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Posts posted by Grayfox54

  1. We have an interesting month this year.

    Today is Friday the 13th.

    Tomorrow, the 14th, has a solar eclipse. 

    The 28th has a lunar eclipse 

    and of course we have Halloween which is also a full moon. 

    Ya think fate is trying to tell us something? 

  2. I'm glad this thread is still open. This is a major world event and needs to be talked about. Several other forums I visit shut down this topic pretty quick after it came up. Although I would prefer we stick to the topic at hand and quit wandering all over the place. 

    Honestly, I'd like to see the old Politics Forum come back. It gave folks like me a place to discuss these things without having to resort to the craziness of ultra-liberal social media. 🙄

    As for that other guy, I saw what he was a long time ago.  I, too, am surprised it took so long. 


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  3. One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that the  Palestinians are considered trash by pretty much all other Arab/Muslim countries. Egypt shares a section of border with Gaza and they sealed it up tight years ago to keep the Palestinians out of their country.   I'm all in favor of opening an escape corridor so that any  Palestinian  who wants to can get out. The problem is that no other country in the region wants them. Even Iran, who helped finance and plan this attack doesn't want them. The  Palestinians have no place to go. Nobody wants them. Not even those who are supposed to be their own people.  

    Secondly, "Truth is the first casualty of war." We don't have all the facts and we never will. Propaganda and disinformation are just as much weapons of war as a rifle. We're forming opinions based on what we're allowed to know. Bear that in mind. 

    I do believe that Israel has a right to defend itself.  I probably won't like what's gonna happen, but I won't fault Israel for whatever they do. Things are gonna get real ugly, real quick. 

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  4. Ok, if y'all are finished acting like 3rd graders and stop throwing #### at each other, can we get back to the topic at hand and discuss it like rational adults?  🙄

    Greg makes a valid point. I don't remember when or how the U.S. became Globocop, but almost every time it happens it turns into a #### show. 💩

    OTOH: Israel is our ally. They need, at the very least,  our moral support. Arguing if the nation should even exist is a moot point. They're there and they intend to stay. I fully support Israel and I do believe that they can deal with this without any help from us. If needed, I can see the U.S. providing medicine, food, etc to help the population. We might even get away with providing air support. But I greatly fear that if U.S. boots touch the ground, WW III will start. 

    What we're dealing with here is a religious war. When religion is involved. no amount of facts, figures or common sense will make a bit of difference. Both sides believe God is on their side. Our best option is to just stand back and let 'em slug it out. 

    Holy cow! While I was writing this at least a half dozen more posts have been made. Hot topic for sure. 



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  5. Israel isn't perfect. They've done some terrible things. But then so has the U.S. and just about every other country on Earth. But when you're faced with an enemy that won't settle for anything less than your total destruction, you do what you gotta do. 

    Israel is our best ally in the Middle East. Yeah, its a rocky relationship at times. But the bottom line is that they and we need each other. We need to support them and whatever they feel they need to do to survive. 

    The truth is that in the entire history of man, more wars have been fought and more people have died in the name of religion that any other cause. Christians are just as guilty as anybody else.

    You can not reason with, you can not bargain with an enemy that truly believes that they're doing God's will and that God is on their side. The only choice you have is to completely destroy them before they destroy you. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Defender said:

    I was too!  We were told we were going.

    Oh yeah, we thought we were going for sure. I was in an Air Defense unit. Chaparrals and Vulcans.  The battle plan called for Airborne units to secure an undisclosed airfield over there and we'd come in hot on their heels to set up an air defense perimeter. The whole of 2nd Armored would follow. We would have been the second American unit in. 

    We were geared up and ready to roll. We were told 5 C5As out of San Antonio would be landing right about the time we arrived at the air field. We sat there sweating it out for about a week. But the Israelis kicked butt and we eventually stood down. I don't mind telling you, I was scared poopless. 

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  7. Israel has been held back for years by the liberal bleeding hearts all over the world, especially in the U.S. and its current administration. Speculation now is that Israeli intelligence didn't fail. They knew this was coming and let it happen. Now Israel has a valid reason, in the world view, to deal with Hamas and the Palestinian problem for once and for all. 

    Hamas done FA'd and now they're about to FO. 

    • Like 1
  8. JMHO: Cook not only deserved, but was in dire need, of a good azz whoopin'. But there were no grounds to shoot him. 

    OTOH, Cook is a good bit bigger and just kept getting in Colie's face. I can see where he would be intimidated. Fear is a powerful motivator. My guess is that fear won out over common sense. 

    I will say that if somebody was to get in my face like that, I won't shoot you, but I will make you regret it. 🤬


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  9. 28 minutes ago, bersaguy said:

    The day is coming that no store or company will accept cash. There are some that have already stopped accepting cash for payment.

    I won't be doing business with them. But I fear you may be right.

    I've noticed more and more self check outs with signs saying Card Only, No Cash. 


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