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Posts posted by Grayfox54

  1. With rights come responsibilities. You have the right to own a gun. You have a responsibility to learn how to properly use it and learn the laws about carrying it. Getting the permit proves that you are a responsible gun owner with at least some training.  This could prove helpful if you ever have to deal with LE or the court system.  

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  2. I only started reloading 9mm a few years ago. Up until then it wasn't worth the effort. I never did get around to reloading 5.56. for the same reason. But times have changed and both are much more expensive than they once were. 

    However, these days I don't reload either and buy in bulk when I can catch them at a reasonable price. Reason being that components, especially powder and primers are hard to find and crazy expensive. I save what powder and primers I have for the other, more expensive cartridges I shoot. 

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  3. Black Friday sale at Walther! 25-40% off everything on their web site. 👍

    I just bought two magazines for $10 off the regular price. Even with shipping it came out to less than ordering from someplace else. 😁

  4. Do you have a gun that seems to go along on almost every trip to the range? No matter what your purpose, no matter what else you will be shooting. This one just seems to constantly find its way into the range bag.
    For me its my S&W Model 18-3. This particular gun was set up by a previous owner with a red ramp front sight, a smooth faced trigger and a wonderful trigger job. I added a set of Uncle Mike's combat grips and its pretty much a twin for most of my DA defensive revolvers. This is the gun that taught me how to shoot a DA revolver. It goes to the range almost every time I do and I always shoot at least 50 rounds through it almost exclusively in DA mode. Its my favorite gun. :D


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  5. Greg makes a valid point. What are you gonna do with it? 

    Hunting? .30-30 or .45-70

    Self defense? A pistol caliber.

    Target shooting? Can't beat a .22.  

    It all depends on your purpose. 😉

  6. Dadgummit, first post has been edited.  I miss all the good stuff. 🙄

    I usually try to be a decent sorta guy. But under the right circumstances, I assure you I can go from zero to asshole in .006 seconds. 😉

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  7. Oh, there are lots of hardcore NRA believers out there. No matter how bad things get, they'll never say a bad word about the NRA nor will they accept any proof of mismanagement. They just refuse to hear it. 

    Over on the big blue forum, any thread bad mouthing the NRA gets shut down almost immediately. 

    When it comes to education, training or competition, the NRA can't be beat. Its the political side that's screwing us. WLP has gotten too caught up in playing the game and compromising us to death. 🤬

    I'm still a member mainly because my gun club requires it and the fact that they are the big kids on the block. Dwindling membership just gives the antis more ammo. However, I don't give one red cent more than my annual dues. 

    I'm also a member of TFA, GOA, SAF and FPC. Now these I throw a little extra money to now and then. 😉



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