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Posts posted by saintsfanbrian

  1. I have been to the St. Louis Zoo. They have Puffins and Emperor Penguins. Wife loves those. They have a great petting zoo for the kids. They are free. (except for parking, the children's zoo and many other aspects which end up costing quite a bit.)

    I have been to the Washington D.C. zoo though it has been many years ago.

    I am a member of the Memphis Zoo.

    Of those three I have to say I like the Memphis Zoo the best as it has many great exhibits and if you go early on the weekend mornings you do not have to deal with the crowds that you do elsewhere.

  2. I thought if I bought something at a store the sales tax was already paid to the state for that item. I paid it to the store they paid it to the state so if I sell that item then I have to pay the state again?

    I think I may just have to leave something I want to get rid of laying around and if one of you wants it you leave something laying around in return.

  3. Not looking for Spin. Just suspecting that the reason the troops would be "deployed" would be due to all of the fighting over who is going to stay in office and who is going to go. There are lots of suppositions as to what will happen in November.

    My main concern is what the government is willing to do in order to stay in power. Likely we will not "see it coming" as it were.

    I too wish they would have deployed sooner. Still not sure how the plane made it to the Pentagon without being picked up on a radar. NYC is a little more understandable. But there are questions that need answers.

  4. Sorry, Link. I don't vote for a party. I vote for an individual. I don't care where they hang their hat as long as their morals and ideas are in line with what I agree with.

    You are right - parties tell you what you want to hear as do people. I look at their actions as those speak louder than words.

    I too am concerned about paying the bills but I wish more people would get freaked out by the government being the government. Maybe then they would realize who is supposed to be in charge of whom.

    I don't know if there will be a country as we know it in 3 years.

    I thank you for your service but would you be willing to take up arms against your fellow Americans based on the "possibility" of something nasty happening near a voting booth?

  5. nudity is illegal in Maine only if genitals are displayed.

    If it isn't illegal to do what they were doing then what is the big deal?

    The reason that we as a society do this is because we consider it to be taboo. If you lived in a village in Africa or in a rain forest somewhere it wouldn't be a big deal and you could walk around with your ta-ta's hanging out all day long. No one would care.

    Our society has made the female breast an object for the bedroom and not the front yard. I don't agree with women breastfeeding in public but that is more of my own issue.

    If you are doing something to raise awareness - you shouldn't complain when someone becomes aware and starts taking pictures.

  6. If the dog attacks you, you can do whatever is necessary to prevent loss of life or serious bodily harm.

    If this is a pit mix then likely you would not get charged with discharging a firearm in city limits but IANAL so I would first contact them.

    The first thing I would do would be to report to animal control the incident. You should also keep a cell phone on you while you run or bike. If the dog/s happen to do this again you should call immediately. Don't wait until you are home.

    If there is a history of you contacting the authorities relating to the matter then you should be good to go.

  7. I called Shelby County back when they first closed it and asked about renting it. The excuse given as to the closure was due to some people having bullets go past their ears on the trails behind the berms. I called BS on this but it boils down to hippies getting what they wanted which was no range in the city. As it turns out the schools still use the skeet side of it on occasion.

    I would be up for some range time but think that paying $320 for 10 people is a bit steep considering we could each just show up and only pay $120.

    But if they are talking for several hours of dedicated range time that is a different story.

    Oh well. Keep me posted.

  8. I just recently started. I got a Nikon D60 with an 18-55 and 55-200 lens from Best Buy at a reasonable price. I have yet to purchase my first "good" lens as the kit lenses are working for my purposes (for now) but soon - all too soon I plan on getting a 50mm prime lens that will be a lot faster f1.8 I think.

    I will echo the sentiments - get good lenses that will grow with you as you grow.

    A tripod is a must if you are shooting in low light conditions such as fireworks or night shots.

    Have fun.


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