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Everything posted by Raoul

  1. Raoul

    Sovereign SM64

    Does anyone know anything about this gun? Italian made .22lr semi-auto. I had this one donated to the cause. Apparently needs a little work on the firing pin.
  2. Just got in from seeing James McMurtry in Asheville. Rockin show.
  3. Cleaning is a good idea. Most of the new handguns I've bought were pretty greased up at the factory.
  4. Raoul

    Dirty Ammo

    Do you guys notice a difference between Remington UMC and WWB? It's always seemed to me that the UMC leaves a lot more crap on and in the gun than WWB or Federal.
  5. I like the PM series a lot. Like all manufacturers Kahr has had some issues with their guns, but my PM40 is one of my most accurate handguns.
  6. Raoul

    New job!

    Good news Arko.
  7. This just in, Obama has been named the 15th Dalai Lama.
  8. Yet another budgetary success for the administration. Look at all the money they've just saved the taxpayers.
  9. That's the problem. They're not made anywhere yet.
  10. They are definitely cool. However he's been promising them for a while. The story has always been that he'd keep them under $1,000.00.
  11. Everybody's got more ammo than the Wal Mart in Lebanon.
  12. I think you're probably right. I've been OC'ing more lately and I think they just don't see it. Of course I'm typically wearing my PM 40 in an IWB holster. But still, it's out and in the open.
  13. I met a guy at the range today who told me he has ammo stored in 4 different buildings. Said he has 15k of blanks alone. Go figure.
  14. LOL!!! Or else forget where it's all stored.
  15. You mean in tens of thousands by caliber?
  16. So I thought I'd revisit this thread with some info and an interesting occurrence. My reloads were 9mm with 115 gr Winchester FMJ, and 3.9 gr of Bullseye powder. I shot the first 50 some time back and had problems with the G19 cycling the rounds. Obviously they were a little undercharged. About a month ago I changed from using Remoil to militec-1. Today I took the last 50 rounds I had loaded to see what would happen. Every round cycled perfectly. I think that speaks well of the militec-1. My interesting problem today was with a Blazer brass 9mm round. There was apparently no powder in the shell. This is why I always take a wooden pencil in my range bag. Great tool to remove a lodged bullet.
  17. I'm a fan of Kahr's PM series. The CW is less expensive and a bit larger.
  18. I believe you've done all that can be reasonably asked of you. I went with a fence and more foliage. And several wireless cameras on the perimeter.


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