.

  8. Hrmm, we home school, so I haven't a horse in this race, but every ranking I've read says just the opposite - Shelby County schools rank quite well across the state while Memphis City schools are deplorable...

    I am a product of the County school system. I also have a niece and nephew in there currently. I am not impressed with it which is why the Catholics get my money.

    Sure there are good teachers and bad teachers but from what I have personally seen - no thanks....

  9. Don't get me wrong, I love my city. There are many wonderful things about Memphis to recommend it. The only reason the wife and I are migrating out east to the burbs is that we are looking having kids soon and she has vetoed city schools and since she graduated from Overton, she gets to make that call. I didn't go to school here. You just have to be aware of a few things to increase you chances of survival.

    To borrow a slogan from a city with whom we have a lot in common

    Memphis, where the weak are killed and eaten.

    County schools are not much better. I suggest staying put and pay for private.

  10. East Memphis. I am father east than DB. Poplar and Kirby area. I can walk 3 blocks and be in Germantown.

    Nice part of the city but a good commute for going to school. Lots of time in traffic every day.

    Apartments in this area are not where I would want to live. Farther in to Germantown maybe but in the immediate area of my office/house - no thanks.

    Goes back to the good street / bad street thing.

  11. As the others have said - it really is a street by street thing. Even the "nice" areas are infected with high "vandalism misdemeanors" as that is how it is reported if someone simply attempts to break in and does not steal anything. (Cannot have Memphis looking like a high crime area.)

    If you do not already have one, get your permit. If you already have it, keep it renewed.

    Enjoy the city. There is a lot to do for young college types. Plenty of cool hang outs - Hi-Tone, Young Avenue Deli, Blue Monkey are just a few.

    Keep your wits about you and stay safe. The more situational awareness you have the less likely something will happen to you.

    I have lived here for over 20 years and have only been "accosted" a couple of times by vagrants. Do not advertise and you will likely be left alone.

    Stay off of streets named after Presidents or States.

  12. +1 on the dog collar...worst commercial, possibily the Audi "Green Police" one...not all that funny

    The funny thing about the Audi one was that they were making fun of all of the people "going green" and those people don't even realize it.

    My wife loved the eTrade baby with the Milkaholics.

    My favorite was the Super Bowl final score.


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