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Posts posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I can recall being on the pistol/rifle range in the military and wearing ear protection. When I was issued a rifle and told to stand guard and shoot anything that comes within x feet and doesn't properly identify itself I did not get ear protection.

    My guess is that if they wanted me to have it they would have given it to me.

    When I was riding on a fork lift I wasn't required to wear it and that can be much louder for longer periods of time then a rifle/pistol shot.

  2. They are still partying in the Big Easy.

    I have been a fan since I was born so that is like 37 years. My father did not live long enough to see his beloved Saints go to the Super Bowl.

    I should send some black and gold flowers to his grave.

  3. As YOU stated - you just looked at yours and it is going to expire soon. That is the next time that your background will be run to verify that you have nothing that precludes you from carrying a firearm.

    As for a place I own where I am hiring people to work for me - yes, a criminal background would be run on anyone who was not directly related to me and by that I mean my wife (who I already know the criminal background of) or my children or my parents. If you are the spouse of one of my siblings I would run a check on you simply because I don't sleep with you therefor I don't know everything about you. My family member may not tell me everything in order to ensure that I will like you.

    Not to mention there are several misdemeanors that don't preclude you from getting a handgun carry permit but that might make me not want you working for me.

    Not to mention it's my prerogative.

  4. I believe I heard that one of the unions gave the Obama campaign close to 60 million dollars. So why shouldn't the NRA, Microsoft, Kellogg's and any other company that can afford it create commercials etc in order to promote who they would like to see in the white house, senate, congress etc.

    It is up to YOU and ME the AMERICAN people to do research and find out the real truth of the people we send to Washington.

    P.S. I believe in ALL of the Constitution and the Amendments there to. Not just the ones that affect me on a personal level,

  5. How much money you want to spend and how much time do you have off?

    I would take her to a Four Seasons hotel for a night of dinner, massage and what ever else you can think of.

    Expensive - Yup, but if you are going to the Sandbox for a while she will definitely appreciate it.

  6. Okay - here at work we are implementing a Walk Across America to get people in better shape.

    What say we start a new Tubby Challenge/Lifestyle Challenge.

    The start date at the office is 1/25.

    No prizes, only the fact that you are healthier.

    How about we start that day w/ posting measurements weight (if you want to) and pick an end date of July 1 to see where everyone is?

    You up for it.

    I will work harder this time.

  7. Remember, the 31st was essentially a national holiday and the 1st definitely was so nothing happened at the printer on either of those days. So we are now looking at 1/4 as being the first day it could have been printed. It is now 1/11 so only 4 business days have passed. It should be to him by the end of next week I would imagine as that would be 10 business days.

    Relax. Back when I got mine it took roughly 45 days start to finish.

  8. Have you completely defrosted it? In this weather you could take all of the food and put it in a cooler outside and not have it go bad or even thaw for that matter and let the fridge/freezer defrost completely then fire it up and see if it works.


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