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Posts posted by K191145

  1. I'm not saying is arguments are not good,or bad,I'm just tired of hearing them!

    This is a GUN board! Not an anti-gov board,not a conspiracy board,not a lets bitch about something board.

    Its getting a little old that one can not open a single thread without seeing nra,or you making some ridiculous claim about how the Gov sucks.

    If you're really that tired of the gov then do something about it other then rant over the interwebz all live long day.And I'm pretty sure yall haven't or we would have already read about it like a bigilion times.

    So until I see somebody on the 6:00 news running for office,or taking signatures for a petition,yall have absolutely no credibility with me.....and I dont think I'm the only one....

    This is the POLITICAL FORUM of the board. The way I read it this is where anyone can argue about anything that is political weather it's gun related or not. And I really can't remember when I woke up this morning actually caring if you think I'm credible or not.

  2. If you have a scanner, I'd love to see the leaflet. Most of the ammo disappeared after a ridiculous rumor about a 90% (sometime as high as 900%, varying upon the relayer of said rumor) tax on all ammo that would be enacted immediately upon being sworn in or some other poppycock...

    Back to the issue at hand, what is a c##k? :tinfoil:

    I wouldn't be surprised to wake up one morning and hear of a big immediate tax hike on ammo or firearms someday, they already did that to cigarettes and in April cigs are going up another $10 a carton. I wouldn't put anything past this adminisrtation. Also someday in the near future these 50K/year salery Obamatrons are going to wonder how their income tax was increased when their God promised he wouldn't. It will happen, just give it time.

  3. It is illegal to use deadly force to protect property (currently). I don't think there are many states where it is legal to do so.

    The way I understood the Castle Doctrine is that you can confront someone in the act of stealing your property. I would say if they ran you couldn't shoot them legally but, if they threatened to harm you you may have a case to use deadly force.

    Now what do they consider is using deadly force? Is simply pointing a gun at someone stealing in your tool shed deadly force or do you actually have to shoot them? I would say pointing a gun at someone is only threatening to use deadly force but I'm no lawyer.

  4. On channel 2 WKRN (Nashville), I saw our old pal Jimmy Nafieh comment on this bill, of course he was against it which is no surprise and I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the moronic comment he made. He said, what if you hit a bump in the road and your rifle goes off and shoots you? (not exact words). Good God what an idiot, I actually assumed he at least knew something about firearms but after that I realized he doesn't. Is it just me or does anyone,,,, uhhh everyone else just can't stomach to see his face or hear his voice on TV anymore?

  5. I didn't go back and read through this whole thread.. but the state of Wy has recinded their previous stance and reinstated those states that were dropped.

    Here is the link.


    I found this on www.handgunlaw.us , the site Fallguy posted. It was an udate to the Wyoming decision.

    Wyoming [2/22/09] Wyoming Recognition Boondoggle:

    Due to an overwhelmingly negative response from gun owners both in and outside Wyoming, an attempt made earlier this week to drastically limit Wyoming’s Right-to-Carry Reciprocity statute has been suspended for the time being, once again restoring the original Right-to-Carry Reciprocity statute. This break will allow the NRA to review the current statute and develop a plan to bring a bill before the Wyoming State Legislature during the next legislative session to ensure that this never happens again to law-abiding citizens in Wyoming…

    I figured the fine citizens of Wyoming wouldn't tolerate that. I went to Yellowstone back in October and fell in love with Wyoming, Utah, Idaho. Although I'll never move from Tennessee that's one area I could live, a cabin on a hill with a view of the Grand Tetons out my front window.

  6. I'm going to Birmingham for a week to help my sister out while she is recovering from knee surgery. I know Alabama recognizes TN permits but is there many differences in Tennessee's and Alabama's laws concerning carrying? I'm not going to be driving her to any school or courthouse, just to her work and maybe the grocery store. For now I will assume Alabama is a concealed only state, I never carry open anyway.


  7. Your dragonov stock on your MAK90 is fine it is still considered a sporter stock and for the .410 I do believe your overall length has to be 26". If I am wrong I'm sure someone will chime in.

    Thanks, I was told once that I couldn't leagally alter the original wooden stock on the MAK because of the 1990 import laws but the Dragonov was advertized for the MAK-90.

  8. Anyone know what's the legality of altering a MAK-90 wooden stock with thumbhole? I replaced it with a Dragonov stock a few years ago but the original has a crack in the wood below the thumbhole and I wondered if it's legal to cut that out and make a pistol grip and keep the butt of the stock. I'm pretty decent at wood working. I also have a Snake Charmer .410 that has a cracked cheap plastic stock and I want to cut that off to just a pistol grip.

  9. Well his approval rating has been falling. Not by much but it has. I think it has to do with some people not liking his crappy stimulus plan and those that think he should have solved all the world's problems the day after he took the oath. :shrug:

    The AWB/gun control is too much of a political hot potato for them right now with their efforts to socialize the economy. On one side they have the GOP which I think still has alot of influence power, and millions of people who would oppose any gun control legislation. On the other side there's small groups like the Brady Bunch and some far left organizations that want gun control but even the far left liberals in the country are not as passionate about the issue right now. It would be more politically damaging to try to push gun control right now than not to. But just wait for the next psycho to shoot up a school and the gun control bills will hit the floor of the Senate.

  10. Wow, didn't see that one coming! Guess that's not exactly what most of us were thinking he'd do. Am I going to have to eat my words at some point?

    My guess is that they just don't want to go too fast with any gun control agenda right now, it's just one of those wait and see things. My hope is that they realize that a gun control agenda is politically more damaging than leaving the issue alone.

  11. I believe I've seen this torture test before with the Glock 21 and heard about the others and the Glocks reputation for durability and reliability. That's why I bought a G-21SF. I shot about 75+ through it today on my brothers property, about 30+ yards down towards his pond, no paper targets or bench rest, just plinking. I shot a mag of Hornaday Tap 230gr +Ps because that's what I keep it loaded with, muzzel velocity about 1000 fps. The rest was just some Winchester 230gr hardballs. Of course no malfunctions, none with anything I've ever put through it in the past. My Kimber used to get failure to go into battery often. Anyway, just shooting at some debris in the pond today told me I can hit a torso size target at that distance, although it's not a detailed accuracy test it's good practice. Someday I'll try a sand bag and see what's it's capable of but I have the utmost confidense it will work for me.

  12. Awwww......what about the other amendments? That poor little Fourth Amendment left out there in the cold all by his warrantless lonesome. :hat:

    The issue we have is this idea of "democracy." Our constitutional republic was never intended to be a democratic society. As it stands, we're too often forced into lesser-of-two-evil voting, and it only takes 51% of the people to cram their collective will down the throats of the other 49%. That is very, very bad. That is exactly what our Constitution was designed to prevent.

    Do you really think the republicans, viewed nationally, are just so much better than the democrats? I don't, but I'll not attack your views if you do.

    I believe that Republicans are much more controlable when it comes to certain issues like the 2nd Amendment but that issue is regional also. On a Federal level, Republicans are less likely to vote on anti-2nd Amendment legislation than Democrats.

  13. Man if or founding fathers had attitudes like some of you guys we would still be answering to the Queen of England. :)

    If the FF could have gotten their independence through peaceful means they would have done so I'm sure. We still have the power to affect government if we choose right now. No one has said they would cower and surrender their arms if confiscation squads came to their door, I just don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. First we have to pressure our Reps and Senators in the House, local, state, and federal. I'm sure somewhere down the line the Obama Administration is going to try to pass some anti-2nd Amendment legislation but first we have to let our federal Reps know there will be political consequences if they vote to pass it. I will say that if some bill or law is passed banning any certain firearm I have, I'm not going to voluntarily turn it in.

  14. My question is what makes you think that government ATF does not already have these records in their possession.

    Even if they did have ALL the files of gun transactions say over the past 20 years, they would have to number in the tens of millions or more. How many people does the ATF have working for them and how are they going to go through all those transactions and decide who to target?

    Like Tungsten said our best bet is to inform our representitives that they will be defeated in the next election if they vote on anti-2nd Amendment bills and remind them of 1994. I just don't see 20 swat team cops charging up the hill to my house to relieve me of my guns. If they do then what about the other 79,999,999 gun owners?

  15. I've thought about this alot and one question comes to mind. With 300+ million guns in circulation, and 80+million current gun owners, just HOW will the government track down all gun owners and take their guns? First of all they will have to track down all the owners which would take a new government agency almost as big as the IRS costing billions, and since it's just impossible to track down all gun owners, it's even more logistically impossible to take their guns. You don't even have to engage them in a firefight, just do nothing. Even if they went to all gun stores and collected all the records that would cost billions and since private citizens often sell guns to other citizens with no records it would be a waste of time and effort and money that even most of the non gun owning public wont tolerate spending.

    Well I can keep going on about the logistic impossibility of banning guns here in the US but I wont, the only thing the government could do is effect current (legal) gun and ammo sales, and try to scare gun owners through the media with some token raids.

  16. Wow, am I dreaming or was that an actual fair and balanced report on gun ownership from CNN? I'm kinda impressed, thanks for posting the video because the last report about guns I saw on CNN was that farce some years ago about AK-47 clones and so-called assault weapons. Don't know if anyone here remembers that.

    I hope the increase in gun sales has sent a message to the Obama administration to stay away from gun/people control. But, as we all know the next time some psycho shoots up a school or business all us gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters will be blamed for it and the far left will be screaming for strong gun control laws. It's just a matter of time. There's quite a few Democrat Reps in the house from the more gun friendly states and it will be our job to let them know that if they go along with any bills that infringe on our gun rights, we will work hard to see that they are unemployed come next election.

  17. Not trying to interfere, being the NG and all, but won't you run out of brothers at that rate?:D

    Just kidd'n

    Used to have an sp101. Very pleasant to shoot with either 38s or full house 357s. Let that one get away during my foolish days.

    I've sold alot of guns that I regret now but I'm hanging on to my SP101. I've owned a S&W model 68, wish I still had it, a Rossie 686 .357 snubbie, not bad for a cheapo. The biggest piece of snubbie junk I owned before was a Colt Magnum carry, the only revolver I had that ever malfunctioned. Needless to say I was very disappointed in the quality of what I thought should be a great gun named Colt. The SP101 is a great little snubbie and it will handle any .357 load you want to run through it.


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