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19_A_CPT last won the day on February 4 2021

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About 19_A_CPT

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    Land of Meth and Moonshine
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    Roofing Estimator


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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 17
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    Colt Mustang

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  1. Sold to the feller in the Hawaiian shirt! Thanks Buddy! Your safe corner warmer is now my safe corner warmer.
  2. May be why he missed... Dat elbow was on
  3. @Links2kI agree with you that they are both "politicians" and probably both have the same 1960's "Southern" mentality. Think Birmingham, Atlanta, Oxford, etc that could be seen in say "Remember the Titans". Segregation after the Civil War until basically the late 60s (maybe early 70s in areas) was wrong and cant be reversed and I assume that's that generation's mentality toward the issue since they were growing up when it was rampant. I know my grandparents and parents (they are older than average) were far right on the subject. I don't know if it's the Right, the Left, or the Media to blame for the divisiveness. I do know the average American whether they be Black, White, Yellow, etc is far more down to earth and hospitable (in this area anyways). Provided I live in a rural county now, but even when I was in the military and thousands of miles away from home, the outlook portrayed by Media seemed to paint a far worse picture than what the people in our small towns, bases, unit were seeing. Don't take my questions the wrong way. Just curious to see who and why you support each side or a third party for my own curiosity. Sometimes people take harmless questioning the wrong way. Both sides are quick to assume the other side or race is poking the bear, which is definitely not my intentions. Just asking for your point of view as my Middle TN, your West TN and people from Atlanta or Pennsylvania all have a different angle or view.
  4. Possibly, but a better option than Biden IMO
  5. I really think Kennedy is a better option than both of the candidates, but I will say Trump has shown a little more class recently as in the past. What are your thoughts regarding candidates? Who do you support and why?
  6. The woman in red over Trumps left shoulder went down instantly and never got back up
  7. The 38s i have seen usually had 2 holes and vertical writing. The 99s had horizontal and one hole... again this is just the ones I have seen. I'm definitely no expert. Either is a good round https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shootingtimes.com%2Feditorial%2Fjapanese-type-99-arisaka-rifle-review%2F385196&psig=AOvVaw1weTNrAlOlisRFS25EBXyL&ust=1720927480425000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCIDticuIo4cDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE Other USED Type 99 Arisaka 7.7x58mm TYPE 99 FOTH101169 Long gun - Arnzen Arms
  8. Could you send me a few pictures of all the markings? It looks like it's a Type 99 which were usually 7.7mm iirc
  9. 5 boxes 375 H&H ammo (80 rounds total) 1/2 vintage, 1/2 new production. All factory loads. (1 box Federal Supreme Nosler Partition, 1 box vintage Winchester Silvertip, 1 box vintage Remington Soft point, 2 box (10 rounds each of PPU Rifleline) $300 1 box 458 Win Mag Federal Supreme Safari 350 grain soft points **SOLD** 1 box vintage 32 Smith and Wesson in Green /yellow Remington box. $40 4 boxes 7.62x54R. (1 box Herters SoftPoints, 3 boxes PPU RifleLine) **SOLD** (FINALLY) . I would do some trading as well.
  10. Rifle has started having feeding issues I can't figure out. $500 for the Rifle only! Leupold $175 Ammo $180 for 60 rounds
  11. Looks like it would make somebody a good deer rifle.


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