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Posts posted by K191145

  1. Because of the price, I've only fired about 40 rounds of Hornady .45+P 230gr TAP FPD through my Glock 21SF with no issues, they are what I keep loaded in it now. Just wonder if it's the combination of +P and the heavy 230gr. bullet that the XD's don't like? How about 185gr. +P's?


  2. He should have had it loaded with hard balls. Bad joke.

    Could have easily shot himself in the femorial artery also. I don't have any plans to have my handgun discharge in my holster but I always carry in a belt holster on my right hip, never cared for any other carry mode. I still don't want a 230gr bullet in my right outside thigh.

  3. Are you aware of any examples of this actually happening?

    Because it seems to me it would be a hell of a lot easier and safer to bust out a car window and jack a high $$$$ GPS unit than it would be to *try* to rush a guy just to get his gun.

    I haven't personally heard of that happening to a CCW holder but have seen videos where perps have tried to take a cops gun away, and have succeeded a few times. I know that was an escape attempt but I wouldn't put it past a crack crazed thug to try to mug you for your weapon.

    But the better reason to carry concealed is to avoid unnecessary confrontations/arguments from liberal do-gooders or gun phobics who involve LEO's.

  4. You know whats good to keep on a bike!?

    A Crown bag filled with marbles!

    People riding your ass will not ever do it again once they have a hand full of marbles hurled at their windshields! :lol:

    I suppose one could use them after getting burned by a cig too....

    I hate those signs on dump trucks that say, "Not responsible for road objects". B.S., If their gravel falls out of the back of their truck and dings my vehicle they are responsible. I wanted to make a sticker that says, "Not responsible for high velocity lead objects comming from vehicle" :D

    Of course I wouldn't brandish my handgun over it but I would raise some hell with the company.

  5. Just download S/W Revolver safety/instruction manual.

    It's there...in BIG RED PRINT.

    - OS

    Then that's their defense, the bozo should have read the instruction manual, S&W did warn him not to do that. Sounds like typical gold diggers to me. I hope S&W doesn't settle and takes it to court.

    Of course I no longer need to be reminded, my only excuse is that I was a dumb kid when I did that. Funny thing is, it stung but brought no blood and I think it was a S&W model 19. Of course there's a big difference between a .357 and a .460.

  6. All I have to say is "DUH!"

    That's just like the dummy years back that sued McDonalds because she put a hot cup of coffee between her lags and burnt "something".

    With just about everything, there is assumed risk and it's usually your own stupidity that causes injuries.

    p.s. I was hoping there was a youtube video link. You sure know how to disappoint someone. :)

    We are all capable of doing something dumb every now and then but I agree, it was still his fault and if he was a seasoned hunter, perhaps he should have known not to do that. That usually happens to those who are not familiar with revolvers.

    Unfortunatly, he will probably get a settlement and I bet S&W will add that to their operators manual. That maybe a good idea for anyone who teaches a CCW class to add that bit of information.

  7. http://www.arkansasbusiness.com/article.aspx?aid=107343.54928.119471

    Now before I mention that this man should have known not to do this, I must admit before I knew a little something about revolvers as a younger man, I did the same thing with a .357 magnum. It didn't injure me but it was like a fire cracker going off in my hand. I have never done that again, lesson learned and I have stopped others from doing that and I'm sure to tell anyone I'm teaching about revolvers not to grasp any revolver with the left hand in front of the cylinder.

    I don't believe in the law suit but if I were the president of a company that made revolvers I would put that in the operators manual.

  8. They probably won't worry about you since there is so little chance of either of those firearms actually discharging.


    Remember Ellie Nessler? She's the woman who snuck a Raven .25 in a California courtroom and pumped 5 rounds in the head of the perp who killed her son many years ago. What amazed me was the fact she was able to fire off the whole mag without it jamming. :rofl:

    I like the open carry law here. I don't open carry but it's good to know that if the wind blows my long shirt and exposes my handgun I wont be arrested for it but it's simply my opinion that there are a few thugs out there that are just brazen enough, if they see that nice Kimber or Glock on your side they may want it bad enough to ambush you with a hammer, pipe etc. to get it. To them it's just as good as waving a stack of $100 bills around. Unless you are always 100% aware of your surroundings and who's behind you, a thug with an Eastwing 2' behind you has the advantage over a .45 in your holster.

  9. I've thought about what to load in my 870, my house isn't very large and any invader will be no futher that 15 feet maybe 20 so I have mine loaded with 6-#2BB Nitro Mags. At a short distance it still just blows one big hole even with an 18" IC choke barrel. I'm confident in the loads, if I have to fight someone outside I still have my Glock 21 on my side.

  10. According to the polls, the voters are figuring out Obama. He'll get a boost with the convention, but he's really not doing too well.

    Well I hope people will wise up and realize what would become of America under an Obama administration and congress controlled by Pelosie and Ried. Scary thought.

  11. Infringing upon the Bill Of Rights is a traitorous act. I personally don't hold any politician up to hero or savior status like these Obama worshipers do. I simply vote for who I believe is the safest and less likely to destroy America and American traditions and ideals and McCain, while not being my first or 2nd or 3rd choice in the primaries, is my choice over a socialist that I believe will do America irreversible harm and damage in more ways than just gun rights. While I don't like parts of the Patriot Act, think of that tool in the hands of Obama and Pelosie and a DA that will make Janet Reno look like Janet Reno on crack. I guarntee they will reverse the focus of the Patriot Act from Islamic radicals to us.

  12. Why is it so hard for some people to understand that not every person who believes in gun rights votes on that single issue alone?

    The Constitution and Bill Of Rights is a pretty big issue, not only will Obama/Pelosie destroy the 2nd Amendment, they will destroy the 1st and what's left of the 4th when big bro investigates you and seizes your computer for posting your opinion on such a radical anti-government domestic terroristic forum like Tennessee Gun Owners.

  13. remember the days when we i a choice betwwen what was right and wrong, when the democratic talk and walked like deomcratis , the rebublicans stold tall and strong and you knew there values , where has it gone . rogue

    We can place alot of the blame on the people, we've allowed them to be the way they are.


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