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Posts posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. Great question. I have been wondering this myself.

    Is there anyway to get that gun purchase out of your name when you do sale? Or is it there permanently?

    In Tennessee - the store where you purchased the firearm will have a record of the transfer to you. Other than that there is no registration of firearms in this state.

    If you sell it to some one - make sure they are a TN resident and ask similar questions to those on the 4473 form. They will answer. If you have a good feeling make the deal. If you don't have a good feeling don't.

    I made a trade to someone on this forum. I had a piece of paper as a bill of sale but that was only for my records. I kept a copy and gave a copy to the other person. I don't know where that piece of paper is anymore.

  2. Haven't received ours.

    If I receive it I will put down how many people live in the house and nothing more.

    If the census worker comes to the house they will get the exact same information.

    There is a $100 fine for not filling it out.

  3. If you are not camping on site but staying at a hotel look for one that has a safe in the room or at a minimum has a safe deposit box you can store items in. This was what I did when I was out of town and would be going places that did not allow carry.

    You might also contact some of the local banks and see if they rent boxes. I know you would have to go there during banking hours but at least you would have piece of mind knowing your firearm was safe.

    And sorry - but some guy I don't know from Michigan is not keeping his guns in my safe. There is very little chance something would happen but if it did, I don't want to be responsible for your gear.

  4. What do they use? I'm fairly certain the iPhone supports all major email protocols...

    They actually have it locked down. We use an exchange server without Pop3 forwarding.

    I tried adding it using the OWA website and it failed authenticating the password.

    Again, I don't want all of my work email on it anyway. When I am not at work I don't care about it.

  5. Love my iPhone - unfortunately work doesn't use a POP3 so no work email for me.

    I don't want half of that anyway so I just use the web browser and go through our web portal for email if I need it.

  6. Never EVER hang your drop light from the hood catch loop.

    I did this on a 1996 Ford Taurus I was working on and inadvertently removed the extra hood prop (length of 2 x 4) that I was using in addition to the hydraulic hood struts.

    Needless to say the hydraulics failed and the hood came crashing down sandwiching my drop light between the hood catch loop and the hood catch hook. The lights was so large that there was not enough room to release the hood catch hook.

    After two days and a bunch of cursing and a new dremmel and a new dremmel extension I was able to saw the drop light in half and get the light out of the way enough to where I could open the hood.

    Many bruises on the arms as there was only about 3 to 4 inches of space to work in.

    PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. Hang the drop light where it will not interfere with the workings of the hood.

    Oh, does anyone know what could cause this stupid engine not to turn over -

    I have replaced spark plugs, O2 sensors etc. Battery is good. Starter motor is turning.

    Anyone in the Memphis area want to help a brother out there is a six pack of decent beer in it for you.

  7. I changed the address on my DL when I moved. This automatically changed my HCP. I paid for a renewed DL but not an HCP. I don't speed and didn't get pulled over during the time so I cannot tell what the officer would do.

    You should be good to go as far as the state is concerned.

  8. Wow- for the digital media that they have they want $17,100 for a four week showing in one position which lasts 8 seconds.

    If you do the math and break it down that is roughly $.06 per viewing (17100 / 302400).

    Not a bad price - Too bad I don't have an extra $17100 laying around.

    You can target an ethnicity if you would like.

    Come on Hero Gear - help us out on the far side of the state!!

  9. If they are going to follow the precedent that they set - they have to strike the ban as unconstitutional. Otherwise the Heller case gets overturned soon on an appeal from DC.

    Good luck. If this ban stays in place it is a bad thing for the rest of the country.

    Remember - citizens can protect themselves - slaves cannot.

  10. The only problem I see with this is that you are waiting for 15 packs to be gone before you start. Why not find someone who smokes the same brand as you and give them the cigarettes (or sell them for a fraction of their original cost) and get started ASAP.

    When my wife and I quit we just put them down. This was after 15 years of smoking. Cold turkey. Still want one almost every day until I actually smell it.


  11. Well, we had a death in the family shortly after I started the Couch to 5 K so needless to say things got a little off track. (no pun intended)

    Got things going again and am on Week 3 day 1 of the Couch to 5 K.

    Running sucks but I am getting better at it. I am not absolutely dead by the end of 30 minutes. I cannot wait to be able to actually run the entire 30 minutes as opposed to walking half of it.

    As for weight - well this morning I was at 216.

    I am not following any strict diet however so that is a bit of a bummer.

    I am having a power shake for breakfast, a healthy choice for lunch and a smaller dinner (using the salad plate instead of the dinner plate).

    We will see where I am on March 29th.

  12. I used to work for St. Jude. I can tell you for a fact that many of the people on staff feel quite strongly about the right to bear arms. Several in my department frequently went to the range and enjoyed the outings.

    Just because the AMA is against guns even though more doctors have killed people then guns have through malpractice doesn't mean that I will not support a worthy organization.

    P.S. The head of security while I was there was a great guy and we had long talks about CCW and guns in general.

    Thanks SafetySouth for donating to a worthy organization.


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